12 Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies for Dogs

Sea Mussels
Posted by Josie (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 03/22/2010

I give my severely arthritic pit bull New Zealand Green-lipped Sea Mussels (Perna canaliculus) and it works brilliantly. She weighs about 55 lbs and is on the lean side...if your arthritic dog is even slightly overweight the kindest thing you can do is get the weight off. I give 1000 mg two times daily on her food. She likes the taste. You'll find the capsules at your health food or supplement store. She's been on them for over six years without interruption until I ran out of them for two days last week. The difference was astounding, we won't run out again. Feedback I've had from other folks is that they either work spectacularly or not at all, but for my part I'm thrilled we tried them. Thanks!