Posted by Zookeeper (Sunnyvale, Ca ) on 07/09/2011
I was told by my vet to use just plain old mild dish detergent to wash my pet. Honestly, I'm afraid to use any over the counter flea rememdy after my 1 yr kitty got so sick and had seizures. She is an indoor cat and I only let her out for 5 minutes while watering the garden and she got infested. I first used Sargeants squeeze on for cats and kittens and she started bouncing off the walls and was throwing up all night. And on top of that it didn't kill the fleas. So a few days later I went and got some Hartz Ultra Guard Flea & Tick Powder for cats and rubbed her down. The next day she started having seizures and had to be rushed to the vet. I can't tell you how bad I felt and how scared I was. I don't know why they sell this toxic stuff.
I gave the kitty a bath today after a day of rest and just used mild baby shampoo. I hope this does the trick because I will never use Flea Powder or Spot applications again.
Don't use Sargeants or Hartz!! Very toxic!