10 Natural Pink Eye Remedies for Fast Relief

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Believer In Natural Cures (Illinois, Usa) on 11/28/2016

Hot Tea Bag for Pink Eye

Howdy all, I have been using Earthclinic cures for 8 years, maybe more. I started with the teabags for pink eye. My children were youngsters then and had frequent pink eye bouts. It seems that its the heat from the tea bag compresses that kills the virus in the eyes. It needs to be hot but you want to be careful about burning the sensitive skin. I use the compresses 5-8x daily and use a new tea bag each time. We havnt had to get a prescription since finding this cure.

Blessings. I have pink eye right now lol and yup hot tea bags are my cure.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Uvstarbaby (New Jersey) on 04/13/2015

Editor's Choice I woke up a couple of days ago with a case of pink eye that had come on board during another infection, involving sore throat, dry cough, raspy voice, body aches. It mainly affected my right eye, but some in the left, too. Really red, with profuse slimy discharge. I let it go a day to see if it would clear up, but it was just getting worse.

Suddenly, a light bulb came on to check EarthClinic for some remedies. At first I tried ACV mixed with water, which burned and seemed worse after a few hours. Then I tried colloidal silver, which gave no improvement after several hours. Then I tried organic peony white tea (because it's a type of green tea - young leaves), with no effect and it seemed even worse again. FINALLY, I tried black tea, the round tea bags, and there was almost instant relief and some clearing of redness over a few hours.

After the second application last night before bed, today it's gone in my left eye and practically gone in my right eye. I just did another application on both eyes and will likely do a couple more, to ensure it stays gone. It was easy and painless. Just like making a cup of tea, only I put the cooled teabag on my right eye, after squeezing some drops from it into my left. For subsequent applications, I used the cold tea in the cup, with clean cotton balls, squeezing drops in each eye, and cleaning my eyelashes and surrounding eye area with the tea soaked cotton balls. I'm grateful and my vision is still good--maybe a touch better. :) Thank you EarthClinic and everyone who has posted their experience here in order to help others. It worked!

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Sonia (London, Uk) on 04/04/2014

Thank you so much for the black teabag remedy for pink eye. It has helped me so much. I simply boiled a tea bag in some water let it cool until it was warmish. Put a Cotton wool in it and cleaned my sons eye with it about every hour until the redness reduced in both eyes. And it's working so well. He's almost 2 and I needed something quick and natural to soothe his eyes. Thank you!!

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Mikethedruid (Providence, Rhode Island, Usa) on 10/04/2012

For several days my left eye had been irritated and discharging a sticky mucus which coated the lashes, and only made the irritation worse. I had tried just rinsing the eye well with warm water, which provided temporary relief, but did not cure the problem. Then I remembered something that the man who taught me the old ways had taught me about medicine, and tried using strong tea as an eyewash. The easiest way, he had told me, was to brew yourself a cup of tea using a cheap regular black or brown tea. When the cup is brewed, take out the teabag, but do not squeeze the water out. While you enjoy your tea, let the teabag cool down until it is just barely warm, then place the teabag on the afflicted eye, and gently squeeze it whill slightly blinking the eye so that the tea gets right onto the eyeball itself, as well as the lids. Wipe the excess that runs down your face with a paper towel or cloth. Do this every time it feels at all irritated, and in a day or two the problem will clear up. I did exactly that, and it works very well. It is a cheap, painless, and effective cure.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Morningstar (Winter Springs, Fl) on 04/11/2012

The Day before yesterday I got into a car accident and was in an orthopedic office all day taking xrays. A few hours later my eyes began to itch, I thought it was just allergies, but then I woke up My left eye was goopy and red and my right eye was plastered shut. The top eyelid on the right was swollen as well. I figured.... Crap, its conjunctivitis. Seeing that I was just sitting in a doctors office all day monday, and I don't have insurance, I did not want to go into a walk in clinic. I took a look at the natural cures on here and decided to go with the black tea because I manage to choke apple cider vinegar down for various health benifits, but I cannot imagine putting it in my eye. I heated a cup of water up on the stove and put the black tea bag into it and let it soak for a few minutes... Then I added a few ice cubes to cool it down. I took a paper towel (we use all natural ones with no dyes or anything) and ripped a corner off and soaked it in the tea. I wiped the top eyelid a few times on each eye, then the bottom lid, then I resoaked in the tea and squeezed some of the liquid into the corner of my eye, tilted my head and blinked.

Not only did it get rid of the stickyness, but after doing that 4 times within the hour the swelling in my eyelid went down completely. I went out to run errands for a few hours, then repeated the process. This morning I woke up and took a look at my eyes and they looked fine. Just to be sure, I did it one more time before work and my eyes are crystal clear, and the redness and itchyness went away. :) Im very excited that this remedy works. This is much less expensive then a trip to the walk in, and the medicine they give you makes your vision blurry for awhile anyway. With the tea, you just sort of drip in it and get on with your life. Who would have known, just wonderful!

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Jamie (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/22/2012

I had what I suspect is a mild case of pink eye in both eyes (uurrg), as I have been getting over a chest cold (double uurrgg! ). I am not 100% sure it was pink eye but I woke up for the past couple days with crusty, slightly goopy eyes that were bloodshot soooo... I'm guessing that's what it is. I am so happy I found this remedy.

I used white tea bags first because that's all I had. Brewed 2 together for about 15 minutes, cooled it down then used the bags as compresses and smooshed them around my eye lids gently and dripped some tea in there, as suggested. I felt the soothing effect immediately and the redness went down a bit. I found some black tea and have now twice dripped some of that (after brewing and cooling a bit) into my eye over the course of the day, and it's really working! My eyes feel calmer and more lubricated, and the redness has gone down. Yay. Still a bit itchy but I will keep doing this until they heal. It obviously helps. THANKS!

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Tangible (Brewer, Maine) on 12/11/2011

I have used black tea bags for pink eye since my grandfather taught me that as a child.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Bravebird (Afton, Va) on 02/25/2011

Black Teabags worked great for us! I was putting breastmilk in my son's pinkeye, which normally clears it right up. This time, his eye was actually getting worse instead of better. So I came on here, and decided to try the black tea. I brewed a cup and dripped it lukewarm into his eye. An hour later it was looking better than it had in two days. Put more drops in, and an hour after that there is no pink at all left in the eye-whites, and no more discharge. I'll do another treatment before bed just to keep up with it, but the improvement is truly amazing!

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Ebony (Ct, Usa) on 06/04/2010

I woke up with a itchy red eye. It was leaking a clear fluid. It was also hard for me to open the eye. It was only in my left eye. After visiting this site. I read about using tea (either black or green) as a remedy. Well I used black tea because it was the cheapest. I just made my tea like normal and took the tea bag out of the water after I let it seep for a few minutes and applied it to my eye. The warmth of the tea bag was so relaxing and soothing. I felt an immediate difference in about 15 minutes. I was able to go to work that day and by the end of the day the irritation was gone. Works great for me. Thanks to this website and all who posted.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Jdkokoko (Quezon City, Philippines) on 09/01/2009

i woke up with my right eye watery and swollen. i read from your website about the cure for this - green tea bag soaked in hot water. but because green tea here in the philippines is costly, i tried what is available brown tea bag. it worked. after only 7 minutes the swelling and watering has considerably decreased. i continued applying the bag after 3 hours apart, 2 times more and its completely gone the next morning. thanks earthclinic, your heaven sent (see the Holy Bible talks about plants and trees being the cure for our body illness)

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Amanda (Monterey, CA) on 03/01/2009

Black tea and salt water cured my conjunctivitis.

Yesterday I woke up with a really itchy, bloodshot left eye and it got worse throughout the day. Then, this morning I woke up and my eye was all gooey, stuck together, swollen, and red. I never go to the doctor, even though my husband has great insurance, because I know all they do is prescribe antibiotics or some other pills from a laboratory and I do not want to mess up my body chemistry. So, naturally, I went to Earthclinic instead. First, I brewed two black tea bags in 1 1/2 cups of hot water. Meanwhile, I decided to try rinsing my eye with a concentrated solution of sea salt in warm water. I did not measure it, but it was quite a salty concoction. I used an eyedropper and put a few drops in my eye. It stung a lot, but I felt like it was working. Next, I used the eyedropper to drop warm black tea in my eye and it was SO soothing. It took all the stinging away! I then laid down and put the tea bag over my eye. Whenever it would cool down, I would put it back in the warm tea and put the other on on my eye. I repeated this procedure until the tea was cooled down. After that, I fell asleep again for an hour or so and when I woke up my eye felt and looked almost back to normal. Thanks Earthclinic!

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, CA) on 02/17/2008

I have had very red irritated eyes for the last 2 days and finally realized it must be conjunctivitis. I immediately went to your excellent web site and read about using black tea bags for a swift recovery. I was amazed that after following the directions on your site, my eyes were as good as new within 15 minutes! Thank you, as always, for the fine information you make available to all of us!

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Gary (Claxton, Georgia) on 07/26/2007

I thank God, your website and Deborah from Texas for providing the information about using black tea bags for curing conjunctivitis. I awoke one morning with horrific pain in my right eye. It was so sensitive to any amount of light that I had to keep it closed. I immediately went to Earth Clinic and read Deborah's cure using black tea bags. I used the black tea bags as Deborah described. However, the only difference is that I also used an eyedropper to put 5 or 6 drops of the tea from my coffee mug in my eye after using the tea bag as a compress. I used this process three times within a 24-hour period and the results were truly amazing. Abolutely no pain and the redness was completely gone. Thank you, folks. God bless you all.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Deborah (Denison, TX) on 07/21/2007

Editor's Choice I have suffered for many years with painfull pink eye or conjunctvitis and have taken so many prescriptions to just have another reoccurance. I went on the web and found a cure that is so simple and cheap. Take just a cheap black tea bag and steep in lukewarm water. Then take the tea bag and place it on the infected eye for 15-30 minutes. I did this for 2 days and I have been pain free and red eye free for over a year. I was diagnosed with Sjorn's Disease and my eyes were so red & inflamed that I was embarrassed to be seen in public. This is truly a natural cure.
