Posted by Syarosca (Elizabeth, PA ) on 07/09/2009
I have a springer spaniel 13 years old - she has hip displaysia and could not walk at all. I had to carry her each and every time she had to go out because she could not climb stairs. After reading your web site I started to add 1 Tbl of black strap molasses, 1tsp of ACV and 1/8th tsp turmeric to her dog food once a day. After 2 days of feeding her this.She is like a puppy again, she has no problem what-so-ever going up and down the stairs! She is frisky and prancing around. She can even jump up on the couch again. I was so afraid that I would have to put her down and I prayed that I would find a way to stop the pain she was in. Your web site saved her life and answered my prayers also. Thank You so very much