My six year old rescue, Ryan, has been treated for itchy skin ever since I got him 3 years ago. I tried homeopathy, Chinese medicine, salmon oil, (probably didn't use enough) until he almost chewed his tail off. I then had to resort to steroids and, finally, apoquel. It worked but I hated the thought of the possible side effects, plus it was expensive. A woman at the vet's said she'd used Yuderm and it had worked for her (after several weeks). I ordered it weeks ago but it has just arrived, so haven't tested it yet. I'd ran out of the salmon oil so decided to use the coconut oil I had in the kitchen, (I never measured it), but about a teaspoonful mixed in with his food, plus about a teaspoonful of the ground flaxseed I happened to have at hand. He's 20kgs (about 44lbs) .
I also added about 1/2 teaspoonful of MSM (possibly slightly less), for good measure. He got this with his breakfast and with his dinner. It's been about 2 weeks now, and it's made a huge difference. He scratches every now and again, but in a normal way. The incessant scratching and licking have stopped. I'd just ordered some Apoquel for backup, but haven't had to use it yet. I read somewhere that it's the Omega 3 and Omega 6 that does it. It's
Unbelievable, the difference it's made. (I've also just had a look at the ingredients in Yuderm: 62.25% Flaxseed oil, 21% Salmon oil, 9% purified fish oil, and 7.5% Borage oil).
I don't think the MSM has anything to do with it, think it's just the coconut oil and the flaxseed that worked. And much much cheaper than the Yuderm!