12 Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies for Dogs

Liver Powder
Posted by Anonymous Dog Steward (Animal Country, Earth) on 11/25/2010


We have a dog that is a 10 year old blue healer. She was really struggling to get around and was very stiff and "stoved up". It didn't help that she was overweight and at her age it seems to take longer for her to lose weight. We thought that it maybe in the short future we would have to think about putting her down if she couldn't walk. I started giving her and our other dog 2 tsp of liver powder mixed in some plain yogurt daily and within 3 days there was a huge improvement! She could barely walk before and now will break out into short runs and moves 10 times quicker and walks much faster! Our other dog's coat is much softer and shinier. I have increased the amount I am giving them to 1 tablespoon. I am also going to try feeding them whole liver since we have some that is from a grass fed cow. Be sure to feed your dog something with fiber to help their digestive system as the liver seems to be a little constipating. I feed them pumpkin when giving them their liver(not mixed with the liver). I hope this can help anyone else who might be looking for something to help with older dogs. If I had know about this I would have been giving them liver since they were puppies.