Heartworm Treatment and Home Remedies for Pets

Ayurveda Parasite and Heartworm Remedy
Posted by Molov127 (Usa) on 09/09/2020 27 posts

Ayurvedic herbs are safe for dogs or cats and work slowly and gently. They can be given without needing to take a break at all until 60-90 days of dosing.

For Parasitic cleansing (including heartworm)

for 50-65lb dog..

Twice a day, give - 1/4t Vidanga, 1/8 t neem, 1/8t turmeric, and (optional for summertime; or if not summer then always for dogs with very oily skin or who are thirsty all the time)-> 1/4 t guduchi satva'

If premixing all herbs and storing in glass jar, then mix all herbs to ratio 2:2:1:1 vidanga/guduchi/turmeric/neem... simply take 3/4t or heaping 1/2 t and dump in food twice a day with food. give up to 3 times a day no more.

Cats give 1/4 tsp level of the mix once a day in food mixed well, no more

Continue 7 days

Then on 7th night give 1/4 cup ginger water boiled with 1/2inch ginger root sliced and boiled 10 min with 1 tbsp castor oil (organic).. with this give a little bread or food to soak it up if they think it's too spicy but most likely the castor oil will make them ignore spicyness (cats give 1 tbsp ginger water with 1/2-1 tsp castor oil in a bit of their food)

Provide a ready route in environment for animal to use the bathroom to expel the initial die off of parasites. leave dog door open, put cat box near where cat sleeps, etc. newspaper near animals beds

From here continue regimen cut in half for 60-90 days

1/8 tsp for cats once a day with food

heaping 1/4 tsp for dogs up to 3x a day with food

I like to make and add a splash parsley water (2 bunches boiled to a quart for 3-4 m)

or a splash of burdock and dandelion root boiled into tea I get from backyard chopped down (doesnt have to be diced small) and boiled for 10 m and left to steep 10 m.. use 2 roots from each plant for a quart of water

use these teas to keep the kidneys flowing so their body can keep up with detox . I give tea a week and stop a week. if water is clean enough, or the animals have an excellent diet (not kibble) or they have access to browse outside daily on grasses and herbs... then tea isnt totally necessary

sometimes I make a tea from all three parsley burdock dandelion. just a few tbsp for dogs and just a few tsp for cats

These herbs will cause less irritability than cloves and wormwood to the animals skin and liver. not that those herbs are not good. they can just be a little extreme over time. I personally used the wormwood walnut and clove remedy with sucess and several years of clean heartworm tests. if anything, rotate between the walnut/wormwood/clove cure and this cure when they get irritable from the clove base remedy(with kidney teas mention above)

These Ayurvedic herbs can be purchased relatively cheap online. please only buy organic or wild harvested powders... some companies grow these herbs in the non traditional way and use pesticides or GMO... could harm pet worse than doing nothing.

Once regimen concludes, take a break. I would research heartworm season in your area and dose steadily all season with one week breaks here and there.

Turmeric is optional in this remedy and is only included to balance out bad bacteria, and/or potentiate (amplify) the effects of the other herbs