Health Benefits

Artemisinin: Benefits, Uses, and How It Work

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Artemisinin for Lung Cancer
Posted by Leenott (Victoria, Australia) on 04/12/2015

Nip, I wrote a lot of messages on Skype for you. Beverley

Artemisinin for Lung Cancer
Posted by Beverley (Victoria, Australia) on 04/03/2015

Hi Nip,

I spent over an hour on my reply to you and it disappeared. Will try again later, but that REALLY bugs me when something like that happens. I think my laptop needs work.

Are you on Skype? Maybe we could talk that way. Id is leenott23


Artemisinin for Lung Cancer
Posted by Leenott (Victoria, Australia) on 02/25/2015

Hi, am still taking Artemisinin, and will continue for a while yet.

Have had some weird detox effects, the worst about a month ago, almost like a last gasp by the ailment (will not name it, gives it energy! )

I felt awful, no energy, moving from one chair to another was exhausting, but it is WAY better now, and can actually do more, but that detox -if that is what it was, lasted about a month. Artemisinin kills off a LOT of cells VERY quickly and the body has to remove the toxins, so I guess this is what the detox was. Also effected my bladder for a day over the last 3 months, one day per course (10 days on Art., 3 days off)

I also take Bicarb, have done almost from the start, 1 tsp in water first thing in morning and if what I read is correct about c---- not surviving in an alkaline system, then I must be pretty OK, as I have kept it around 8 for the suggested 10 days.

Am also taking Lugols Iodine, 7 drops along with Tumeric Extract and a lung tonic.

I also discovered a great Chinese medicine which does wonders for congestion. Ban Xia Hou Po Tang.

This has been an interesting journey, one I never expected to take as I have always been so healthy (did smoke until I was 50) literally never got sick, haven't been to a doctor for 40 years ( until April last year)

I am on the mend now, but it has a lot to do with state of mind. Until recently I didn't care, now I do and it's showing. We MUST care and love ourselves first and foremost and I didn't over the last 3 years and really beat myself up.

I hope this helps. If you have a problem, what I am doing helps me. Not saying it is a treatment for everyone, but certainly has helped me. Am happy to keep you updated!
