Artemisinin for Cancer, Malaria and More

Artemisinin for Lung Cancer
Posted by Leenott (Ab, Canada) on 10/20/2014

I was diagnosed with lung cancer in April, 2014. I cut out grains and carbs, took BiCarb every morning, used a salt diffuser.

I was still congested and bought a salt diffuser and overnight the congestion improved hugely.

Then I read asomething about Artemisisin, started taking it around the middle of July, and had been using it for 6 weeks, then I had an xray about 6 weeks ago, and was told by the doctor there a substantial reduction, and that all I had was a bit of congestion in my lower right lung. It's not gone yet, but I feel so much better and can breathe better. This is a post to tell people about this herb.

I absolutely will not take any pharma drugs and haven't for 40 years, so there was no way I was going to do chemo. When you start to research, there are SO many natural cures out there and they are suppressed. It isn't a death sentence, but you need to have the right attitude, this makes a huge difference. Check out Ty Bollinger. One of his books is "Cancer, Step Outside the Box". Well worth reading.