Health Benefits

Hypothyroidism Cures using Coconut Oil

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Coconut Oil
Posted by Tyson (Lubbock) on 10/10/2015

Staying on strict diet and coconut oil helped tremendously. However, maca root helped the most because it is a powerful hormone balancer. My eyes became moist immediately and my energy returned as well as a ceasing of "attacks". Now on a steady diet of salads with raw apple cider, bananas, and pomegranate. Then on to more powerful fruits like citrus. Refer to Dr. Morse on YouTube for more details.

Fruits are way less taxing on digestion and are healing. But in order to have fruit without the attack, where I thought I was gonna die :/, I had to use coconut oil and maca root to balance the hormones. Adrenals, thyroid, parathyroid, and pancreas are all related in a chain and hormone balance is essential. Fruits and herbs are healing. I pray this helps someone cause it has been a blessing for me. God bless.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Andie (Redondo Beach, Ca, Usa) on 06/09/2010

Hypothyroid and Coconut Oil

If you are feeling exhausted.... Coconut Oil & Iodine is AMAZING! I am 39 and mom of two. I have been feeling mildly flu-like for months not to mention beyond lethargic (having to literally lay down before leaving the house with kids). I went to a naturalpath who did some kinseology tests and said it was my thyroid. He gave me some liquid iodine derived from dulse(seaweed). I then started taking coconut oil topically and internally.

I started slow so I wouldn't get sick. Only a tsp a day in warm water with a tad bit of honey. I am now up to a tablespoon.

In ONE WEEK, and I am not exagerating, I feel 85 to 90% better. My brain fog is gone. Even when i am not able to get a lot of sleep I don't feel that heavy tired anymore!!!!

Don't let any doctor tell you that you can't cure hypothyroid. Most just don't know how!

As far as the iodine I took 4 drops in water the first 4 days and then 6-8 drops after that.

I haven't lost any weight yet.

I'm slender but have gained about 8 extra pounds I NEVER had before! I hope now that my body is feeling better that will change soon too!

Hope that helps someone out there!!


Coconut Oil
Posted by Gail (North Bend, WA) on 04/13/2008

VIRGIN COCONUT OIL FOR HYPOTHYROID AND ADRENAL EXHAUSTION SYMPTOMS. I have been experiencing hypothyroid symtoms as well as adrenal exhaustion symptoms for 6 months. My Medical Doctor did blood and urine tests as well as an MRI because I was experiencing headaches, low body temperature, extreme fatigue, earaches, muscle and joint pain. All tests came back normal. Liver function normal, thyroid normal, B12 normal, iron normal. Naturopath did allergy testing, autoimmune and thyroid tests. Thyroid TSH, T3 and T4 all were in optimal ranges. No allergies to foods. Negative to autoimmune test. I began on my own taking nutritional support for my Adrenals. I purchased a book and took all the recommended supplements for Severe Adrenal Fatigue. My morning temperatures were consistently in the lower 97 degree F. I ate well, eliminating junk food and sugary foods. My morning temperature dropped into the 96 degree F range. In desperation, I began taking Virgin Coconut oil, starting with 2 teaspoons on day 1, then 3 teaspoons on day 2. 3 Tablespoons on day 3. After 4 days of VCO 3 tablespoons a day I was able to do light exercise. Before that I was barely able to make it through a day. My legs felt like lead. I worked 4 days a week at a sitdown job and would be in bed for 3 days. After 9 days of 3 tablespoons of Virgin Coconut Oil a day I had nerve zapping in my right leg and right shoulder at night. Since that time I have had no nerve zaps and the pain in my left shoulder due to Adrenal Fatigue is 98% better. I have been able to exercise vigorously. If I reduce to 1 tablespoons a day my body aches. At 3 tablespoons a day I have energy and have no body aches. My morning temperatures have gone up a degree, 97-98 F. I've been taking Virgin Coconut Oil for a month and a half.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dorie (Ft Lauderdale, Florida) on 04/08/2008

Coconut Oil for Hypothyroid patients: I heard that virgin coconut oil was a good supplement for people suffering with hypothyroidism. I went to a natural food market and bought a jar of it. That was 2 months ago and I have gone back to buy more several times. I am taking 3 tablespoons in the morning. It has not helped with my weight although I know a few people who used it and lost weight immediately. It has stopped my hair loss (it use to fall out by the handful) and in fact not only is my hair thicker but my eyebrows are growing back. I no longer have cold hands and feet either. It doesn't cure thyroid problems but it certainly is a great supplement to help with the effects of the disease.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rischa (seattle, WA) on 08/26/2007

I began taking coconut oil about June 1st this summer, primarily for my long term hypothyroidism. Now not yet 3 months later I am completely off my synthroid and cytomel. I was on more than 300 mcg for about 7 years. It has changed my life. I feel so much better than I did on the thyroid meds. I am not cold, I am sleeping better. It made a herpes outbreak completely dissappear in 4 hours when applied topically. my periods which have been abnormal all my life are normalizing,(I am 45) and I am finding that I am eating smaller meals and more satisfied and not hungry. I swear I can hear the click in my head that says I have had enough to eat! Ive lost 10 lbs. I attribute it all to 4tbsp VCO a day(2w bfst/1w lunch/1w dinner) and also trace minerals, and fish oil. none or very little bread and refined carbs. I did have a day of scary high blood pressure symptoms, after which I reduced my meds by 1/3rd, and the symptoms went away. A wwk or so later when I began feeling the same things again, I reduced my meds again and again until I quit all together. the last step is to get my blood levels tested by my doc, just to confirm I am doing as great as I feel, tho I am starting to think it is not necessary, except to gloat to my dr

Coconut Oil
Posted by Andrea (las vegas, nevada) on 07/14/2007

I have been battling hypothyroidism for 8 yrs now, i gained 82 lbs over the yrs,diet after diet failed umtil i started on coconut oil and let me tell you that in 2 months of taking coconut oil combined with a low carb diet, i have lost 35 lbs feel great energetic again, on my way of losing all the weight i plan to lose an aditional 40 lbs by december since i"ve taking the coconut oil softgels i have not had any side effect coconut oil is the miracle oil but again combined with a low carb diet.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rischa (seattle, wa) on 06/23/2007

coconut oil. I started taking it because I read it could help regulate my thyroid. Even tho medicated for my hypothyroid, I continue to have symptoms. I began coconut oil and found I had to reduce my levothyroxine by 1/3 2 weeks after starting taking about 3 tbsp daily. I am hoping it will continue to get better!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Christine (San Diego, California) on 04/06/2007

I have been suffering with the symptoms describing hypothyroidism. Last week I started the EVCO and added the ACV, of course, decided to throw in the molasses. I will keep you all posted on my progress, trying to feel better and lose the 40 pounds I have picked up. Today I write because I have come up with a great drink. It kills two birds with one stone. Here goes:

ONE TBSP EVCO [Extra Virgin Coconut Oil]


I could not stand the taste of the molasses, however it is so yummy in this tea. Hope you like it. I have noticed since the evco and acv that like most everyone else, my ENERGY has soared, skin soft, body temp up, hair and nails gowing, dry seriously cracking heels softer and healing (using oil dirrectly) no more claritin, sleeping better, brighter outlook. This is only my seventh day. At first I seemed to gain a little weight, but just today I noticed the scale is down 1 pound. I am keeping at it and will keep you posted.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Carolyn (Lorain, OH) on 02/25/2007

I have been taking virgin coconut oil for eight months now because I read it will help regulate my thyroid.I am hyper-thyroid and have been on medication for the past four years.Last month I stopped my meds.because I was told my thyroid is in remission now.I believe the oil is what helped me.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Linda (Orlando, FL) on 02/22/2007

Hypothyroid / Coconut Oil: I suffer from hypothyroid and have taken levoxyl for about 7 years. I also have suffered with fatigue for most of my 47 years for a wide variety of reasons (anemia, depression, hypothyroid, sleep apnea, RLS). It seems I have every condition that can rob one of sleep and energy. Anyway, I was looking for a natural form of thyroid support and came upon information about coconut oil being helpful (about two weeks ago). I just found this wonderful site this week, which I intend to frequent OFTEN, and I thought I'd contribute my experience with coconut oil. So far (2 weeks) I have a bit more energy. I have gained about 8 pounds since January (I tend to be slim), which I want to lose. I hope the energy helps the weight loss. I'll keep you posted.