Flea Control
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Flea Control in Pets

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Blankie (Fajardo, PR USA) on 12/13/2010

For years I have used Brewer's Yeast until now and that is because it has been difficult to find it here in Puerto Rico. I used to buy it at Walmarts and Walgreens Pharmarcy but it has been discontinued. I have always used it for my dog and her hair is shiny, she is quite healthy. She is always outside and she loves to sleep on sand (major factor for fleas and ticks) and she has no fleas nor ticks. I have used it on all the dogs I have had. The ones that died were of all ages (15 yrs) but never due to anything they ate or that I gave them.

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Westwind (Orlando, Fl) on 05/03/2010

Brewer's Yeast works! I started using it early last spring, throughout the summer and into early winter. I never saw a flea on my Bassett Hound. I had my doubts living in a humid, hot climate where fleas thrive, but I never saw even 1 flea. I put about a teaspoon on her food at night (she's a small bassett, about 40 lbs). She loves the taste! Brewer's Yeast is natural and filled with other nutritional stuff your dog needs. Give it a try!

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Izzy3 (Sebastian, Florida) on 10/16/2009

Thank You so much for having this site !! I am having success in only less than a full day using Brewers Yeast against these invisible biting bugs , which I believe to be Sticktight Fleas, I have suffered with them for a year now. I am so thankful to be able to pass along what I consider VERY valuble information. I always knew somehow , the remedy would be something simple and common, Brewers Yeast has been used for decades ( maybe longer ) on all kinds of animals for fleas and moskitoes bothering people. I felt results within 15 minutes of taking it, you will feel them getting active in your flesh!! I slept last night , straight through for the first time in at least 8 months. Don't give up the Borax & DE in carpets though, it is also valuble in this battle, I will continue using 20 MT Borax in my laundry for some time. My prayers are with you all.

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 04/29/2009

I had the worst flea infestation EVER, last year. I have two Dogs, and I live in Ohio, right near the lake, so the humidity here is terrible. The infestation was so bad, my 2 year old was getting bitten all over. I didn't know what to do. I tried ACV, in their water, and It didn't really improve anything. Although, I think I was a little impatient, I read that you have to wait 6 weeks for results. Tried Garlic, the kind you get in the jar in olive oil, AND powedered. Did not workat all.

Brewers yeast seems to be working well, so far. I started in March, now it is almost May. They are a lot better now then last year at this time. I also use flea collars, because, I have to do something aggressive for these dogs, they suffered so much last year. My German Shepherd actually liked off all of her hair on her hind side, and was bald. I used Tea tree oil, about a dropperful in some Castile soap for their baths last year, but this year, I'm planning on trying Neem Oil. I'm going to try rubbing it on their fur as a repellent as well. See how that goes. Wish me luck!!

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Kathy (Watsontown, PA) on 04/16/2009

I've used brewers yeast[debittered powder] for fleas successfuly.I sprinkle it on my cats food every day[like cinnamon toast].they like it & their coats are very nice too. does anyone know if "nutritional" yeast flakes work for fleas too? ? it's a little cheaper.

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Katie (Emporia, KS)

If ACV doesn't seem to work on fleas, try Brewer's Yeast vitamin tablets and cedar chips for bedding. Most dog beds have cedar chips inside them, but you can also buy them straight for dog houses and such.

Brewer's Yeast
Posted by Jennifer (Doonan, QLD, Australia)

My 3 poodles have 2 tbsp in jug of water each day to prevent fleas. I also use it in their rinse water after a bath each week.