Hip Dysplasia Remedies

Turmeric, Supplements, Stretching
Posted by Oolagirl (Chicago) on 01/23/2017

Editor's Choice Tumeric for Dog torn acl or hip pain

My lab Max, who we lost last year at 14, started experiencing a terrible limp when he was about 9 years old. After doing some research, I started making him ground turkey in a cup of turmeric broth. He had no interest in the broth until I added the turkey. I would bicycle his leg gently, forward and backward 15 times twice a day, and fwd him a tbsp of turmeric in chicken broth with some ground turkey. He also got a Glucosamine Chondroitin capsule once a day.

We did this every day for a month, and he was walking great, up until the end, when old age got the better of him.

I miss him every day, and hope this helps someone else out there.