Just to clear up the many misconceptions out there about garlic, it is safe for dogs in moderation. I have fed it to all 5 of mine since they were pups, all eat a home cooked diet with about the equivalent of 1/2 clove each per day, and typically do not get fleas or worms, unless it's a very bad year for fleas. 4 of them weigh between 50 and 60 pounds, the other is around 35 pounds, just for reference. Even in bad years, such as last year, they don't get many, and the fleas don't stick around very long, as they can't stand the smell of the garlic.
Onions, on the other hand, can do serious harm to your dogs! The allium content in them is much higher than in garlic, although they are from the same plant family.
The key to feeding garlic is caution and being observant. Like with any food, some dogs, or humans, might have an allergy to ANY food, so start small, observe carefully for a few days, then if they do well, continue and enjoy not using toxic flea preparations on your fur babies. :-) Also do some research on herbal preparations that you can make at home, rather than using toxic chemicals that are sold at the store, labeled "safe." I assure you they are not all that safe. The are pesticides, plain and simple.
Here's to good health!
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
Wait a minute: I just read the AVMA research, and they said they gave the dogs the equivalent of 5 grams of garlic per kilo of body weight - that is about 20 cloves of garlic (per day! ) for a medium-sized dog, and that's a crazy amount that would make even a human sick!! The recommended dose is about ONE clove for a dog 20-40 kg. If you take a large dose of ANYTHING, it could kill you, so the AVMA test seems to be fundamentally wrong.
Thanks to your grandma!!! My dad, also a hardcore Italian, keeps telling me the same about the garlic!! He used to breed dogs as well. My cat got worms last year. I gave her deworming medicine but my dad told me to give the dog a clove just in case he had it too. Well fast forward a year my dog, a Cavalier King Charles, Has worms. I called my dad immediately Because the vet's office is closed at this time. He says, no worry my sweetheart just give the dog garlic. He came over opened up some garlic and shoved a whole clove right down my dogs throat!! 😬 I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do that too but I'll give it a try. I'm just praying that this fixes him without having the expensive bill! Thanks for your story, it helped quite a bit!
Fleas and Ticks
Garlic to control fleas and ticks in dogs.
Vets are misinformed. A dog or cat would have to eat vast amounts of garlic to lower their red blood cell count. If you are still unsure I would suggest rubbing garlic puree between the shoulder blades of your cat or dog - this will deter fleas as well as feeding garlic to your pets.
Hi, I have a boerboel, Jessie. She had a black growth on her ear that just got bigger and bigger, I started to smear ordourless garlic, which is 4 times stronger. Is now healed completely and nothing has grown back for 6 months now. Due to her age she developed a tumor on her back, I started again, on and off 3 capsule every 3 days, and its shrinking, still busy with her treatment. Did have to shave the area a bit,
Is It Safe?
My friend's 9 m-o King Charles Cavalier was given lamb with some garlic in it. She didn't eat much but she's been passing watery, blood-stained stools for 12 hours & crying. It's now been 24 hrs since she's eaten & the diarrhoea has stopped but she still looks sorry for herself. Very avoidable! I'll be feeding her plain boiled rice for now.
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
(Mpls., Mn) on 11/07/2016
The table did not appear correctly
5 lbs - feed one sixth teaspoon
10 lbs - feed one third teaspoon
15 lbs - feed one half teaspoon
20 lbs - feed two thirds teaspoon
30 lbs - feed one teaspoon
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
(Mpls., Mn) on 11/07/2016
Sharing this article: http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/garlic-for-dogs-poison-or-medicine/
Garlic For Dogs: Poison Or Medicine?
By Rita Hogan
If you look at any dog-centered poisonous plant list garlic is there. Don't fret! You have nothing to fear and everything to gain.
· I'll set your mind at ease by telling you how to properly prepare garlic for dogs for maximum health benefits, and how much you can safely feed your dog.
· First, here's why garlic is such a wonderful plant …
Garlic's Properties
· Garlic is high in inulin, amino acids, sulphur, zinc, potassium and phosphorus. It also contains vitamin A, C, calcium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, germanium and B-complex vitamins.
· Garlic's pungent energy warms the body. Pungent herbs move energy upwards and outwards to the body's surface, improving circulation. Garlic also has an affinity for the lungs, large intestine, spleen and stomach.
· Garlic helps detoxify the body. It supports beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract and eliminates harmful bacteria. I use it in the fall, winter and early spring as a detox and to balance out the digestive system.
· As a liver enhancer, garlic breaks down wastes before they enter the bloodstream. It also helps your dog assimilate nutrients and eliminate wastes through the entire digestive tract.
· Garlic is high in sulphur and fructans (inulin and oligofructose). Fructans can cause digestive upset in dogs suffering from leaky gut, inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. When undigested fructans ferment in the small intestine, they cause bloating, gas and constipation. Your dog's digestive system needs to be healthy before you feed her garlic.
Note: If you've made it this far, you're likely one cool cat with a solid interest in your dog's health. Stick around, there's more. But before you go, add your email belowand we'll send you this free pet food analyzer you can try at home. Here's what to do:
1. Grab your pets food bag or can
2. download the free analyzer
3. Analyze your pet's food ingredients and know which foods to steer clear of and which are the good guys
Garlic's Actions
Here are some ways garlic helps keep your dog healthy:
· Prevents the formation of blood clots (anti-platelet)
· Decreases cholesterol build up (anti-cholesterolemic)
· Widens blood vessels (vasodilator)
· Helps prevent the formation of tumors (anti-tumor)
· Stimulates the lymphatic system to remove wastes
· Antibiotic, antifungal and antiparasitic
Garlic has other uses in addition to these health benefits.
Flea And Tick Repellent
Garlic may help you in the war on fleas and ticks if you feed it to your dogs during flea and tick season. It takes a couple of weeks for garlic to build up in your dog's natural coat oil, so start feeding it before the bug season starts.
I don't bathe my dogs too much during flea and tick season. One good soapy wash and you'll have to start the build-up process again. To avoid this, use a Castile soap for bathing, or use cornstarch or Fuller's Earth as a dry shampoo (but use these sparingly … you don't want to dry out your dog's coat too much).
When using garlic as a flea and tick repellent, feed each day for two weeks, then twice a week for maintenance.
Garlic And Cancer
Garlic for dogs has shown promise with cancers of the colon, lung, stomach and rectum. The compounds in garlic increase immunity and enhance natural killer cells. Natural killer cells destroy pathogenic bacteria and cancer cells.
While there are few clinical trials studying the anti-cancer effects of garlic, the National Cancer Institute reports that several population studies show an association between increased garlic intake and reduced risk of several types of cancer.
The Importance Of Fresh Raw Garlic
My clients always ask, “can I use the pre-chopped garlic in the jar?” or “How about the peeled whole clove garlic in the bag…it's organic?”
My answer is always NO.
When I say fresh, raw garlic I really mean fresh, raw, organically grown garlic … the kind that stays in the husk until 10 to 15 minutes before you feed your dog.
Buy garlic that's produced in the United States, preferably grown locally or in your own garden. Make sure you know where your garlic comes from. All garlic isn't created equal.
For example, Chinese garlic consistently tests positive for unsafe levels of arsenic, heavy metals and chlorine. Don't risk your dog's health by using it!
So, again, just to be clear: use fresh, raw, organic garlic whenever you're supplementing or feeding garlic for dogs. Nothing from a jar!
Why is this important? It's because you need active enzymes and whole plant synergy to get the true benefits of garlic.
· Raw garlic contains two enzymes: allinn and alliinase. When you crush, mince or chop garlic, these enzymes combine to create the enzyme allicin. Allicin is the active medicinal ingredient in garlic that gives it those antibiotic, anti-cancer, antiviral and antioxidant properties.
· When you feed raw garlic you're getting highly effective whole plant medicine and nutrition. A plant's effectiveness doesn't come from the action of any single chemical. Garlic extracts don't provide the hundreds of chemical constituents working together as they do in a plant. For example, the Kyolic aged garlic extract that you can buy at health food stores doesn't contain any allicin.
Concerns When Using Garlic For Dogs
Garlic is safe for your dog when you feed it in appropriate amounts as I'll explain later. However, there are some cautions.
Pregnant Dogs
Always be cautious with any medicine or supplement for pregnant dogs. Consult your holistic veterinarian when feeding garlic to expectant mothers. Garlic also changes the taste of breast milk so avoid feeding it to nursing dogs.
Don't give garlic to puppies under six months. Puppies eight weeks or less don't produce new red blood cells so never give them garlic. For puppies aged six months to a year, you can be cautious and feed half the regular dose.
Breed Specific Issues
Veterinary herbalist Susan Wynn warns against giving garlic to Akitas and Shiba Inus. These breeds are more sensitive to the hemolytic effects of oxidants such as N-propyl disulphide found in garlic. Consult your holistic vet if you have concerns about your dog's breed related risks.
Drug Interactions
Garlic can interact with several types of medications. Here's the short list:
· Immune suppressants
· Heart medications
· Chemotherapy drugs
· Blood thinners
· Insulin
· Antacids
· High blood pressure drugs.
Don't use garlic if your dog is on any of these drugs.
Since garlic affects blood clotting don't use it two weeks before any scheduled surgery.
Why Garlic Scares People
Conventional veterinarians panic when you tell them you're feeding garlic to your dog.
Don't do that – it'll kill her! is a typical response.
That's false.
Garlic related deaths are practically non-existent compared to the number of deaths that frequently-prescribed drugs like Rimadyl cause.
Here's an excerpt from Veterinary Pet Insurance's website:
“In general, garlic can be more concentrated than an onion, ” says Dr. Justine Lee, a veterinary emergency critical care specialist and author of two popular books on pets. “It's actually considered to be about 5X as potent as an onion.” Consider the rule of thumb when it comes to onion toxicity: Consumption of as little as 5 g/kg of onions in cats or 15 to 30 g/kg in dogs has resulted in clinically important hematologic changes. According to scientific studies, onion toxicosis is consistently noted in animals that ingest more than 0.5% of their body weight in onions at one time.* Since garlic is significantly more concentrated than an onion, an even smaller ingested amount will likely lead to toxicosis—as little as one clove of garlic can lead to toxicity in dogs and cats.”
Wow! That's quite a scary warning. My sixteen-year-old pug should have died when he was two.
Research Caused The Misunderstanding
The reason for this misleading information is that most research studies base their findings on the effects of garlic extracts, excessive dosages and unnatural delivery methods. Researchers rarely use fresh garlic for dogs because it's difficult to measure variances in whole plant medicine. Evidence-based research doesn't know what to do with the “food as medicine” paradigm.
One study in particular helped create garlic's reputation as a food that can harm your dog. This study by K W Lee et al fed 5 grams of garlic per kilo per day to the dogs.
That's an excessive amount. It means you'd need to feed about four full heads of garlic (or 60 cloves) to a 75 lb Golden Retriever, or 23 grams of garlic (6 to 8 cloves) to a 10 lb dog, before they'd experience any adverse effects.
Definitely don't feed this much!
Garlic contains thiosulphate, the chemical responsible for causing Heinz body hemolytic anemia. This type of anemia causes oxidative damage to red blood cells that shortens their life. Red blood cells oxygenate tissues. Hemolytic anemia causes a decrease in these cells, which can lead to sickness and even death. Symptoms of hemolytic anemia include diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, pale gums, rapid breathing and dark urine.
Want to avoid hemoytic anemia? Feed the right kind of garlic (by now you know that means fresh) and the correct dosage.
Proper dosages of raw garlic don't contain high levels of thiosulphate. Bone marrow continually produces red blood cells. This means your dog would have to receive an excessive dose over a long period of time – or an extremely large dose – to cause death.
How To Prepare Garlic For Dogs
Mixing allinn and alliinase forms allicin, the active medicinal ingredient in garlic.
Peel the cloves then mince, chop or crush your fresh garlic and let it sit 10 to 15 minutes before use. Allicin degrades quickly, so use the garlic immediately after the “sitting” period for maximum benefit. I measure and chop up my garlic and set my timer for 10 minutes. Measure out the right amount of garlic for your dog's body weight and mix it into her food.
How Much Garlic Should You Give Your Dog?
For consistency and exact dosing, I use a measuring spoon. Clove size differs so using cloves as a measurement is subject to interpretation.
Using a level measuring spoon, feed the following amount per day, according to your dog's weight.
5 lbs TM tsp
10 lbs â…“ tsp
15 lbs ½ tsp
20 lbs â…” tsp
30 lbs 1 tsp
I use garlic in the fall, winter and early spring, while some people use it all year. When feeding garlic for health, I recommend feeding garlic every other week. Work with your holistic practitioner to find the most effective garlic supplementation schedule for your individual dog.
A Last Word On Garlic For Dogs
Everything in nature can be toxic in certain amounts. Common salt can kill and so can water. Yes, garlic for dogs may be dangerous when fed improperly, but that shouldn't keep you from using it now that you know how to do it safely.
Don't think you can get the dosage right? Don't want to mince, chop or crush garlic throughout the week? Don't have time to let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before use?
Then don't feed garlic to your dog. It's that simple.
(Mpls., Mn) on 10/21/2016
Hey Janet,
There are many reasons for a dog to lick under the tail area. Rather than taking a shot in the dark and upping the dose to treat for suspected worms, please take a stool sample to your vet for a diagnosis to determine if your dog has worms.
Would it be OK to up my X rotty she has been on garlic capsules since she was 8 wks old .I have seen no signs of worms as she is a house dog now.She is having 1000mgs a day but could she have worms lingering as she keeps nibbling round the anus area but only just recently. Could I up it to 2000mgs for maybe couple of days as I clean feces up every day and also we have foxes.
I have used garlic on my daschund mix terrie 6 years old for a long time. She had allergies bad. Even her skin turned black. The garlic has really helped her a lot. She is healthy. I will continue using the garlic.
We used DE earth (food grade) on our cats and dog and we still have a problem with fleas, however, I made a mixture of DE earth, baking soda and sea salt (fine) sprinkled all over our bedroom floor because our animals like sleeping in the room no more door stays closed after doing this. Vacuumed after 8 hours haven't seen any fleas in room now we must still take care of the rest we use vet+best for all three kills in seconds on contact rub in fur and comb out the dead and wipe with wet cloth was told safe for them to lick if not all off.
Fleas and Ticks
You know, garlic powder works just the same with killing fleas. I've been doing this with my oldest dog and now my little pup and the fleas start die down
Do not poison your dogs!!! 1/4 teaspoon Minced Garlic- Mixed with food - twice a week is all you need. During summer or heavy infestation increase slightly. Takes a few days but it works once the garlic is in the blood stream.
Fleas and Ticks
That is awesome and true about vets.. I want to go all natural with my pet. Starting using garlic today. Where did you get all your info? A holistic vet or a website? Thanks
Is It Safe?
Ann, I also give my dogs garlic. I give my dogs a supplement which is endorsed by a vet which has garlic 5x a week. As a kid my dog ate onions which were given with the table scraps and lived to a ripe old age, no harm done.
Fleas and Ticks
I give my dogs garlic. Not our garlic but Dene's garlic for dogs. Then you know you are not overdosing them. Every vet I have had has been told this and not one of them has told me not too. Would not recommend fresh garlic though as I said. Ann.
Is It Safe?
I have had many dogs. Mostly German Shepherds, Pyrys and now a Rottweiler. Have always used Dene's garlic capsules. They have never had fleas and with one Pyry lived longer because of it. As all his siblings died at about 3 years old. I always tell my vet that I am giving it to my dogs. Not one of them has even made a comment to say not too. Ann
Is It Safe?
I thank you for your factual post. This will be the 2nd year I have used fresh garlic to rid my dogs of flea's and other possible parasites. These 2 summer's have been the 1st flea free summers. We have used all the major vet brands of flea meds. None of which worked to completion (we live in the country). I do however mix this garlic with white rice. Given @ 1/2 cup with 1-2 cloves (depending on size and type of garlic) every other day mixed in with dry dog food. I am not precise in measurements as well my dogs are large & medium. While I appreciate moderation in all that we do, for my dog's garlic has been a blessing. For those worried, I imagine you could allow for understanding that just like humans, all dogs are different and while it may work for my dog, it may be harmful to your dog due to a possible allergy or otherwise?.?. We get in a robotic frame of mind when we want answers. You were concerned so you searched for answers. If the first answer was unsuccessful - keep searching. Our world is full of answers!
Thank you to those who help us in our search for answers outside the realm of pharmaceuticals!!! Your work is appreciated!
Is It Safe?
Your dog is still ingesting it when he/she licks herself, a tiny bit won't harm a dog as long as it's just a pinch or 2
Is It Safe?
I fed Charlie a SM garlic clove with his hard food and a wennie he wanted more very very happy.my 1st dog=cokerspainel poodle mix 16 to 20 lbs. Question did I do good
Is It Safe?
(Mpls., Mn) on 10/01/2015
There have been many warnings about feeding dogs garlic because it contains the same substance that is found in onions, and onions have been directly linked to deaths in dogs. I found this info which may further help explain why garlic is safe to feed most dogs.
The onion connection
The confusion surrounding garlic arises primarily from its close ties to the onion family. Onions have a high concentration of thiosulphate, a substance that can trigger hemolytic or Heinz body anemia in dogs, a condition where circulating red blood cells burst. When it comes to onions, a single generous serving can cause this reaction.
?Onions are only one of the substances which can cause Heinz body anemia, " adds Wendy Wallner, DVM. ?Other substances such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) and benzocaine-containing topical preparations can also cause Heinz body anemia in the dog." Benzocaine probably accounts for many cases of the illness because it is prevalent in creams often recommended for allergy-suffering animals. It is absorbed through the skin and builds up in the bloodstream. In fact, this substance is often likely to have been involved in cases where garlic was suspect.
Garlic itself simply does not contain the same concentration of thiosulphate as onions do. In fact, it is barely traceable in garlic, and is readily excreted from the body.
Source: http://animalwellnessmagazine.com/is-garlic-safe-or-not/
Is It Safe?
So glad to hear your wise words you are so right, my dogs eat pretty much everything we eat and I cook with garlic. Thank you for your post. It is so sad how our vets want us to use unnatural products on our pets. And frown on the natural remedies saying they don't work when they do. I guess it's all about that pharmacy money..
I have 2 German shepherds. Please tell me how much garlic did you give them?
Fleas and Ticks
How many mg is the garlic pill? I can only find 1000 mg. Is that too much? I have a 15lb dog.
Fleas and Ticks
(Mpls., Mn) on 08/18/2015
Hey Brianna!
If this were my dog I would give her good flea bath, follow it up with a vinegar rinse and then keep her inside. I am sure she is much happier inside than outside.
Fleas and Ticks
How much garlic powder do you use in dogs food? Is an eight of a teaspoon of garlic powder enough, too little? I have a female beagle, Lilie. She was an inside only dog, for a while until beginning of this summer actually. And I now know why I have kept her an inside dog. fleas! And I would like to stick with home remedies for many reasons. I just may, make her inside dog again.
Is It Safe?
I'm very sorry that your dog had this problem, I'm glad to hear he has gotten so much better. But I have to say that the theory that your dog got sick from the garlic in the food doesn't make sense. I'm sure your dog wasn't the only one eating that food, if large numbers of dogs were getting sick from it, it would be recalled and taken off the shelf. Not only that, but there are thousands of dog owners that feed their dogs garlic daily and those dogs live long, healthy lives. Was your dog tested for Heinz Body anemia, or did you simply change his feed and see his health improve? Personally I would wonder if there wasn't another ingredient that caused his illness, or perhaps the food was even contaminated.
Is It Safe?
Actually that is not true. Studies do not unanimously agree that garlic should not be fed to dogs. Look deeper into the studies that claim garlic is harmful. They gave the dogs MASSIVE amounts of garlic in those studies. It is fully possible to OD on any substance, no matter how "safe" it is. The toxin in onions that causes Heinz Body anemia is present in far smaller amounts in garlic. Many many people use garlic for their dogs with no ill effects and many health benefits. There are at least two comments on this very page of dogs owners that have given garlic for many years and had dogs with very long and healthy lives.
I need to retract my comment I made about giving my pet garlic, it was a one time deal when I read an article about thin skin things such as onions and or garlic/ Not good.... http://www.petguide.com/health/dog/the-shocking-truth-about-dogs-and-garlic/
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
Debby/Ca. Again I am sorry for past comment and hope to retract the statement on and about giving my dogs garlic where I later found it is in fact poison to our pets.I have in the past found that probiotics are by far better for dogs only in very small moderations where it has helped my pets, I now still have the same dog that is very close to a 100 yrs.old, she is blind, an going deaf, she still gets around an loves to play. But needless to say garlic salt is poison to people what do you think it does to animals? I have watched animals live out in the wild for years, and this is what they do in order to eat & survive, they pick rubbish barrels and sniff the food, if it cannot be eaten by humans neither will an animal eat it. I said this to say, we as humans need to be more aware of what we DO give our pets." When in doubt(?) Do nothing....http://www.petguide.com/health/dog/the-shocking-truth-about-dogs-and-garlic/
We discontinued the use of Frontline because it is toxic. We began adding a teaspoon of garlic oil to our dogs dinner. We haven't found a tick on her since. Prior to using garlic oil, and even when the dog had Frontline on her, we pulled ticks off of her regularly. My dog is in perfect health and has never had a negative reaction to the use of garlic oil.
I hate feeding my dog commercial brand dog food. Just like I hate feeding myself processed food. But I can't afford to buy either of us very much healthy food at the store. So this is a homemade dog food you make yourself? Can I ask what kind of dog you have, how old, if your dog really benefits from a diet like that, etc? How much do you feed daily? I want details! :) I was reading on how much garlic give a dog daily to prevent ticks and fleas and came across your comment... intrigued.
Kelpie/boarder collie. Why not wait until your new dog adjusts to it's new environment? Then just try one item at a time? I was thinking of trying garlic for my very itchy dogs, they are small dogs so I give them less than half garlic every other day, I also read that most any thing especially garlic can become very toxic if taken too often.
Good Luck with your new family member.
Debbie/Ca. Any thing can become toxic if taken too often. I would never suggest any pet taking the (fake) garlic "Salt". Rry a small piece of fresh garlic every other day maybe a week(?). Then stop for a week or more. It takes time for our bodies as well as pets to digest any thing unfamiliar, and not so easily digested. But again I intend to proceed with caution very, very slowly.
Good Luck...
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
5 Pooches: Your messages are the best, very straight forward and to the point. How-ever, Neem oil on a pet's fur is not good as they tend to lap their fur constantly and Neem oil is like taking hot sauce and pouring it in your mouth or even worse.
Good Luck/love your posts.
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
"Frank M." What you gave your dog was salt with a garlic scent, that is a poison to any animal and over time even to humans. I believe these comments target the"Real" fresh garlic. Therefore I start my dogs off with a very small piece of fresh garlic every other day because they are small.
Some times saving money is well worth the effort for our pets and there is no guarantee that vets.are 100% fool proof. While doing numerous web searches to find the correct treatment/s we should know what is good and what isn't.
Good Luck with your journey.
Is It Safe?
I think I will agree to this information. I will not give this to my pets for any reasonable doubt.
Fleas and Ticks
Avoid the cat food; dogs love it but it is very bad for them (and vice versa). I boil some offal, it is very healthy for dogs, I add no seasoning, grind it up fine in the food grinder and add it to the base as a meat treat. However, you may be surprised to find that many dogs, including my 13 love the taste of garlic! Good luck!
Is It Safe?
(Mpls., Mn) on 02/05/2015
Hey Veronica!
You found that "The only ones who say it isn't are natural websites like yours." I suspect the sites you found that were against feeding garlic forgot to mention your dog would need to eat 50 cloves of raw garlic in one sitting to experience the toxic effects they warn about.
This site has contributors who do feed garlic for health and medicinal benefit, and from collective experiences to boot.
Please google "garlic not toxic to dogs" and "myth about garlic toxic to dogs".
You can find answers for *anything* on the internet and if you refine your search just so you will find all kinds of information to support OR not support any argument you wish.
Is It Safe?
I read this on petinsurance.com this is just a small paragraph I copied.
Since garlic is significantly more concentrated than an onion, an even smaller ingested amount will likely lead to toxicosis; as little as one clove of garlic can lead to toxicity in dogs and cats.
It concerns me that you recommend garlic in dog food. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I've read this on a lot of websites.... All I did was Google "is garlic poisonous to dogs! " and they all say a big NO don't feed it to dogs as it's 10 times more poisonous than onions! The only ones who say it isn't are natural websites like yours.
Please give me some proven research to use, but because I love my animals, I would never give them Garlic.
Thank you for taking the time to read this...
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
After spending almost 2000 at the vet, I found simply feeding my German Shepherd salmon, rice, turmeric, and yes garlic did the trick.
Here is some information I would like to share, as I was thinking about this for my dog. Thankfully I did a web search first.
Treat dogs for with fleas and ticks using fresh garlic.
Fleas and Ticks
(Mpls., Mn) on 05/27/2014
I just wanted to add to this excellent post that beneficial predatory nematodes may also be very helpful to keep flea population down in grass yards. Also cedar granules may be very effective as well.
Fleas and Ticks
If you use the Garlic Spray, check to see how it is made. If it is heated you will lose many of the beneficial/medicinal benefits. I use Raw Garlic and Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar in my Two Little Monsters food each day, they are about 8-9 pounds and a Chihuahua/Miniature Pincher mix. They eat a Raw, Species Appropriate Diet with a Teaspoon of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and a SMALL clove of Raw Garlic added to their food each day. Since I started doing this I have not seen a flea or tick!
There is also Concentrated Garlic Liquid, Garlic Barrier or Mosquito Barrier available for treating your lawn. They are both made by the same company, just check on the concentration level of each product and buy the MOST concentrated to get the best value. Mix it in a Tree/Yard type sprayer with water and spray your yard. Follow directions and your own experience for how often to spray. If you buy the Gallon Size it is HIGHLY concentrated and will keep away many pests in your yard.
If I get a flea problem, I use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth with a couple of Essential Oils that are Flea Deterrents added to it on all of my carpets and set up Flea Traps in the areas that My Two Little Monsters spend their time in. They are easy to make. In a Wide Shallow Bowl or Deeper Small Dinner Plate Add 1-2 Tsp. of Dawn Dish Washing Liquid and fill with Warm Water. I bought a Victor Flea Trap, the one with the night light bulb in the top and set it over the top of the bowl. The Light/Heat attracts the Fleas, they jump in the water and the Dawn make them sink and drown immediately. It got rid of a very bad flea infestation fairly quickly and completely using the Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth & Flea Traps.
Hope this helps.
Is It Safe?
Garlic has been listed as a potential cause of immune mediated hemolytic anemia in dogs. This is an incureable, debilitating disease in which the immune system attacks the blood cells. Our imha dog had to have weekly bloodtests, could not be expsed to any potential irritants to her immune system, and had to go onto a steroid regimen that may have cost her her life. I know garlic is in many high quality foods and holistic remedies but the risk, I feel, is too great.
Has anyone tried or is familar with Allicin garlic vegetarian capsules for a dog?
General Feedback
This site has been a Godsend for me and my dogs. Thank you from us all.
Is It Safe?
Reply to Mary Ann from Slidell LA 6-13-2011. Garlic is a natural blood thinner. Just like any natural supplement or vitamin, ya just don't wanna over do it. An old down-home Vet once told us, that garlic is good for getting rid of fleas and scratching because of fleas...
Is It Safe?
I like Earth Clinic very much. It is a place that anyone can go to get information from a variety of people. On a variety of subjects.. My opinion is : for people that say ( shame on you Earth clinic) are just fearful of what you can't see. No one suggest you do anything. IT is a place you can get other peoples opinions. What you do with it is up to the individual. So stop blaming Earth Clinic & be thankful we have this website. I am! I use it from people who has had alot of experience on the subject I need to know about. Jean
Fleas and Ticks
there the websites too on garlic and how benefecial it is for dogs it also suppose to kill heartworms. I have 4 chiwawa, and I have given the garlic to them and they have goten more active also you can make a mixture of ground garlic and water and spray your yards in the sumer for fleas and ticks and they say it really works I am planing on trying it this summer
General Feedback
I have used Brewer's Yeast with Garlic tabs since 1972 and have not had a flea ot tick on any dog. I know ticks are around because I occasionally get one stuck in my head or neck - lol. I have had 7 dogs that have passed on - and all lived past 10 years of age with hardly any health problems - my last one to be put down was my lab Millie - she was 13 years and 8 months old - her sister Mollie turned 14 in August and is still going strong - missed Millie but now has a new 8 year old pal named Benji and Mollie is bouncing around like a puppy - sleeps a lot, but when awake she is bounding down the hallway, running out the dog door and rolling around on the living room carpet - sleeps on her bed next to mine or on the futon or couch. She has enjoyed life from what I have seen and I have never taken any of my dogs to the vet more than for an annual checkup. But, the brewer's yeast with garlic tabs (available at stores that sell dog supplies or online) is given according to weight. I highly recommend it.
Is It Safe?
If you are rubbing your dog down with garlic powder they are still ingesting garlic. They groom themselves, they inhale it, n the skin absorbs much of what is put on it... Just FYI.
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
I wanted to comment on the AMVA article. I didn't read it and won't waste my time. My thoughts are this. What the heck? Why in the world would the researchers of that article super-dose and intentionally KILL dogs? They should be held accountable for intentionally killing animals because it sounds like that's what they set out to do and that's just exactly what they did! It's a good thing their study wasn't done in duplicate or triplicate! No one in their right mind would give anyone this quantity of garlic. Very, very sad to think about this.
Is It Safe?
Is it ok to give small amount of garlic still to help with fleas and ticks if your dog is pregnant?? I've been seraching a little but have not found a clear answer. thanks to any who could help with this question.
Is It Safe?
I am writing about the garlic debate for dogs. I just got back from a stop at the health store, looking for a cure to his 9 yr old dogs sensitive skin. Bought some natural flea dog soap and in conversation with the checkout I decided to look into the ingredients in her food looking for corn, wheat or soy as possible allergy culprit. Sure enough has corn and a bunch of other crappy preserves and who knows what else. Well, thought those against garlic may be forwarned - look into your dog food ingredients - we use Purina Dog Chow and one of the ingredients I noticed was Garlic Oil. Not sure where I stand yet on Garlic as I am still collecting my data and doing my research. Just thought you should know Garlic may already be in the food you feed your dog and you dont even know it.
Is It Safe?
OK... I have a chiwawa/pekingese male with tapeworms... Been diagnosis by a vet already, he is about 20lbs and yes he is overweight but we are working on that. Anyways, I tried tobacco but not sure if I am giving him enough, I'm worried I'll give him to much so I quit with that. I have garlic cloves in the frig but with so much different information I dont know how much to give him or even if I should. He was treated but the vet, did'nt work, vet said bring him back, well I want to try other treatments. I am also thinking about the food grade DE, but would need a dosage amount. Any current information on how to deal with these tapeworms would be greatly appreciated. I'm just scared I'm gonna hurt the little guy...HELP!!!
Is It Safe?
I hate to burst the bubbles of people who are posting that garlic in a dog's diet will cause their blood cells to burst. That is silliness that borders on hysteria. I can say that I personally have had several dogs who have far out lived what the "experts" claim is old for a healthy dog of their breed. These dogs were fed in part the evil "people food" which contained garlic, onions, salt and anything else that we are told is bad for dogs. Dogs have been around much longer than commercial dog food and they will be long after we're gone. They are resilient and benefit from a variety of foods. As long as your not dumb and overdose them on one thing, or get them so fat they can't walk, then giving them a varied diet like they would have in the wild is a good thing. If you want to believe your vet then expect your dog to live the 8 or 9 years they predict. My dogs lived 13 healthy and happy.
I have used garlic in the past with great success. However, I have never known a safe or appropriate dose. When I asked my Vet I was given the same answer many of you have. Since my American Bulldog is my service dog I complied with my Vets orders. All of the expensive flea remedies did not work. Further I could see a sluggishness in my dog that was not present when he was on garlic. Therefore, I would like go back to a natural treatment. Can anyone advise me of a dosage that would be safe?
Is It Safe?
Garlic is indeed healthy for dogs in moderation. Many high-end dog foods have it as an ingredient, holistic veterinarians recommend it. Just don't overdo.
Is It Safe?
I have been giving my dogs garlic for years - but not everyday, and not tons of it. I also have big dogs - not little ones. I have read in many places that were natural sources and they do mention that garlic can decrease the number of red cells. It stated that puppies can NOT rebuild their red blood cells quick enough to handle garlic. It also mentioned that when one used garlic on an adult dog, that a couple of times wasn't bad when followed with a break to let them rebuild their blood supply.
With smaller dogs I would be very careful, and with puppies I would pass. I have had amazing almost miraculous results with garlic with my dogs as well as my sheep and goats, but always I have relied on moderation. There is lots of information on herbal and natural remedies for animals in book form. Their is also lots of other options if garlic isn't for you or your dog. Sometimes, less is more.
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
Check this website it will show you the effects of garlic in the stomach, scientifically tested tnx
re: garlic for dogs - I have been using garlic to eliminate fleas on my pups for about 30 years. I started with a brand of garlic - opened the capsules on the food. It was about 3 months and NO MORE FLEAS. I now use a great product that has no excipients in the garlic. My pups will eat the capsule like a snack. 1 am 1 pm and 1 in their food. The more a dog weighs, the more garlic needed. Wire Haired Terrier - about 25#s - 3-4 capsules daily until you know there are no more fleas. Reduce by 1 cap at a time until you find the right dose. I also believe that it helps with heartworms and the heart.
In response to Tshona who wrote:
[DEATH REPORTED] 08/25/2011: Tshona from Scottsdale, Az replies: "Garlic IS deadly for dogs. My poor sheltie just died a few days ago from eating 3. 5 ounces of dried garlic he got into. He was totally healthy and fine before that. He was throwing up, became lathargic and with 8 hours was DEAD. I wish I would have know it is toxic to dogs, I would have taken him to the vet and they could have used charcoal on him, blood transfusion to replace the bursting blood cells and/or oxygen treatment. It causes a certain type of anemia and eventually kidney failure."
Tshona: Virtually anything can be toxic if the levels are high enough. Water is actually toxic to humans at 90g/kg body weight. (25 8oz. Glasses for a 150 lb. Person) 3.5 ounces of garlic powder is approximately equal to 30 teaspoons of garlic powder. One EIGHTH of a teaspoon of powder is equal to one clove. So your dog ate the equivalent of 240 cloves of garlic. That amount would likely be toxic to a human as well. Don't beat yourself up over this. With that amount of garlic, and by the time you saw symptoms, it's unlikely a vet could have saved him even if you'd taken him to one.
Garlic is safe. In the correct doses. All things in moderation.
Is It Safe?
Remember... you are talking about garlic being dangerous, but it's the onion that causes the problem.
Is It Safe?
Hello, It's still not clear to me... The form of garlic you are using, gradulated or powder garlic. Why not fresh? Thanks
Is It Safe?
Please help I have 1 almost 2 month puppy he is a poodle terrier mix so he is very tiny. I read online garlic is very good for dogs so I gave him a piece and now I'm freaken out cause I did more research and its saying they can die. WHAT DO I DO? PLEASE HELP cause I'm very low on money and I need to have my best friend live.
We give our dogs the Brewers Yeast and Garlic pills found at pet stores. They help with dandruff and give them wonderful coats and keep the fleas away. At first I crushed them and mixed them with food, but now I just drop the tablets in the food and they eat them right up. It has worked very well for our dogs and I'm not concerned at all about the garlic. I haven't found much that says it's bad, other than that link futher up in this thread, and it's science seemed way off.
Is It Safe?
Have you ever read the ingredients in dog food? I used to feed my dog one of the very high end foods my vet sold, and listed right there in the ingredients is garlic. This food explained what each ingredient was for, and under garlic... Immune booster. So, I suspect it is like most things in that something beneficial can become toxic at higher levels. Vitamin D is toxic at very high doses, but very essential. Warnings exist because a few dogs have died after eating massive amounts of garlic. (Vitamin D used to have all sorts of warnings for decades)
A few days of a little garlic in my dog's food and all signs of the tapeworm are gone. Thanks Earth Clinic! Love this site.
Fleas and Ticks
There is a product called Diatameceous Earth. It is totally natural and healthy. It will solve your flea problem. It is not the type used in swimming pools--it is the type uysed for livestock. Please google it and order some online. It is safe on carpet and in the yard and in the bedclothes of your pet--and it totally works. I have lived with flea infestation and this has completely saved my yard and pets and us humans!
I would like to share my experience with you. My dog a Min Pin, female always had been a healthy dog without fleas ot ticks. We took her to a garden one day just to let her run around. When we returned she was her usual self, but the following day she started scratching. Whenever she does that, I always add a pinch of turmeric that I ground myself to her food. I did these for two consecutive days and on the third day, we found an onslought of dog ticks on the wall next to her bed. That's when we realised she had ticks from the garden. We then searched her for more and removed all the remaining ones.
I then searched through the internet for info after my daughter told me to give her garlic. I then cooked her food with 2 cloves of garlic and a pinch of turmeric. I smashed the cooked garlic together with her food. The following day we found the remaining ticks coming out and some of them had NOT drunk her blood as we found out when we squashed them. Her stomach did bloat a little though, I think garlic does it, but she was fine after that.
Now two days in a week I add two cloves of garlic and a pinch of turmeric into her food. In addition to this , I also add organic virgin coconut oil(2 drops) to her food every alternate day. This keeps her hair glossy and she does not constipate. Never overdose on garlic. And you don't have to give it everyday! But please stay away from ONION. It is definitely dangerous for dogs! Don't give left overs that have been cooked with onion and garlic as you do not know the amount that has been added.
Oh yes! I forgot! Whenever you remove ticks, rub the bite area with turmeric. Get whole dried turmeric and ground them yourself. That way, you get pure turmeric. Hope this helps.
Fleas and Ticks
When we lived in Hawaii, we used baking soda and brushed it into the carpets. Because it's such a fine powder, it gets into the flea's body and does something to them that kills them. Our vet on Maui told us to never use flea killers that go into or on your dog. You are putting poison on or in them! How can that be good for them? I have not used them on my dogs since then (1994) and so far, they have not died from cancer or other causes! He also told me about the baking soda.
We do have our exterior sprayed every 2 months by a pest control company and once a year or if needed more frequently, the interior. My dogs have not had flea's - we are rural with lots of rabbits and other wild visitors to the property that do carry the flea's in, but so far, no problem. And as for garlic - I do give them garlic - granulated! No problem but then it's not a daily thing either. Found out the hard way that avocado is deadly to a Cockatiel though! As one person said, check things out before giving to the pets! A policy I wish I had done for my bird's sake!
General Feedback
My vet has always advised me to give my dogs garlic, but after losing my beloved Natouk (White Timber Wolf/Malamute) to Lymphatic cancer (and spending a small fortune on Chemo). After been given the bare fact by a highly qualified Oncologist I realized I killed my Natouk by slowly poisoning it with garlic. It did not happen overnight, it took years as garlick kills like diabetes, slowly. Don't be fooled, it's too late for Natouk, but I can save my other dogs!!!
Is It Safe?
Please be careful using garlic for your pets. My dog suffered bad allergies so I began cooking her food with onions and using garlic for fleas; in those days there were no guidelines. Well, she died of kidney failure; that is when I learned dogs cannot have onions or garlic. She trusted me to take care of her, I didn't know better, now you do.
There is always one pet that stands out over the others in our lives, she was it and I short changed her life.
Now, many years later, we have a dog who is now old so I don't want any harmful chemicals to keep the fleas away. I use garlic but not internally; I purchase a cheap garlic powder from the grocery store and rub her down with it, it works. Some don't like the odor, more importantly neither do the fleas. Best to you all with your loving pets.
"... but garlic is DANGEROUS for dogs, & I would hate anyone to go through what I did with my poor little dog, thank god she survived - $10,000 later."
With all due respect, would you care to scan and upload all your dog's relevant medical records, including all lab analyses/reports, which surely demonstrate, beyond reasonable doubt, that garlic was the sole culprit of all her problems? :)
Is It Safe?
Whenever we have a problem like this we follow the money trail. Vets have no benefit from telling owers to give their pets garlic instead of buying "flea medication" They won't tell you vaccines have horrible consequences, they won't tell you that flea meds and other meds have side effects, like kidney failure!
I used garlic on my dog for whipworms successfully, when a natural cure is said not to really exist. Not to mention, Drs, I'm not sure about vets, CANNOT reccomend supplements to patients without being a risk for losing their license! This information is first hand from an MD. And if we look at Drs that have gone against conventional medicine often pay a steep price. The internet, for all you claming the internet is not a good source of information, is the BEST place to find truth, because we are not getting it from Drs and we are definitely not getting it from the mainstream media!! We are lied to everyday people, wake up!
I have been cooking for my dogs since 1992, I've always had large dogs, huskies, shepherds, and a lab mix. I feed them garlic whole grain pasta 2-3 times a week. They have all been healthy. My lab mix developed a heart condition later in life, but lived until 15. Currently I have German shepherd whose 11 and a husky who's 7. They have had garlic pasta since they were puppies and have only had fleas when I rescued the shepherd from the previous owners.
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
Garlic is good for dogs but only in small amounts. Many vets and articles say no to garlic because there is potential to overdose = heart failure. You ARE trying to give way too much and likely, even the dogs know it. As we should listen to the wisdom of the children, we should do the same for our pets! And ourselves, obviously your intuition is warning you. Yes, those doses will likely kill them. They hardly need more than a little sliver for their size - for immune boosting, pest repellant, etc.
What are you giving it to them for, I wonder.
Find a holistic vet you can work with. They might suggest something better or a combination of things depending on your needs. At the least they would give proper dosage. You don't have to have one in your area - many of them will do phone consults. Your job is just to find one that you respect and trust to give you advice on natural remedies specific for your dogs. Organic Raw garlic is best - maybe hide a little sliver in a bit of organic beef? A dog who won't take something you hand them for no reason might take it if you get them to do a trick and the put it out as a treat which the usually take so quickly there is little time for investigation.
I'll check back to see if you have any more questions. In the mean time, take those pills yourself - sounds like you should be boosting your immune system with a house full of loving souls that need you!
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
Question: I have read several posts about garlic pills. 2 out of 3 of my dogs will not eat the garlic in their food, I have also tried to hide the garlic in people food but they caught on. It doesn't matter if I use fresh or powdered garlic, they won't eat it. I have 1 tea cup Pomeranian, about 5lbs, a regular size Pomeranian, about 15lbs, and a terrier mix, about 20lbs. The garlic pills I have are the pearl kind with the garlic oil inside. The bottle says garlic oil 2000mg and on the back in the supplement facts box it says: amount per softgel:order less garlic oil 100:1, then under percent of daily value: 20mg. Under that the bottle states:(equivalent to 2000mg of fresh garlic bulb).
I have no idea how many mg are in a clove of garlic. These numbers seem high to me. I don't want to overdose my dogs and cause them harm.
Those of you that give your dogs garlic pills or soft gels how much do you give them? What does your bottle say as far as mg? Are my soft gels safe for my babies? I would really appreciate any help. We just lost one of our dogs last week. She was bitten by a snake. She was 16 yrs old. I wish I knew about the benefits of garlic before, maybe she would still be with us. I have 4 special needs children that we adopted, and the dogs have played a HUGE role in the children's therapy, I want to prolong the lives of my other 3 dogs, I can't bear to lose another dog and it's been absolutely devastating for the children. So if anyone knows if it's ok to give the dogs garlic in pill or softgel form and if so how much. Thank you very much.
Fleas and Ticks
What kind of garlic pills do you give your dog? I know you can't say the brand but are they solid pills or oil and what mg??????
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
I'd like to also add that not only was there no testing done in triplicate, or even duplicate, but every scientific paper I've ever even glanced at was longer than the one in that link to the AVMA study. Also, giving 5g/ kg of garlic is like giving 1oz/ lb of sugar to a human. You're going to induce major reactions very quickly. Everything has the potential to produce bad, severe or even terminal results if the dosage is high enough!
I wasn't even aware that there was a debate about this. I just wanted to know if garlic was bad as I put it in the broth I'm making out of turkey leftovers and when I strain the veggies out I'm giving them to the dogs :)
Is It Safe?
I'm not sure I'm following the math from your recommendation: If a dog eats 0. 5 percent of it's own bodyweight in garlic, it can show signs of poison. That means if my 80 lb. Lab eats 6.4 oz of garlic (80*16 oz/lb=1280 oz. , then 1280*0. 5%=6. 4 oz. ) she can show signs of poison? How much does a garlic clove weigh? About 6 grams, yeah? Then, let's see, there are about 28 grams per ounce so 6.4 ounces equals about 180 grams. I'm no mathemetician, but are ya' saying that I shouldn't feed my lab 30 cloves of garlic? That is a lot of garlic.
Fleas and Ticks
Maxie, I have heard about the Peppermint Oil but I have never tried it. I am having a problem with fleas on my little dog which he is a 20 lb Pomeranian/Sheltie mix. Not even Frontline is doing it's job this year.
I gave him a good brushing with his undercoat brush and put some of the mixture of Peppermint Oil you talked about. But I down sized it to 1 tespoon of Peppermint Oil with 4 1/2 oz Water to see if it would work first. I sprayed and rubbed it in his fur. Hopefully it will work. Is once a week good enough or do I need to do this more often?
Thanks, Cindy
I have 2 handsome lab/pit boys (60lbs and 85lbs). I recently became unemployed and cannot think of parting with them. After all, they are family. So I am forced to figure out how to care for them without the expense of a vet $35-50 for one visit, and some vets charge for the extra dog. You still have to add cost of lab work and prescriptions). I tried fresh garlic - less than 2 (crushed) cloves each for three days, then stopped. Eventually, the smaller of the two expelled a large white worm. My other dog was only given it as a precaution. Neither had any reaction so I plan to resort to this only as needed for now.
A close friend of mine with the same breed of dogs recently went raw, and their health is improved tremendously. I plan this for mine when I am financially stable again.
Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade is also good. You can give it orally, massage it into their hair and spread it in or outside your home for fleas and ticks.
I was also recently in fear of one having heartworm but this wasn't the case. However, I found out that they are given arsenic by the vet for heartworm and have to be monitored extremely closely for over-activity because of the arsenic. How fearful!! Would you actually think this is better just because its through a vet? They even warn that chances of the treatment are risky 50/50 (life or death). Nah, I don't think so.
Dogs, like many other creatures are natural scavengers. If they didn't have owners like us, this is how they'd eat to survive. Just think of what they often take the chance of ingesting. They don't have the understanding of what's good or bad for their health. Likely, they eat it just because it smells good and they are hungry. So knowing this, I can feel a somewhat ok to try something as long as it isn't too farfetched.
I have to agree with many others, in that anything in moderation should not be deadly. So far, in each of the negative responses I've read, the pet was dispensed an unusual form, or an absolutely excessive amount, or there were other questionable factors that couldve possibly been the cause.
In knowing your pet and its general health, you should feel confident that you can make some choices for them yourself... after all, you do it each day when you feed them the food you've chosen for them (and all foods arent necessarily the best).
Good luck to all and God bless everyone for being such caring pet owners.
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
I would also like to respond to "NAY" (dtd 9-23-11). The AVMA article stated that the dogs were super-dosed. They were given approximately 5g of garlic per kg of weight. This is about one clove of garlic. If the dogs averaged about 20kg (roughly 40 pounds), then the dogs were given about 20 cloves of garlic a day! Who wouldn't have a reaction to a dose that high? On top of all of that, the article, written in 2000, was so vague in detail there is no way to come to a logical conclusion about the "scientific data. " Moderation and education people.
Is It Safe?
We are garlic product mfgrs and work with a major university - here are facts that we should all know:
There exists NO university, Official Laboratory or scientific study showing that normal amounts of garlic to be harmful to dogs. None. Even the vets have never submitted scientific proof of their statements that you should not feed garlic to dogs.
Holistic vets recommend garlic - Dogs For The Deaf organication feeds garlic extract to their dogs daily.
We use science, not rumors in saying that garlic in moderate amounts is good for dogs in many ways. If you believe that garlic is harmful to dogs - submit your science along with your statement please.
Garlic Valley Farms, Inc.
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
I just wanted to post my take of the AVMA article link that was brought up in NAY of giving garlic to dogs. First of all, I checked that link and there isnt much on there as to what they did. Also, it only states 4 dogs were given 1. 25 ml of garlic extract/kg of body weight (5 g of whole garlic/kg) and 4 dogs were the control dogs. My big question is how much did each dog weight. From everything that I have read concerning this issue, I would have to guess they researchers used very small dogs... The ones who couldnt handle garlic in this amount once a day for 7 days. To me, this is like saying that a sugar substitute WILL cause cancer in humans like it does in overdosed rats. My complaint about this research is that anything scientific is usually done in triplicate, no where does it state that this was done in triplicate. I'll continue to give my dogs garlic... After 10 years... If it hasnt hurt or killed them I reckon its not going to. I would like send thanks for this garlic article... I am sure it has helped answer a lot of people's questions.
Fleas and Ticks
I have to agree. I chop up 1 to 2 cloves for in each of my dogs food dishes, once a day. They are about 85 lbs each. My one dog has tumors, and before I started adding the garlic, was showing signs of arthritis. Now, at 15 years old, my baby is bouncing like a puppy. I have been feeding both my dogs garlic for about 5 years, and it has shown nothing but positive results!
Is It Safe?
Dana, I wanted to point out that 1 kg is equal to 2. 2lbs, not 22lbs...
Is It Safe?
Garlic pills are ok for dog but not fresh garlic.
Article by Lisa S. Newman, Nd
I have been feeding garlic to my six year old Labrador. Till date no problems. I suspect that in West where processed food is the norm; unlike in India; other ingredients, especially preservatives and food additives are the cause of poisoning/bad health in dogs.
Instead of, processed food here is what I cook once and give it for 10 meals (twice a day, for five days)
. Parboiled/Brown Rice - 250g
. Cut vegetables and scraps/peels - pumpkin, bottle guard, cabbage, potato peels etc - 1/2 kg
. Garlic paste (ground at home) - 1 tablespoon
. Turmeric - 1 teaspoon
. Animal Fat (100g) or Vegetable Oil (2 table spoons)
. Mince meat or offal (if any) - 200g
Cook the mixture in a pressure cooker and divide it into containers. Refrigerate the containers and give one each meal.
Fleas and Ticks
3 teasoons of mint oil in 14 oz of water to spray furiture, rugs and pets for fleas. I read this on the Internet, tried it and everything did smell better even the dog.
Good luck, Maxie