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Hypothyroidism Cures using Coconut Oil

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Coconut Oil
Posted by Jhopkins (Chapel Hill, Tn Usa) on 01/18/2010

I have been hypothyroid since 2003. I had been dealing with it through Synthroid and the like, and also used Armour for a while. I felt the best with Armour. But I still have to fight fatigue every single day, not to mention struggle with weight loss and all the other symptoms hypothroid holds. I had been at a constant dose, up until now. I started EV coconut oil back in October (2009, it is now Jan 2010). I started with ~1/2 Tbsp. Had a lot of diarhea and nausea. But boy did i actually clean out. I did back off a little. I now have 1Tbsp in my coffee in the morning...sometimes a little more. I am not having the diarhea/nausea as much. My goal is to get to 3 Tbsp, but that seems like it will be far off. Anyways, I had my blood checked about a month ago, 2.5 months after starting CO. I am very HYPERthroid now. I have moved down a dose and will get my blood checked again in about 6 weeks. I am still a little leary that CO is working so well, but I will find out March. I am very hopeful to cure my disease and start to have energy again. I am 32 and otherwise very healthy.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sangeetha (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands) on 01/05/2010

I have been taking 3 tbsp of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil since around May 2009. After 5 months of taking that, my body wasn't feeling too right and so I got my thyroid checked and was happy that my thyroid prescription was reduced from 100 mcg to 75 mcg Eltroxin. Six weeks after that test and contination of around 3 tbsp a day of EVCO, I got my thyroid tested again, but it had not become any better and I continue to take 75 mcg of Eltroxin and around 3 tbsp of EVCO.

How long does it take for a 2nd round of reduction in prescription after continuing to take the EVCO? I have not gone for another thyroid test since mid November 2009.

Will EVCO be able to cure my hypothyroid (of 14 years) completely so that I would not need to take any medication?

Thanks for responses.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Noah (Southampton, Ny, USA) on 12/23/2009

Coconut Oil / Hypothyroid

Upon diagnosis of hypothyroism, doctor proscribed Synthroid. Research (here) indicated cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil as a treatment. I began taking EVCO regularly, melted on toast with jam, liquefied into granola with yogurt, etc., dosage 2-3 tablespoons daily. Improvement was marked, within a month I had renewed energy, restored digestive function and began losing weight. I did experience what I can only describe as minor heart palpitations around this time, but was unconcerned as they felt like bursts of energy.

After 10 months I am still sensitive to cold. Raynaud's like symptoms are minimal in comparison to a year ago and improve quickly if I take care to keep warm. I continue to use EVCO as a regular part of my diet. There are some nice side effects to EVCO: my athlete's foot is completely gone, as is a brown mole on my arm.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cathy (Villa Park, Illinois USA) on 02/13/2009

I have been using Extra Virgin Coconut Oil since April of 2008. One tablespoon per day. I have Hypothyroidism and was having a lot of problems with brain fog. I was having difficulty doing my job and sometimes would forget where I was going when driving home for a few seconds. I am a creative person but was totally unable to express my ideas in artwork or my writing. I could not organize my thoughts. I could not make decisions or remember what I was supposed to do. This on top of all the other symptoms of hypothyroidism. 2 weeks after I started taking it the brain fog totally went away. I am very dependent on the coconut oil now as I do not want to go back to not knowing what I was doing. As for my other symptoms such as totally lost my sex drive which is destroying my relationship and sleeping too much and low energy etc. it has not changed any of that. My thyroid has gotten worse and I have had to double my thyroid medication (Thyroxine). I am working with a Naturalpathic doctor which was a very wise thing to do. She told me to keep taking 1 Tbsp of coconut oil per day. I just wonder if I should take more than that since I have heard of other people have been able to go off the thyroid meds when taking 2 Tbsp per day. She is also treating me for Adrenal Fatigue and cervical dysplaisia and fibrocystic breasts. I guess I'm a mess right now and just want to be well again. I am a big fan of the coconut oil because it is the one remedy that has made the most difference for me. Also I want to add that the doc specified I should use the solid coconut oil instead of the capsules which I started out on because she said that way you can tell if it has gone rancid. But I still use the capsules for backcountry trips and road trips for convenience.

If anyone knows a way to bring back the sex drive I would be grateful.