Whooping Cough
Natural Remedies

Whooping Cough Remedies

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Vitamin C, Iodine, Enzymes
Posted by Victoria (Michigan, Usa) on 12/26/2017

I am 60, my hubby 56. We have both just been diagnosed with pertussis. It is a brutal cough and we are in our 5th week. The diagnosing Dr. told us that they are seeing more and more of it, and the vaccines and boosters are becoming ineffective as the disease seems to have mutated slightly.

We are having the best results with the high dose Vit C by Dr humphries, plus serrapeptase to remove the dead tissue and open lungs, plus mullein tea, plus high dose of Lugol's iodine with cofactors ( 200 mg daily, three days on two days off).

We are noticing that all of the mentioned seem to play a natural role in detoxing the toxins and keeping the mucus thin and movable without too much hacking.
