Posted by Jea (Austin, Texas) on 06/26/2014
I have a 15yr old American Staffordshire who has just recently been showing signs of hip discomfort and she is at a perfect weight. I went to my only site for ailments EarthClinic and read about Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. I had given this to her in the past but it was never a ritual. I gave her about 5tbsp and the next day she was acting like a pup she has been getting it everyday since then but only 2tbsp a day, She is still up and running now signs of discomfort, But I will soon add Vitamin C to her diet to make sure.
Thanks EC.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Deborah (Swansea, SC) on 04/28/2007
I previously wrote some negative feedback about coconunt oil...but I now stand corrected. despite the bad side effects, the flu or food poison symptoms, and yep, I even gained weight at first. After suffering with IBS all my life, I have finally found a cure. I continued to take the VCO even after being sick with it and even gaining weight... I went to my Dr. this past Tuesday and told her I was on it. My blood pressure was a little high, but she told me the VCO was not causing it and she has never heard anything negative about it. she told me that my thyroid was enlarged, but I am sure it was like that before I took the VCO..I started on 2 capsuls today, after being on 1 for the last 3 weeks. my weight is starting to slim down appetite has been cut in half...I have energy, the bumps on the back of my arms, are all but severely dry skin is now hair is better too. but the main thing is my IBS is cured...I have tried everything under the sun, and this is the only thing that has had this kind of results. and my large bulldog had severe hip problems, I give him 2 glucosomene and one coconut capsul every day. he is so much better..I took him walking today for the first time in a long time. we have always had him on glucosome but we have never had this kind of result, my dog also had bad side effects at first, and I stopped for a while, but he only got worse...he is just so much better now...its amazing. I don't know if coconut oil is for everyone, but I am a firm believer in it now, yes the side effects are bad at first, but be patient it gets better.