Hip Dysplasia
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies and Care for Pets with Hip Dysplasia

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Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Acidophilus
Posted by Kayla (Lufkin, Tx, Usa) on 09/23/2011

We have an 8-year-old hound/retriever/?? mix, about 40 pounds, who has hip dysplasia and was very stiff, couldn't run or jump, etc. My mom started him on a regimen of Ester-C, glucosimine, and acidophilous daily and over the couse of a week or so it made a HUGE difference. He can run, jump on on his hind legs, jump on furniture, etc. and his back legs are not swollen/deformed like they had been. This same sweet dog also has had horrible, horrible gas all of his life (we have other dogs, and of course they all have the toots, but this boy's gas is UNREAL) and the acidophilous has really helped with that.