Itchy Skin
Natural Remedies

Dog Itchy Skin Home Remedy Options

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Posted by Ria (Wash. Dc) on 06/19/2020

I have a rescue pit bull who is around 10 years old. I've had him for around 5 years or so and throughout all of that time he has been plagued with itchy skin, ear infections and other allergies, sores between paws, sometimes vomits. His veterinarian advised me that its because his immune system is breaking down and that he will most likely have more frequent episodes. After some research and also after ordering an on line allergy kit to get an idea of what his worst sensitivities are I decided to try colostrum since probiotics didn't seem to work. Changing his diet helped a lot but within a day or so after supplementing him with colostrum, the scratching stopped. I just started so I will report back after a month or so but I'm very encouraged.