Copper Toxicity linked to Tourette's. (Low zinc & high copper)
There are many connections pointing to copper toxicity as a possible cause of Tourette's.
Someone suffering with Tourette's syndrome (involuntary motor and vocal tics) has a 50% chance of having OCD. Copper toxicity is commonly found in people with OCD, & Tourette's. People with pyroluria are more likely to have OCD and/or Tourette's… people with pyroluria have low zinc - which allows copper levels to get too high. Copper toxicity has a profound impact on mental and physical health and is becoming more common in our society because of the widespread use of copper and the lack of adequate zinc, molybdenum and other minerals in the diet that help keep it in balance.
Let's take a closer look at this issue by answering the following question from a blog visitor…
My 4 yr old grandson has recently been diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome. He does eat healthy, is active in karate. My daughter has opted out of medication at this time. She is being told that his copper levels are extremely elevated and they have no answer to this. Our problem is that the tics are getting worse and we are at “wits end” wanting to help him. Thank you in advance. ~Teresa
Hi Teresa, Yes, high copper is a common underlying factor in Tourette's, as well as a lot of other mental health and medical conditions. There are many steps that can be taken to reduce elevated copper, so I am at a loss as to why the treating physician would not have this knowledge. I say it is time to find another doctor. Before we get into the specifics, let me present just a little background on copper toxicity for those reading this page that may not be familiar with this issue.