Tourette's Syndrome Natural Treatment

Chewing Gum
Posted by Susan (Hermon, Maine) on 05/06/2014

2 of my children have dealt with tourettes which they inherited from their dad. My youngest son can be very much dilating as of late. He has had his limbs out of control hitting himself, muscles becoming so sore from the spasms of tics. I was glad to read that someone else finds that gum chewing helps their child. We had used that in school for years. We had it put in his IEP. Unfortunately we removed him from his school this year and have taken on home school. Sadly not only kids/teenagers can be cruel but it is found within the adult realm as well. Isaac can be free to tic at home as much as he needs and not worry over the strain of suppressing. He is ready to go for his drivers test but at this moment his tics are so bad he wont even get behind the wheel for safety sake. I had forgotten about the gum chewing and will definitely be suggesting it to him tomorrow! I wonder if anyone has had an experience with a service dog? We have been contemplating this for him wondering if it would be a calming affect for him.

Chewing Gum
Posted by Tracey (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 06/29/2011

My twelve year old son has been dealing with tourettes syndrome since he was about five. He takes Keppra, and it helps, but the tics still come. So, he avoids certain triggers, and chews gum when the tics erupt. This immediately helps. From what I have read, gum chewing triggers something in the brain. Maybe it distracts the brain from the tics, I really don't know... But IT WORKS! FYI... his triggers are video games, bright lights, excessive sugar, and starches (rice, potates etc.).
