Nattokinase for Deep Vein Thrombosis and Blood Clots

| Modified on Jul 04, 2024
Posted by DENISE (IN) on 01/31/2022

I've been using nattokinase for clots for over 20 years, just take 1 before bed. This was suggested by a holistic doc.

Posted by LinSimon (Tallahassee, FL) on 01/10/2022

For some people, nattokinase will not work with food. If it isn't working, try taking at bedtime or 2 hours after eating. Some also suggest it is more effective when taken with serrapeptase.

Posted by Gee (Canada) on 11/11/2021

Hi There,

could you provide the product you took? I would like to try it as doc believes I am at risk of Blood clots. Many thanks

Posted by Koy (Sofia) on 04/11/2021

For blood clots, the best probably is nattokinase (standardized enzyme from fermented soy, used in Japan for hundreds of years. I'm using it daily for years instead of prescribed blood thinners and it is life saver for me. You can find it on Amazon. Best!

Posted by Sharon (Traverse City, MI) on 12/06/2020

I took Nattokinase 100 mg 3 times a day and got a blood clot in my femoral artery. It didn't work for me. I didn't want to take Coumadin, that's why I took it.

Posted by Kroks (Europe) on 11/30/2020

Editor's Choice 3x100 mg daily, fantastic for dissolving blood cloths (9 years ago I had DVT with completely closed main vein, after 3 months my vein was app. 90-95% opened) and very good for improving general blood circulation.

I recommended nattokinase to a friend who probably had asymptomatic COVID-19 and subsequently probably micro-clots. After only 10 days he noticed better blood circulation, improved respiration and decreased chronic bronchitis and chronic sinusitis.

Posted by Priscilla (Santa Barbara County, Ca, Usa) on 06/26/2017

Study performed and proven effective. It worked for my mother's blood clot and varicose stasis condition in her ankle she had for ten years and nothing else worked but but Nattokinase and this particular studied product Nattokinase and pine bark. It contains studied and proven dosage of 3650 FU of Nattokinase.

Posted by rideronthestorm54 (Grand Junction, CO) on 07/23/2009

I have researsched the natto and it was recommended to take a dose of 2000fui to help with blood clots.

Posted by Ingrid (Tampa, Florida) on 10/10/2008

Nattokinase is known for dissolving blood clots - It is suppose to do a better (HEALTHIER) job than the chemical drugs such as Coumadin and Warfarin but nobody has been able to tell me what dosage to take. I am currently on 12mg of Warfarin for a Trombal vein blood clot and want to switch to Nattokinase asap but need to know the dosage to take?? Thanks in advance for the info.

The following info I copied from Wikkipedia :

Nattokinase is an enzyme extracted and purified from a Japanese food called Natto. Natto is a cheese-like food made from fermented soybeans that has been eaten in Japan for many years. It is thought by some to be a valuable tool in minimizing the chances of developing heart and vascular diseases. Natto is produced by fermentation by adding the bacterium Bacillus natto, a beneficial bacteria, to boiled soybeans. The resulting nattokinase enzyme is produced when the bacterium acts on the soybeans. While other soy foods contain enzymes, it is only the natto preparation that contains the specific nattokinase enzyme. Nattokinase is valued in the alternative medicine community as a clot-buster and blood thinner, and is sometimes recommended as a substitute for daily aspirin therapy. But it's effects go beyond that in terms of catalyzing other enzyme activity.