Whooping Cough
Natural Remedies

Whooping Cough Remedies

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Posted by Marliah (Kennebec County, Maine, Usa) on 03/21/2013

We did not realize until we were in the depths of it that we had whooping cough, we found that garlic salve has helped quite a bit. We make the slave by taking 1/3 cup coconut oil, 6-8 cloves of fresh garlic, 2tbp olive oil, 5 or so drops of lavendar oil. Blend at high speed in a blender then push through a screen or sieve to get out any large pieces. We apply this to the chest and back and to the soles of the feet. It's a great infection fighter/immune booster.

This is taken from the book "Be Your Own Doctor" by Rachel Weaver. I highly suggest thus book, lots of great info in there.

Also we have found that lavendar in the oil diffuser helps with congestion.
