20 Mule Team Borax in the laundry detergent aisle. Wet "Trigger Finger" to 2nd knuckle. Dip in borax and stir into 8 oz glass of water. Drink Up! More energy, blood flow and with stimulation a damn good Woody.
To Duracell last coat crotch with iodine. Use 1 capful of DMSO and get frisky. Takes a lick-in and keeps on tic-kin. You will be amazed. Also gets rid of "Red itchy Balls" ( also good to bring blood and sensitivity to clit )
You can buy borax pellets that are homeopathic so you do not have to take the borax detergent.
I keep seeing borax as a suggestion for curing ED. Isn't it curious no one here has mentioned that borax is used to chelate fluoride from the body. I wonder if maybe you could save a step by not drinking fluoride or brushing with fluoridated toothpaste. Isn't it also curious that Viagra and the other pills for ED began to show up in the market not long after they began to fluoridate the water. Think about it. Do the math, check the dates. $$$$
The Borax you have has to be used with caution.. And its for Arthritis. If you lick your finger up to the first joint and put it into the powder, what adheres is dissolved and drunk in an 8 oz. Glass of water... this gives about 9mg of boron which is a theraputic amount for arthritis per day.
The E.D. Is well covered in the E.D. Section. The cayenne and garlic works well.
Hi all I went to the Chemist and purchased some Borax and had the intention to start to trial it for my condition of erectile disfunction. When I read the recomended use I realized that the main use for this product is for cleaning blocked drains as such. My question is, is this borax the correct product to ingest as suggested?
I would recommend trying Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Pycnogenol, before resorting to Borax. These will increase blood flow. You can take the Carnitine with Alpha Lipoic Acid for further health benefits. Some take a successful combo of Pycnogenol and L-argnine for erectile dysfunction. see here: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FDN/is_4_8/ai_111304013/
Also, look into some adaptogens like Ashwaganda, or Ginseng, or Rhodiola. To increase testosterone, look into Freeze Dried Stinging Nettle Root, and Tribulus Terrestris... and things will be looking up..:)
Sodium borate from your chemist (pure in powder form). Mix1/4 teaspoon with 1 litre of unchlorinated , sans calcium carbonate water and drink through the day.
Is the Borax people are talking about for remedies for impotence the same as the laundry detergent borax? I assume you are not to take that orally so how would my husband do the whole taking borax thing? We are ready to try anything!!!!
Hi Diane...I had tinea cruris (jock itch -- a very similar problem as your husbands'problem) for seven years before I managed to get rid of it. Although I fully support the borax cure by Ted(I also use borax now for my skin and internally), what cured my jock itch over two years ago was simple Milk of Magnesia(Magnesium Hydroxide in aqueous solution) that everyone uses as a laxative. I used MoM together with athletes foot powder which is basically salicylic acid or salicylate, the same as aspirin. I also alkalyzed heavily -- as per Ted's advice -- using his lemon/lime or ACV sodium bicarbonate remedy as the main cure for my candida problems (athletes foot, eczma, constipation, poor energy etc).
If your husband's impotence is due to candida or fungus, it would really make sense to get rid of the internal fungus first (ie the cause). Here is the regimen I used for alkalyzing:
Alkalyze 2 X per day with one lemon/lime(or 2 X tablespoons ACV) mixed together with a 1/4 to 1/2 tspn Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) mixed in half a glass of water.
I got rid of my persistent jock itch very quickly. During the day I would use the athletes foot powder in my genital area. At night, after my shower I would apply the MoM to the effected parts of my legs and genitals and let it dry(this is very soothing, by the way). I would leave this on all night. A caveat here -- although leaving the MoM all night didn't hurt me, I would leave it on only for about 20 mins (it dries to a dust) then wash it off -- because different people have different sensitivities. I had been using the athletes foot powder already for about a week when I started using the MoM. My jock itch disappeared completely in 2 days after applying the MoM !!
In my research on tinea cruris(jock itch), I found out that this was caused by the same fungus as tinea pedis(athletes foot) which is why I used the athletes foot powder as well.
I cured my jock itch very quickly, but it took about a year of faithful alkalyzing to rid myself of the candida. Also my eczma, psoriasis, constipation etc. -- which I regard as simple external manifestations of my candida -- also completely disappeared. But, I must add that it took about a year of alkalyzing to remove my candida with all problems.
Here is a link to the MoM cures, read Ted's feedback:
I still take Ted's alkalyzing remedies a few times a week even now. I will always use this simple but effective alkalyzing protocol now.
With much grateful thanks to both Ted and Earth Clinic.
Dear Diane:
I have added one more to help some erectile dysfunction. Borax for some reason is synergistic with another supplement I found by observation, which is glycine. The amino acid tastes sweet, but is ideally taken in the evening. Both the borax and the glycine has similar effects on both men and woman, in terms of sexual dysfunction. Itching testicals is a common problem, and most of that, the most irritating one is actually the fungus or candida issues. Therefore it's best to avoid sugary food, fats and artificial sweeteners. Those top three things worsen the condition. You can also prepare a borax wash in that particular area, if borax runs short. It works too.
The dose for glycine is about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon a day. So its roughly 1000 to 2000 mg of glycine. Gycine is a simple amino acid that seems to help sleep, but also have some positive effects on erectile dysfunction.
I am giving feedback on the Borax. It works pretty much instantly and impotance did not come back until my husband quit using it. He quits and start on and off because it makes him feel hungry constantly, I have taken it and had the same effect. (I think it may be starving/killing fungus and candida which is telling his body "eat more", just a thought) I feel his impotence is from fungus overgrowth because he has had an itch on his testicles for over five years and things have helped it but it has never gone away completely. We now are going to start bathing in 1c borax every night for a week and then once a week after that. Last night before our 2nd bath I asked him how his itch was and he realized that he had not thought of it all day and when he felt the testie skin the itchy feeling was there but he was amazed at how much less it itched. We decided to bath in it because I read how your can reap the benifits through your pores. I am bathing with him just so he'll remember to do it and yes he still thinks I'm a babe.
Still waiting to hear from Diane from Minneapolis about her experience with Borax. Also, this is a question for Ted --- How long do you drink Borax in water to get full and lasting benefit?
I read somewhere else on this site that the dosage is 1/4 tsp for adult males and 1/8 tsp for adult females, this you put in a liter (4 cups) of water and sip throughout the day. I got mine from _____. I am trying this with my husband I will give feed back in a couple months because for him this is a has only started recently and I am quite sure he thinks I'm a babe LOL. No I am just taking care of him.
...Borax or sodium tetraborate hexahydrate, or related name is a boron mineral that is an essential minerals for mammals but are toxic for insects, parasites and hence is used to get rid of parasites and has a unique anti-fungal.
Most reported toxicity is boric acid, which is the acid component of boron, but the sodium borate is an alkaline component so it's toxicity is low. Israel has the world's lowest arthritis and rheumatism because the borax content high in their drinking water is high. Boron deficiency leads to osteoporosis and many problems associated with candida, lichen planus, and the like. I was once chemical industrialist and we used boron compounds added into infant formula and multivitamins to prevent boron deficiency. One of the most unique features of borons is it's toxicity of 2000 mg/kg of LD50 is equivalent toxicity equal to that of sodium chloride, which is salt. The single most unique element is boron I used is to fight against metastatic cancer rather successfully when taken along with two other critical components, lecithin taken before and after every meals, and alkalization also. Boron raises the body's immune system by normalizing the body's hormone system and raises libido and sexual impotence and has some unique viagra like properties in both men and woman. Boron is an essential minerals in stabilizing calcium and magnesium components in the blood. Its anti cancer properties of boron or borax owes it to the fact it can kill fungus, reduce mycotoxins and which is really the cause behind cancer, arthritis, candida, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. It reduces excessive calcification of the pineal gland which is the control center of the biological clock and is used to detoxify or reduce the toxicity of fluoridated water. In fact this is the antidote I used to prevent myself from death of accidental fluoride poisoning during my laboratory work with hydrofluoric acid. I wouldn't be hear typing this post if it hadn't been for borax saving my life on a couple of ocassions. One common poisoning that parents worry is when children eat up the almost most of the toothpaste tube and borax has saved their life. The toxicity of fluoride we used in toothpaste is actually more than 10 times more toxic than borax. Borax toxicity of LD50 is equal to that of Salt, which is safer than some of the pharmaceuticals that is FDA approved. Because of its effectiveness in most remedies, the fact that its an essential mineral and that it has saved my life, boron isn't going to go away that easily. Think of it this way: what happens if your child has accidental fluoride poisoning from toothpaste and doctors say there's nothing you can do about it?