Posted by Eve (PA) on 12/28/2024
My 9 year old daughter recently contracted whooping cough from her FULLY VACCINATED friend. The girl's parents brought her - OBVIOUSLY sick - to a party, where she coughed and sneezed and her nose was running terribly - she kept running for tissues - and she then had to sit on the side for half the time because she was too sick to participate. I don't know why they brought the child in so sick (she's a sweetheart, I don't blame her) but she was hugging my daughter and standing next to her the whole time and she got my daughter sick. I know it was her because we hadn't gone anywhere else due to snowstorms, and we homeschool (so she didn't catch it at school) and several days later over the holiday, my daughter came down with the same symptoms her friend had, which morphed into the cough. I was shocked when I heard whooping - my daughter has never been sick more than mildly, for a day or two, never needed antibiotics, never needed a doctor visit for any illness - she goes for annual check ups and she's just never gotten very sick. She's never had a fever over 102. Even when the rest of the family gets the flu, for her it's sniffles and she's still playing and reading. She's never even had an ear infection or a stomach bug - nothing. The kid seemed bulletproof. So this cough was a very unpleasant surprise. Merry Christmas to us! Anyway, I had Dr. Humphries protocol saved in my computer and I had a new bottle of ascorbic acid on hand because I always knew there was a possibility we might one day encounter whooping cough. Well, the protocol drastically decreased the cough within about a day and provided near total comfort by day 2. All was fine and dandy and my little girl got plucky and thought she didn't need it anymore. "I'm perfectly fine! " she stated, nose in the air, when I tried to give her the daily doses. Well... that day she didn't take her doses and the next morning, the girl had gone from scarcely coughing for a week to HACKING ALL MORNING AND WHOOPING! Yes, EXACTLY as Dr. Humphries warned and exactly as others here have noted. We had to up that dosage all over again, (just as Dr. Humphries said in the protocol) and now we know it's true - one must stick to it until fully recovered! You may feel fine, you may no longer cough, great, but the pertussis bacteria is still not gone so the vitamin C is still needed for the entire course. Anyway, 5 stars for ascorbic acid. Affordable and effective. The PA Department of Health spokesperson just said that, while PA is having a big outbreak, it's NOT because of unvaccinated people. She said the vaccine uptake is very high at 95%. She said, there are cyclical outbreaks every few years due to many factors, including the waning of immunity (of the vaccines). Anyway, at least my child will now have long lasting natural immunity so she won't get anyone sick. They say whooping cough natural immunity lasts decades, even 30 years, so while I'm not thrilled she had to be sick and stuck home over the holidays, it gave her a chance to recuperate, gain natural immunity, and NOT spread the sickness to others. So those people here who are posting on how the vaccine is great and it's the fault of unvaccinated people, well, my daughter just caught whooping cough from a vaccinated child. I also know a family who caught whooping cough from recently vaccinated relatives. They can shed it and they can spread it. Whooping cough is simply something vaccinated or unvaccinated folks CAN catch - so it's helpful to have the C protocol just in case.
Posted by Cedar Woman (Tn ) on 04/06/2015
I have a 2 yo and a 6 yo and they had pertussis this last winter. It started with a cough that came out of nowhere and in about a week and a half they were whooping. It got to be very intense as you can imagine. We tried many things. I figured out to give them mega doses of vitamin c through the day and it helped so tremendously that I thought they were recovering. When I would stop the vit c when I thought they were getting over it or when we ran out, they would quickly plummet back into being very sick. I later learned that this is because it takes time for the pertussis toxins to run their course and nothing can stop that, however the vit c does protect the body from those toxins while the illness is running its course.
We started out with powdered ascorbic acid and I mixed into orange or grape juice to make it palatable. Then we moved to sodium ascorbate because it was less sour and easier to get down, but it does seem like a lot of sodium to put in their little bodies so I lessened the doses.
To get your dose you start out giving 500 mg vit c every 30 min until they have a soft poop, not watery. write it down every time you dose. Then add up how many mg you gave and subtract one 500mg dose from that number. Then give that number of mg every 4 hours during the day.
My 2yo got 2000mg every 4 hours and my 6yo got 4000mg every four hours.
Bottom line is vitamin c definitely works in treating pertussis!! It works miracles!!!
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/27/2012
Lypospheric Vit- C works beautifully with whooping cough, according to research tests.