Hip Dysplasia
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies and Care for Pets with Hip Dysplasia

| Modified on Dec 04, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Turmeric, Supplements, Stretching
Posted by Oolagirl (Chicago) on 01/23/2017

Editor's Choice

Tumeric for Dog torn acl or hip pain

My lab Max, who we lost last year at 14, started experiencing a terrible limp when he was about 9 years old. After doing some research, I started making him ground turkey in a cup of turmeric broth. He had no interest in the broth until I added the turkey. I would bicycle his leg gently, forward and backward 15 times twice a day, and fwd him a tbsp of turmeric in chicken broth with some ground turkey. He also got a Glucosamine Chondroitin capsule once a day.

We did this every day for a month, and he was walking great, up until the end, when old age got the better of him.

I miss him every day, and hope this helps someone else out there.

Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Acidophilus
Posted by R.c. (Pa) on 10/19/2016

Is she a 75 lb. or 25 lb. kittty? I have a 25 lb. 13 year Main Coon cat. He recently has hip displacea. He used to hop run fast all around the yard just like a puppy & chase sticks, & he wasn't fat just stocky build. Now he weighs 11 pounds, has constipation from the hip problem & maybe the pain & walks likes he's crippled. Heard good reviews about a product called "DogGonePain". Wonder if that plus glocosimine/chondroitoin work for this problem.

Multiple Supplements
Posted by Noel (Ono Island) on 11/30/2015

Our 8.5 year old labradoodle, Buddy, was incredibly active until about six months ago when he was diagnosed with Hip Displasia. We are trying different remedies, as we hate starting him on drugs so early in his life.

We appreciate the data, suggestions, and recommendations posted, as they have been very helpful.

My question is with Vitamin C ... Assuming it does not have to be a specially formulated vitamin for dogs...yes? May I crush one of our Vitamin Cs into his food? Also, will it help or prevent, as I believe prevention is behind us at this point.

Thank you

Multiple Supplements
Posted by Kathryn4 (Maryland, USA) on 07/24/2015


It took only three days! 1,000 mg crushed vit c in his food, 1 vit e , shakes of dulse powder, 4 brewers years tabs.My dog weighs 32 lbs.

Multiple Supplements
Posted by Schanae (Apopka) on 07/21/2015

Hi, Kathryn.

Can you tell me how long it took after starting these supplements before you noticed any results? I have a 20 pound Pekingese who has been experiencing the same symptoms. He has been on Rimadyl and Tramadol but I don't want to give him this long term. Also, it seems to be a temporary relief for pain. He is currently on the vitamin C. If you can, tell me how many pounds your dog weighs so I can adjust the dosage accordingly. Thanks so much!

Multiple Supplements
Posted by Kathryn4 (Maryland, Usa) on 07/16/2015

This seems to work! My dog's legs were beginning to collapse while taking him out to do his business. He is 16. He has stopped collapsing his hind legs after I started the following.

I referred to one of the alternative nutritional vet books I have and began adding in his meal:

  • 1000mg Vit C powder - 2x/day
  • 1 Vit E gel capsule - 1x/day
  • Brewers yeast for dogs (goes by weight for how many)
  • Kelp or dulse powder I give - 1tsp 1x/day
  • 5 sprays salmon oil - 1x/day
  • Multi vitamin chewable - 1x/day


Vitamin C
Posted by Carrie V (Palmdale, Ca) on 07/06/2015

My dog was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. He has been limping around for months. I found this post and decided to give Ester C a try. He has gone from limping to running around again, what a blessing. Thanks for your post!

Turmeric, Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses
Posted by Diane (Las Vegas) on 05/25/2015

This sounds amazing I am going to try it on my black lab I do not have Melissas tonight but I just gave her turmeric and coconut oil. I will buy molasses tomorrow. I pray it works, thank you so much.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jackie (Nipomo, California) on 02/23/2015

You may be experiencing what is called the "Herxheimer Reaction" when you first begin to use coconut oil and it has to do with the dying-off of the harmful pathogens that have been living within you and your dogs body. From the studies I've read, it only kills the bad bacteria and not harmful to the good bacteria that is needed by the body to maintain health. Flu like symptoms are quite the norm during the first usage of it and quit frankly, you can feel as if a Mac Truck has hit you if you have a larger than normal gut load of pathogens. I am not an expert, however it is easy to look up online. Just Google Herxheimer Reaction, or here is a link to one of the websites that pertain to the use of coconut oil.


Posted by Clare (Banbury, England) on 10/18/2014

My GSD is ten years old and has Hip Dysplasia and arthritis. She would walk for only a few yards and turn round to go home. My vet put her on NSAIDs which worked, but I wanted to find a safe alternative, and I have. I do not work or have friends or relatives in this company. I just want to pass on something that really does work. Apparently it is the number one seller in America for canine arthritis. DogGonePain is utterly amazing. My sweet dog is now going for walks and enjoying every minute. I just wish there was a human version.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jennifer (Texas, US) on 08/25/2014

I only gave her 5 Tbsp the day she was lying on floor unable to stand, I had to bring her water bowl to her and she was barely eating. I stayed by her side all day carrying her in and out to potty and to catch some rays and she is not a little dog. We were doing 2-3 Tbsp a day but now it's every other day. And now she doesn't see it as a treat anymore. I have to find clever ways to incorporate into her meals, But I'm happy to report that things are almost back to normal. I just started including 1 tsp of Tumeric to her dry food to help with arthritis.

Thanks for your concern, Jennifer

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amy (Fort Collins, Co) on 06/26/2014


Hi, I am so glad to hear that your that dog has improved with coconut oil, but I would caution people NOT start out with 5 tablespoons of coconut oil for their pets!!! That can make a dog very sick! Even people can have a bad reaction to more than 1 teaspoon of coconut oil starting out.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jea (Austin, Texas) on 06/26/2014

I have a 15yr old American Staffordshire who has just recently been showing signs of hip discomfort and she is at a perfect weight. I went to my only site for ailments EarthClinic and read about Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. I had given this to her in the past but it was never a ritual. I gave her about 5tbsp and the next day she was acting like a pup she has been getting it everyday since then but only 2tbsp a day, She is still up and running now signs of discomfort, But I will soon add Vitamin C to her diet to make sure.

Thanks EC.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Scott Krauss (Newman Lake, Wa) on 05/13/2013

I have not tried the EVCO on my dog but will from now on. My wife and I use it all the time. MSM is suppose to work on dogs as well and I hear that Magnesium Oil is very very good for the Hip Displasia. My dog is 11yrs and I hate to see him suffer, We have lots of stairs in our house, I try to limit him to only the shortest sets of stairs. Love this site, you all are awesome!

Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Acidophilus
Posted by Malcolm (Lincoln, Va) on 10/08/2012

*75lb female pitty*

Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Acidophilus
Posted by Malcolm (Lincoln, Va, Us) on 10/08/2012

@Hope, I have an almost 5 year old 75lbs female kitty, that has just started showing signs of stiffness and pain in her left hip when she awakens from her many naps. We started noticing this 2-3 weeks ago. She had a weight problem due to hypo-thyroid 3 months ago, and i've had her chasing after a ball daily, and giving her a prescription drug. She lost about 7lbs, but I'm worried the exercise is bothering her. I haven't started anything for the pain in her hip, as I have just started investigating, but would like to stay in communication about what we are both doing and what is working.

Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Acidophilus
Posted by Catanndog (Marlboro, New Jersey) on 10/04/2012

Hi Carissa: I order my glucosamine from Swanson Vitamins online. They have a bottle I use for myself and for my dogs.

Item SW1081 is Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM, 500/400/200 - 240 tablets. I give 1pill, 2x a day, I crush the pill with the bottom of a glass and put it in their food. The bottle cost $19.99.

I am just staring to also use Tumeric, I heard Walmart has a bottle from Spring Valley for $7.00. Good luck to you!!!

Regards, Cathy

Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Acidophilus
Posted by Carissa (Norristown, Pa, Usa) on 08/22/2012

It seems some of this comments are a bit old, but im hopeless and need some advice.. I have a 95 pound pit bull who is 5 this year. His hips bother him in the mornings usually and he acts stiff and cannot stand up well, but as the day goes on he is better. Ive been giving him 1,440 mg of glucosamine and 500 mg of chondroition daily for a few months now, and it can get costly.. I switched the form of what I give these to him in and noticed a lack of MSM, could that be the problem? also, what are some different options? he isnt to thepoint it affects his daily life, but it hurts to see him in the morning struggle to get out of his bed! Thank you for your time!

Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Acidophilus
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 05/18/2012

Homeopathis arnica montana is excellent for the pain. Fed 1/2 teasp. Turmeric in warm oil over food. Only use olive or coconut oil. Organic blackstrap molasses provide the much needed minerals. Vit c will be most beneficial. Also feed green algae products.

Turmeric lengthens ligaments and benefits in many ways. Good luck.

Posted by Kari (Manzanita, Oregon) on 12/30/2011

Tumeric works great for tumors and Hip D. But it only activates if using it with oil. I use coconut oil. I researched several different websites and have been amazed at the results. 1 tsp each added to my dogs food and on day 3 he was using his back leg again. He is a Lab mix but quit using it for 4 months. He repeatedly injured his hip playing frisbee so we had to stop that activity. Now he plays ball and cant tell anything was ever wrong!

Posted by Judye (Central Nc, North Carolina) on 11/08/2011

Something I learned about using Turmeric is for it to get absorbed into our bodies or our pets it MUST be mixed with Black Pepper. Otherwise it won't do much good. It takes the 2 together to work best. Just sprinkle some pepper with it next time.

Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Acidophilus
Posted by Kayla (Lufkin, Tx, Usa) on 09/23/2011

We have an 8-year-old hound/retriever/?? mix, about 40 pounds, who has hip dysplasia and was very stiff, couldn't run or jump, etc. My mom started him on a regimen of Ester-C, glucosimine, and acidophilous daily and over the couse of a week or so it made a HUGE difference. He can run, jump on on his hind legs, jump on furniture, etc. and his back legs are not swollen/deformed like they had been. This same sweet dog also has had horrible, horrible gas all of his life (we have other dogs, and of course they all have the toots, but this boy's gas is UNREAL) and the acidophilous has really helped with that.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Judy (Central, Nc) on 04/16/2011

Deborah, My doberman has hip D. I give her Virgin Coconut Oil that I get at the health food store. I cook with it, eat it myself daily, and give it to my dogs. I bet it would be cheaper that was too and more pure.

One suggestion, if I may. From your symptoms I highly recommend you find a specialty Dr. who would do a Provoked Urine Challenge Test. This test will show toxic heavy metals that can cause everything you are plagued with. You will be amazed at what they will find and once you start to detox you will feel the world of difference. It's not cheap but what is your good health worth when these things are killing you slowly?

Vitamin C
Posted by Robyn (Ojai, Ca) on 02/26/2011

Will this work for elbow displasia as well, for my 8th month year old basset hound?

Posted by Bob From Hudson (Hudson, Michigan, Usa) on 01/09/2011

I give Tumeric to all my dogs... Usually once a week... I get the "Powder Form" and just sprinkle a little in their food... I use a kibble dog food and cover it with water... If need be you can mix it into the food...

Posted by Cubmom5 (Schertz, Texas, Usa) on 10/28/2010

After trying peanut butter, liverworst and all sorts of other disguises my husband suggested just throwing the pills in with the food. MOST of the time it gets woofed down without notice but we have several dogs so they have the competition thing going on. I usually reserve a little of the kibble and stand by the dish as the dogs eats. If he drops it onto the floor I just throw it back into the dish with the food and he eats it. Sometimes I use the extra food I have in reserve if there is not much left. My dog is eating 6 pills per meal, he eats twice a day so it has worked well for us. I don't think it would work with wet food, only the kibble.

Vitamin C
Posted by Ckavanagh (Roanoke, Va, Usa) on 08/09/2010

Just wanted to say how well vit C worked for my dog. He had suffered from hip dysplasia as well as a large tumor in his front right 'shoulder'. I began giving about 100mg's of Vit C (Calcium Ascorbate)3 times daily. Within 2 days, his improvement was dramatic. He started running again (he's 12 yrs old)and wanting to 'play' again. Not to mention how shiny his coat is. I increased his dose slowly to about 500mg's 3 times daily. When he got diarrhea, I backed off the dose a little until it stopped. This is backed up by studies done at 'The Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah' by Vets, in over 100 case studies (they used Ester C). Although it doesn't 'cure' hip dysplasia, it allows the dog to lead a normal, pain free life, not to mention make them a much healthier animal.

Turmeric, Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses
Posted by Marise (Near North Bay, Ontario, Canada) on 01/24/2010

I've tried your recipe and it doesn't seem to do anything to MY 2 dogs: 11 yr old Border Collie with hip dysplasia, and 6 yr old Beagle/Shepherd with slipped disc in neck. Please advise what I'm doing wrong??!! Thank u

My e-mail is [email protected]

Exercise and Hip Dysplasia
Posted by Btrant (Greer, Sc) on 01/12/2010

My 1 yr old labradoodle has hip dysplasia. I can feel her left hip popping when she walks. Can I walk her and if so, how often?

Turmeric, Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses
Posted by Syarosca (Elizabeth, PA ) on 07/09/2009

I have a springer spaniel 13 years old - she has hip displaysia and could not walk at all. I had to carry her each and every time she had to go out because she could not climb stairs. After reading your web site I started to add 1 Tbl of black strap molasses, 1tsp of ACV and 1/8th tsp turmeric to her dog food once a day. After 2 days of feeding her this.She is like a puppy again, she has no problem what-so-ever going up and down the stairs! She is frisky and prancing around. She can even jump up on the couch again. I was so afraid that I would have to put her down and I prayed that I would find a way to stop the pain she was in. Your web site saved her life and answered my prayers also. Thank You so very much

Posted by Cathey (Mandeville, Louisiana) on 06/07/2009

Please help! My 1yr old Rottweiler has hip dysplasia I think. Vet wants to give Rimedyl @ I dont. I luckly found out about you. I want to try some of your suggestions posted here. I can't get the turmeric down her. Tried peanut butter, broth, mixing in yogert. Can anyone please help?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Deborah (Swansea, SC) on 04/28/2007

I previously wrote some negative feedback about coconunt oil...but I now stand corrected. despite the bad side effects, the flu or food poison symptoms, and yep, I even gained weight at first. After suffering with IBS all my life, I have finally found a cure. I continued to take the VCO even after being sick with it and even gaining weight... I went to my Dr. this past Tuesday and told her I was on it. My blood pressure was a little high, but she told me the VCO was not causing it and she has never heard anything negative about it. she told me that my thyroid was enlarged, but I am sure it was like that before I took the VCO..I started on 2 capsuls today, after being on 1 for the last 3 weeks. my weight is starting to slim down some...my appetite has been cut in half...I have energy, the bumps on the back of my arms, are all but gone...my severely dry skin is now soft..my hair is better too. but the main thing is my IBS is cured...I have tried everything under the sun, and this is the only thing that has had this kind of results. and my large bulldog had severe hip problems, I give him 2 glucosomene and one coconut capsul every day. he is so much better..I took him walking today for the first time in a long time. we have always had him on glucosome but we have never had this kind of result, my dog also had bad side effects at first, and I stopped for a while, but he only got worse...he is just so much better now...its amazing. I don't know if coconut oil is for everyone, but I am a firm believer in it now, yes the side effects are bad at first, but be patient it gets better.

Vitamin C
Posted by Sunny (Solvang, CA) on 05/24/2007

When my male cocker spaniel was about 6 months old, symptoms of hip dysplasia showed up dramatically. In a very short time he was almost crippled. After praying (God is good!), I began giving him 2,000 mg. of buffered C daily. Within a few days, he was walking & running like a normal pup. When I discontinued the C, the symptoms reoccurred, so I kept him on it continually. He is 12 years old now, is quite healthy, and still walks/runs without a problem. He has an unusually healthy diet, including apple cider vinegar & other supplements, and he and his twin sister are incredibly young for their age!

Traumeel and Zeel
Posted by Jg (Dania, USA) on 03/19/2008

I met an alternative/homeopathic veterinarian who suggested I give my dog Heels Traumeel and Zeel for inflammation. I couldn't get the Zeel, but I did try the Traumeel and its like a miracle! I got it from Entirely Pets online.

My regular vet said she thought the recent pains and falling were due to inflammation and not the hip dysplasia so I tried the Traumeel and within hours he was walking straight up again! I hope it lasts!