Wish your doggie all the best. Namaste, Om
Enlarged Heart Remedies
Enlarged Heart Remedies
A-C Carbamide by Standard Process or Water Out by Now Foods or anything else Instead of Furosenmide
PeptACE Instead of Enalapril
Is It Vetmedin Pimobendan essential?
till now I only giving CardioVet by Vetexpert http://www.vetexpert.pl/en/pets/pets-products/cardiovet
but plan to add d ribose, magnesium and omega3
Regards, Alexander
Enlarged Heart Remedies
(Mpls., Mn) on 10/16/2014
I have very little first hand experience dealing with your dog's condition: I can only advise you read all the EC pages and feedback from those who have first hand experience with this condition to form your own, personal plan of action for treating your boy. Exact doses are something you will need to determine for yourself - so much of healing is hit and miss: what works for one dog may not work for another. There is no short cut to this home work :-(.
I do think starting on the vet prescribed meds is a good starting point. Once his symptoms are under control, you can then apply the natural remedies and action plan you have formed from reading these pages.
Enlarged Heart Remedies
Enlarged Heart Remedies
Enlarged Heart Remedies
Thank you, Mary
EC: Thanks for the suggestion, Mary! Dog heart health is definitely important to a lot of us pet owners (cat heart health too!). Any other contributions to help the EC Community?