10 Natural Pink Eye Remedies for Fast Relief

Raw Milk
Posted by Joni (Selma, Oregon) on 05/07/2011

There seems to be several different natural cures for pink eye, but I would like to add what we use to the list. We raise dairy and meat goats. We have four bucklings kept together in an area just for them. One came down with pink eye this past winter, and one by one they all got it. Most people that have goats knows that just a 1/2 of a dropper full of fresh, raw milk will cure pink eye in just a couple days. After milking my does I would immediatley put some milk in a dropper and squeeze that into my bucklings eye. Twice a day is good, but even just once a day will cure it fast. I have read if you don't have fresh milk, you also can even used evaporated milk. So it doesn't have to be raw or fresh, although I think it would be better. This also works on humans. It's so easy and simple and almost everyone has some milk in the refrigerator. Hope this helps someone.
