Cat Remedies
Health Benefits

Natural Pet Remedies for Cats

Bladder Crystals

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Posted by Abra (Powell, Tn) on 02/04/2011

I've read that cranberry extract is good treatment for bladder crystals/infections in cats and also as a preventative. I found one article that suggested 2 tablets a day for 5 days. As far as maintenance is concerned, I'm wondering if one a day or one a week would be sufficient?

Replied by Fiona
(London, England)

Hi, I've read from so many sources that dried cat biscuits (kibble) is a big/main factor in the cause of crystals. Please research and see for yourself. I am trying to get my cats onto a raw diet, though one of them does not want to eat much except for biscuits and fish (mainly biscuits... He's mad for them and prefers them to chicken, beef, prawns, salmon and white fish... seriously) Guess which one get UTI's from time to time.

Replied by Superman
(Hamilton, Ontario)

Cranberry juice for crystals. I had a 3 yr old cat that developed crystals, and started urinating blood, and won't often have difficulty urinating. I gave him Cranberry Juice for 3 days, problem went away, and didn't come back.

Replied by K7bdd
(Cross Plains, Tn)

My mom used cranberry juice for years to keep from having bladder infections. She never had kidney stones either. All the MD's and DO's I've spoken to recommend cranberry juice or the fruit for the full range of urinary tract health.

Replied by Linda S.

I have always owned multiple cats and always ended up with the urinary tract, crystal problem. I started feeding them canned food with water added. They lapped it all up and I haven't had a problem since. I also put C, taurine, and kelp on their food.

Replied by Marlene

How much cranberry juice a day?

Bladder Issues

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Posted by Leigh (Melbourne, Victoria Australia) on 07/19/2009

My 3 yo male cat had surgery 5 days ago for a blocked bladder. He had also had 'crystals' when he was a kitten, even before he was neutered he managed to sort himself out back then with the help (or not) of some injections, tablets and a few consults.

This time was different he was in distress i rushed him to the vet on Thursday morning, they kept him there they said they sedated,unblocked him and had him on an IV drip but wanted to keep him for two nights. I paid visitsbut he became VERY distressed in there. Friday night, he looked near dead. I made them take out the IV drip and let me bring him home as there was no body at all in the surgery overnight.

He was happy to be home but by Saturday night i knew that he was blocking up again. I started to cry thinking of his options. I was physically ill. I didnt want to put him through any more surgery, nor did i want him to have to have his p---s removed. It seemed kinder to put him to sleep.

I found this site at 3 a.m Sunday morning. I got some ACV into around noon .. 50 parts ACV 50 parts water and started dripping drops onto his paw with a dropper.. the results were almost instant. He took off under the bed (not happy with me) but seemed to be sleeping soundly.

A couple of hours later he woke and went to his litter tray .. i was encouraged as this was more urine than he HAD been passing ..he kept making frequent trips to his litter trays (as they to with UTI) .. each time passing more and more urine .. i couldnt believe it!!!!!!!! I also made a capful to a cup of water and dropped a dropper full down his throat before i went to bed. He was already a different cat, almost back to his old self and this was only six or seven hours after his first doses of ACV!!

This morning i saw his sister trying to bury something on the laundry floor i thought it was a little worm/bug thing, it had two bits of kittylitter stuck to it. I picked it up it was actually a peice of conjealed* blood! It looked exactly like it has come out of his little p---s !! Did the vinegar help him to pass this!!? There were also larger and larger clumps of litter in the trays. I was so happy ..then! i saw him go in the tray himself ..the relief was written all over his face ..he did this huge wee!!

He has only been on raw beef/lamb/chicken since the surgery as he loves to eat this and won't eat the s/d science diet they sold me. he likes to drink water so im lucky .. im cutting out dry food as i think this is what caused it ..there was always some down for them to eat.

24 hours ago this was a different cat .. i thank the acv and testimonials from this site they've saved my little cats life! He is almost his old happy self sure of it!

Not sure whether to keep him on the antibiotics the vet prescribed or not though. I was meant to give him 3 yesterday and only gave him one. I'm worried about them mucking up his ph levels and possibly constipating him. And i don't altogether trust the vet.

Replied by Jill
(Aguas, Mexico)

Leigh from Australia... I am wondering how your cat has done for the last year and a half? I hope you will see this post and answer me. My cat is having similar problems but didn't respond so well to the ACV as your cat. But I was afraid his urinary tract might be too alkaline already and that would just make it worse. I have him on special food, but he's still peeing so little each time. His spirits are pretty good, though sometimes I think he might be in pain or at least distressed from the peeing problem. Any thoughts? Thanks for your help!

Replied by Angie
(Equality, Al)

please keep up the apple cider vinegar (organic raw with the mother) diluted half and half with water. it really does help the uti and 1 T spoon to a gal. of water for their drinking water would be a good maintanance dose and has many other benifits also. my cat actually likes Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with plain yogurt as a treat. just don't ever force them to drink it undiluted as this burns the mouth and throat. Best wishes to your cat. also their is a homeopathic remedy that works great called 'uti free'

Replied by Cindy
(Ventura, Ca Usa)

What is acv?

EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar

Replied by Ec

My Cat Sunny looks like he is having a problem peeing. I live far away from any stores and I need to know what I can use in place of Apple cider Vinegar. I have reg. Vinegar - can I mix this with anything?

Replied by Scott

What is AVC?? My cat has crystals in his urine in the start of a kidney stone :( is there anything you can recommend?

EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar.

Replied by Shaylene

After reading and re-reading the story about this cat and his mommy giving him ACV, still I cannot figure out what this ACV is! Please help!

EC: ACV is the acronym for Apple Cider Vinegar.

Bloody Stool Remedies

Posted by Heatherb (Helena, Ohio) on 07/29/2014

One of our 2 month old kittens has bright red blood spots in his/her feces. Neither kitten has been spayed/neutered yet or seen by a vet yet and they are indoor kittens. Any ideas? Thanks!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Heather!

Bright red blood in stools *can* be normal. I need more info to a better opinion.

You have two 8 week old kittens - are they new to your house, or did you raise them from birth?

Have you changed their diet recently?

Are the stools normal on consistency or loose and runny or mucousy?

Have they ever been wormed?


Replied by Jodi
(Colorado, US)

Blood in cat stool is fairly common. I wouldn't worry unless you had other symptoms

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Blood in cat stool is most often from presence of parasites. I have an ongoing problem of dealing with this off and on. Allopathic meds for parasites is extremely poisonous, so here is my problem.

Even, in the past when using chemical meds for this, there was a recurrence in less than weeks. Added to which for instance, Drontal has increased in prices many times over as greed knows no limits.

So, now I always use diatomaceous earth see (online) even for myself. It takes about three months to see if any results. So far I am not sure how it is going. It had a good effect on my big dog who does not any longer show worms in his stool. This is as a daily addition to food.

The presence of parasites is extremely toxic in people and animals and must be addressed. There is a company Humaworm online which I would use next. It is herbal. I would use Slippery Elm powder without the honey, first cooked with water and when cooled, adding a little honey which will repair the bloody gut. This is an excellent herbal remedy also for people.

This worries me off and on but I refuse to give poisons that don't even work but call for lots of $$$.

Namaste, Om

Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide

1 User Review
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Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Ma. Usa) on 03/30/2011

Well I can truly say I had a tiger by the tail. My kitten was a stray and a mess, I didn't know what she had, I just figured she was itchy until I found this god send of a site that showed me what mange really is. I first tried Apple Cider Vinegar with some results, but then I found this using borax and peroxide message an decided to try it, I was not accurate on the amount of time but I tried approx. an hour & a half, I also tried mayo. Prior to the borax & peroxide then I tried to give her a bath, it seems as though I got most of the water then she did, after her bath I put vit. E on her, she was fighting and kicking for dear life with all fours straight up, thankfully she did not scratch me, also I used surgical gloves. She is now sitting close by me washing her self off, so I decided to check her fur for any signs of mites, and of course there are still red spots rather then red with black dots almost as before, I really don't know if this process needs more work as she is losing trust in me and it's a huge fight for her. I use a steamer humidifier for her as she is congested, I even have to wipe her snotty nose like a little baby because it was stuffed up. All I can do now is pray it did help immediately or try it again later, but I do need to give her a bit of a rest in between as her system is weak. She is looking at me with those big eyes of her as if to say AND I trusted you. (chuckles) More later on in the week when she is doing a litle better. Thank you every one for your input.... And much thanks to Ted that made all this possible.

Replied by Diana
(Boston, Massachusetts, United States)

This reply is to Diamond from Salisbury, Ma...

It sounds as if your cat is having problems with infestation. Fleas? Ticks? Mites or lice?

Have you tried food grade diatomaceous earth as a treatment? Look into it. You put in on their fur and in their food. It kills the mites, lice, fleas and ticks on the body. Its all natural. Make sure you get the food grade Diatomaceous earth. You can add a little dusting of it to their wet food as well. If you reasearch it you will see that it is a natural form of getting rid of these problems on pets, in the house, on your carpets and on your garden. Buy only the food grade. Constant flea infestation and the irratation it brings can cause your cat to have trouble breathing, stuffy nose, runny nose.. As well as mange. (loosing hair on their body. ) I just bought some myself after all my reasearch on it as an alterative to collars and other things they sell that are dangerous to pets to control any infestations. I am convinced it will help with many of their problems. I hope it works for you!

Replied by Col
(Denver, Co)

Thanks Diane, I have heard of the diatomaceous earth and did not realize that they made a food grade also- where to look for it? - saw the regular in a green house once.

Replied by Larrycatsmom
(Ballina, Ireland)

DO NOT use diatomaceous earth meant for water filters! It has been heat treated and can kill animals if ingested. Food grade - animal or human is great, I've even used 'pest grade' for a short while - as long as it is NOT heat treated and IS safe to add to grain/foodstuffs - ask the manufacturer. Having said that, I love the stuff! I've used it on cats, dogs, horses, birds, and people; internally and externally. Rub it into the carpet and leave it along walls to kill fleas, ants, roaches... Most any insects. It doesn't work immediately, give it a few days - it'll kill almost any worms or insects The only danger to animals is that it is very drying so be careful not to make too much dust with it as it can irritate eyes and lungs.

I also use it in the garden but carefully as it will kill beneficial insects like bees, so just don't put it near the flowers where bees may go. It won't harm worms in the soil and will actually help enrich the soil when it washes off in the rain. That's the biggest problem using it in the garden!

Replied by Peggy

It can be found at Tractor Supply stores all across the U.S. Make sure you tell them you need the "Food Grade". I use it. The bag lasts a long time, it's like a gray baby powder.

Replied by Myway
(Wilmington, De)

Food Grade diatomaceous earth (DE) is very effective for fleas on animals - just don't inhale it. I have a bowl of the powder in the kitchen with a "poofy" brush I used for rouge on my face. When one of my cats come by, I just dab it into their fur with the brush. They don't even know it's happening. This treatment is drying so I just do it once a week - dabbing their fur. Please don't use pool grade DE. You can cause great harm to your pet. BTW, I take a tablespoon a day in my water...:)

Replied by Sam
(Chicago Il)

What I keep reading about Morgellons isn't one of the first thing it destroys is your immune system in your gut so probiotics are one of the major things that your cat probably means that might help him. That's the best advice I've got and also I've read a lot about the diatomaceous earth food grade ... y u can put it on cat and eat it

Boric Acid

Posted by Crickett (29palms, California) on 07/08/2011

Just a quick lesson in the difference in a poison and over indulgence. The roach dies when it eats, EATS Boric acid mixed with sugar. It gets a fatal dose of changed digestive PH. Boric acid is not poisonous to roaches, it eats it from the inside due to overinjestion, it is like a human drinking a gallon of hot sauce. A little is great on food, but go to far, make it too hot and you are going to get a stomach ache, drink a gallon and you will end up like the roach. So a note to people using Boric acid on pets, Check the Ph of the solution you are going to use to see if it is compatible with your pets PH, if you do not know what I am talking about or do not have the means to do so, that is a clue that you are not qualified to use this method safely, so don't! Same goes for Vinegar, remember it is an acid too, and there are differing acidic levels in Apple cider vinegar, it is usually listed on the bottles.

My suggestion is use the lowest acidic content apv you can find.

Calici Virus

Posted by Silvia (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 06/15/2012

I have a 3 years old male cat that deesn't seem to recover from FCV. He was in the hospital for 1 week and seemed back then that he was doing good, that was 3.5 months ago. We got homeopathics remedies to treat him and the other cat that got it as well but was only sick for 1 week with mild symptoms. The most affected are his hind paws and lately is trying to walk on the 2 front paws only. The simptoms are changing all the time, a few days he is grinding his teeth and the mouth is swollen, some other days is one paw or the other, now acctually both hind paws. This makes me think he is reinfected all the time. Homeopathics don't seem to work, I gave him MMS activated, no more than 1 drop a day, now I introduce the DMSO, we had the nosode as well back 2 months ago, lysine, Lugols 1 drop. What is to be done? Sometimes he won't eat or let us touch him, it has been more than taxing on us.

Replied by Nh Gardener
(Sanbornton, Nh, Usa)

For Silvia from Toronto re. Cat with FCV--Please try food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) in his food, 1/2 tsp. Once a day, increasing gradually to rounded tsp. 2 X/day. If he won't take it, apply some to his fur and paws so he'll lick it off. DE absorbs and eliminates toxins from the body. Also, give him 1/2 tsp gently melted coconut oil in his food, increasing to 1 tsp. Again, if he won't eat it, apply to his paws or legs so he'll lick it off. Good luck.

Replied by Suzanne
(North Plainfield, New Jersey, Usa)

Hi, Just saw your post. I too have a kitty with FCV. When I first adopted him his tongue was one big open, ulcerated sore. He could not eat. Had to force feed him 4-5 times a day with syringe. Besides making him an all natural, grain free raw diet, I gave 500mg Lysine daily for 2 weeks as well as Daily Reiki sessions, 1/2 to 1 hour 3x's a day. (I'm a Reiki Master). That was 1 1/2 years ago. He's fine now. I regularly put 1-2 drops of organic, raw with the mother ACV in his water bowl. Now he gets 250mg of lysine daily. If he starts to show signs of a weakened immune system I may give 1/2cc Astragulus (Liquid Chinese herbal) twice a day for a few days. The Natural Cat by Anitra Frazier is a book I often refer to for help. A friend refered it to me and it's been a Great resource.

Cat Peeing in House

Posted by Ursula (Tobyhanna, P.a.) on 12/16/2013

Cat with eye infection/ Cat peeing all over my house

Cat's eye lids are red and eye is swollen - what can I use? I also have a 12 yr old cat that I have taken to the vet numerous times and he has nothing medically wrong with him but he pees all over my house. I have the catgenie litter box that cleans itself very well but I need help here. Can you give me some advice?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Ursula!

You can try the ACV remedy for conjunctivitus from EC:

Home Remedy Ingredients

  • Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 Teaspoons
  • Filtered Water - 1 Cup

Mix 2 tsp of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Dip a cotton pad or soft cloth in the solution to wash the eyelid inside and out. You can place a few drops of the water mixture in the eye as well. You should repeat this treatment every few hours until the conjunctivitis is completely healed. Usually that will take from 2-3 days.

You can also try the advice from another poster [scroll down for original post]:

12/08/2013: Bluejade4 from Houston, tx: "I used a drug called Pink Eye Remedy for humans on my cat. You can get this at any drug store. My cat is 1 year old and she had eye redness with swelling very teary and little yellow puss like discharge at the corner of one eye. And just redness in the other eye. She was not playing much and would hide and sleep most of the day. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar and the Neosporin they helped a little but was not effective enough. I bought the pink eye remedy cleaned her eyes with a wet warm face cloth. Held my cat down had my daughter drop 2 drops per eye. I did this twice daily for three days. My cat is all better now she is playing and is her old self. Her eyes are clear bright and normal."

For sure if you try these remedies and see no improvement in 3 days then you should consider taking your cat to the vet.

For your 12 year old consider treating for feline cystitis with ADV and homeopathy:

Also read up on Feline Lower Urinatry Tract Disease here:

It may help to get several litter boxes for your cats - so 3 boxes for 2 cats and try to vary the location if possible. If your cat has an area that he soils regularly try putting a box there.

Cat's with FLUTD aren't trying to be naughty when they pee all over the house - they are trying to find any way to escape their discomfort and some with chronic conditions come to associate the pain the the litter box, hence peeing everywhere *but* in the litterbox.

Replied by Inky
(Colorado Springs, Co)

The eye infection I would think your vet could help you with an ointment. For my older cat I would have to pick up all plastic stuff, they like to pee on that. A friend of mine use to spray water when inappropriate behavior would occur. Or a positive reward I like to use is reward when appropriate behavior is displaced. I use an all natural cat litter made of fine pecan nut purchased at Walmart. Perhaps placing smaller cat litter boxes around the frequently used areas.

(Crystal River Fl)

Colloidal Silver works great in human or pet eyes, just add a couple drops until healed

Cat Sinus Infection Remedies

1 User Review
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Posted by Real jbarker (Maui, HI) on 02/17/2023

I have a 10 year old cat with a sinus infection that has been antibiotic resistant. Over 2 years and vet visits, no help but the antibiotics are toxic to her.

For 7 days skipping some days, I have used a nasal spray I bought through Amazon, its 2% potassium iodine & fulvic acid. It's working well! She's the best I've ever seen her except after giving a round of antibiotics, and I can't keep giving those since it takes the life out of her because antibiotics given so frequently are toxic, literally.

So everyone, try the 2% potassium iodine/ fulvic acid nasal spray, made in the USA.brand name is Triquetra, Nasomin, blu& white box.

I have for 7 days

Caution in DIY Cat Remedies

Posted by Ann (P.s. Ca) on 11/05/2016

Hi to all,

I just want to give a fresh reminder of how different a cats liver/kidneys is from ours or a dogs, etc. They lack an important liver detoxification enzyme called glucuronosyltransferase (yes a mouth full). That is why so many things cause much toxicities in our cats. Their livers can not clear so many substances safely & there for a toxic build up happens, this can be over time of many years or shorter time depending on what toxins are taken in. Taken in can be either oral or through the skin, or breath. This is very much so when it comes to Essential oils as the EO's are 500 - 2000 time stronger then the plant. However what ever is being used oral, eyes, skin, etc., please remember that there are other things in most products not just one thing. It may be safe for a human but not for cats. Always do research, over & over to make sure of safety. You could find illness or disease many, many years down the road. We have toxins in & around us all the time, from cleaning items to smoking, outside environment, paint, carpets & so on, this is adding to the cat as well as good intentions. Mind you I am not saying that DIY help is not a good thing, just be sure to do your home work of researching very well. I work at a animal shelter and have seen first hand what good intentions or even the lack there of can do to our furry babies, of all kinds. We sometimes get tunnel vision when it comes to our babies, we need to keep that tunnel open with research and knowledge.

This is a wonderful site and I for one hope it is always here. The best to all of you.

P.S. I forgot to mention that cats are "lactose intolerant" they may love the milk but it is not, again, it is not good for them.


Posted by Jolean (Hialeah, 33010) on 03/05/2012

I Just would like to know what type of chlorophyll you can give your cat. The pet store by my house only has chlorophyll for dental care. Could I go to my health food store to buy some chlorophyll for my cat? If yes, how much should I give them? Thanks for your help.

Chlorophyll, Milk, Water

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Posted by Jinmarpet (Midvale, Utah) on 02/04/2010

My cat stank up my house until I started giving him a mixture of one drop liquid chlorophyll, eight ounces milk, and twelve ounces filtered water.

EC: Hi Jinmarpet, is this remedy for cats with cystitis? Thanks!

Replied by Goldencat
(Akron, Oh)

I'm shocked. My cats would stink up the house if I allowed them milk all day, diluted or not. Sure to cause stinky loose stools the next day, thanks to their Siamese sensitive digestion. The alleycat isn't so touchy.

I notice my cats' pee is strongly ammonia smelling if they eat dry food. This is due to: dehydration from eating kibble, and more output from drinking extra water to make up for that, plus concentrated urine. P-U.

I'm a raw diet advocate after having a cat with FUS, a baldder stone, urinary blockage twice... All between ages 5 and 8 years old. Changing from high grade kibble based diet drastically changed all the cats' health for the good. This lil guy never had anoter ER trip or sediment in the pee. His chronic dermatitis also cleared!

However, if you don't want to find a nutritionist approved recipie to make, or can't afford the premade raw diets, then feed a wet diet only. Preferably with real meart as first ingredient and NO "animal digest" in it (don't ask - if you must ask, search online for articles on pet food ingredients - truly disturbing). Am betting the cystitis leaves for good, and the pee is less concentrated, thus less smelly.

Imagine: how crunchy-dry are mice? Birds? Kibble stresses a pet's digestive system, and urinary issues are just one result.

Coconut Oil

2 User Reviews
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1 star (1) 

Posted by Sheila (Post Falls, Idaho) on 12/20/2011


Wondering if coconut oil would work on older cats?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Greta (Kamloops, Bc Canada) on 10/18/2010

Could Rose from Florida please tell me how to give Coconut Oil to cats who are finicky?

Replied by Loveurpet
(Los Angeles, California)

Greta if you can't get your cat to eat the coconut oil you can try putting it on her body. I read many places that cats skin is very absorbable. Plus she'll end up licking it off.

* If your cat is an outdoor cat, it's better to first wipe your cat clean*

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sharon (Pace, Florida) on 04/22/2008

I wrote in the past that I used coconut oil to treat my cats Rhino Virus and ringworm. For myself I take 1 Tbs orally. I have used in on my hair before I wash it. My hair is so soft afterwards.It's great for dandruff. As for my cats I treated the ringworm topically and the rhino virus was treated orally. My cats seem to really like it. They get about a tsp orally. They like it liquid so I run it under hot water. My dogs get about 1 Tbs and they love it too. It has helped Yeast on the skin and allergies. I work as a groomer so I try it for several skin problems.

Coconut Water

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Posted by Laamalia (Honolulu, Hi) on 08/16/2016

Editor's Choice My cat, who is male about 4 yrs old, will not eat wet food or fresh food of any kind. I have always given him really good grain free dry food which he tolerates. The vet recommended he eat the urinary food that they sell which I thought would be good. I mixed some with his regular food and he ate it quickly but soon after threw up all his food several times. In addition he threw up yellow stuff a few times which was not good. I was almost ready to take him to a vet but I decided to wait.

Not wanting him to get dehydrated, I made some peppermint tea and also had a commercial aloe/coconut water (not milk! ) which has a little sugar. I slowly fed him from the side of his cheek with a large medicine dropper (the kind they use to administer liquid medicine to babies). I fed him only 2 dropper fulls of each to see how he would react. He took it well and did not regurgitate. I did this about 2-3 times in about 2-3 hr. increments and then when I returned home in the evening.

In the meanwhile, the next day I did administer 1/8 of a pill the vet had given me another time to increase his appetite because I knew it was important for him to eat. When I came home he did eat the controlled amount of food I had left for him of his usual dry food. No messes but I was concerned because the litter pan was dry. He is an indoor'/outdoor cat but I didn't want him out because of the problem. I fed him some more of above water as I described and took him for a short walk outdoors on a leash. He didn't go and I was still concerned.

I came back and gently massaged his belly and area around the kidneys. Shortly after he finally did urinate in his litter box. I'm not concerned (yet) that he hasn't pooped because he really did not eat until today but he definitely looks better.

I definitely recommend pure coconut water for hydration-- best unsweetened but a little sugar shouldn't hurt unless diabetic. Give in small quantities as I described in order to prevent dehydration. Coconut water has minerals and acts like "pedialyte" but is much better for you. It worked well for me.

Replied by Deborah

Does he have crystals in his urine?

As long as he is not getting blocked because that can be very dangerous.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Thank you for reminding me. I used to use coconut water years ago for any sick animals and had actually forgotten about it and have never written about in my notes. It is also very good for people for suffering with a illness too. So again, many thanks.

Replied by Jennifer
(Ocala, Fl)

Cats are 100% carnivorous. Anything other than 80% raw flesh, 10% raw bones and 10% raw organs will kill them. ALL kibble (even grain free) is completely toxic to carnivores. It's the equivalent of a human being eating pretzels 3 times a day, 365 days a year and expecting to be healthy and live a long life. That's why tigers and other cats in the zoo get raw meat.

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