Achieving Thyroid Balance with Natural Remedies and Nutrition

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dorie (Ft Lauderdale, Florida) on 04/08/2008

Coconut Oil for Hypothyroid patients: I heard that virgin coconut oil was a good supplement for people suffering with hypothyroidism. I went to a natural food market and bought a jar of it. That was 2 months ago and I have gone back to buy more several times. I am taking 3 tablespoons in the morning. It has not helped with my weight although I know a few people who used it and lost weight immediately. It has stopped my hair loss (it use to fall out by the handful) and in fact not only is my hair thicker but my eyebrows are growing back. I no longer have cold hands and feet either. It doesn't cure thyroid problems but it certainly is a great supplement to help with the effects of the disease.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kelly (Brooklyn, ny) on 03/01/2008

i found out i was hypo in Sept 07. have never been overweight about VCO so i tried it for a month but have gained weightI went from size 4 to 6 in a short time. i exercise alot and have not changed my eating habits with the exception of adding VCO to my diet. I would have 1lbs on my toast in the morning and then cook with another tbls at night. i started taking it for additional energy and softer skin...but the only thing i got was thicker thighs and stomach. i just had my endo appt this week and still had to increase my meds as the THS levels were still not close to normal. I guess I was the exception!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Melynda (Niagara Falls, Cananda) on 01/29/2008

I have had a chronic thyroid condition including goiter and hypothyroidism for years. I have been taking thyroidisine prescribed by my doctor, 1.75 mg per day for 1 1?2 years. The weight loss was slow and I always feel as If there is something stuck in my throat. I would often start coughing and throwing up, because of the condition. my T3 levels were at 90, after a year they are at 3, finally. However I now take coconut oil reliving the constant pain in my neck, therefore i take it everyday. it makes me feel alive, after many years. The weight loss has been slow, I will mix a tablespoon in my coffee in the morning. I spread it on bananas, just so I am getting the desired amount. I find it still hard to swallow, and when I combine my thyroid prescription with the oil, It makes all the difference in my comfort level of my neck area. Slowly, the goiter is shrinking. i will continue to buy coconut oil, the benefits are very great. It still often uncomfortable and I have weight to lose, It is a slow process, but the oil makes a great difference in my energy and throat irritation.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelly (Georgia) on 04/13/2016

I'm hypo as well. I'm taking a natural prescription called Naturethroid. I've had great results with it. You have to search around for a doctor who's willing to prescribe it. I had to find one who is primarily a holistic doctor that is also an MD.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bianca (New Zealand) on 08/31/2014


Graves disease/hyperthyroid is actually from low iodine believe it or not so the world is uneducated therefore apple cider vinegar will aggravate graves but help hypo because obviously hypothyroidism is actually from too much iodine and apple cider actually depletes iodine and for some reason it helps people with hypothyroidism......go figure so I found this out with taking iodine in multi vitamins in the morning and after 5 months of no period it came back so there you go.

Posted by Jill (Nowhereville, PA) on 04/18/2008

In response to a post about iodine supplements causing parathyroid problems...the only relation that the parathyroids have to the thyroid is location. In other words, the parathyroids are a completely different organ, with a completely different function, than the thyroid gland. If you have elevated blood calcium, then you probably have a parathyroid tumor, which would cause the parathyroids to overproduce their hormone and cause the blood calcium to rise. Iodine supplements cannot "cause" elevated blood calcium any more than, say, selenium or magnesium or any other mineral can cause elevated blood calcium. For some reason, doctors seem to have an iodine phobia, maybe because iodine supplementation would cure so many lucrative diseases

Coconut Oil
Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 01/26/2014

Jess, you brought up an excellent point. Using the natural cures requires due diligence in researching how the natural cure should be optimally taken. Blindly gulping down something and going no further in the learning process can cause failure. There is a self education process that one must endure even if very sick. One must understand how things interact with other things. Vitamin C can nullify iodine supplementation if one is not careful.

Many supplements will direct person to take with food (probably to avoid nausea problems) when to be efficacious one should take without food. Reading what's on the manufactures label is not sufficient.

Many people who come to earth clinic are still under the trance of their conventional medical doctors. They will continue to blindly follow the advice without lifting a finger to realize the inefficacy of so many of their prescribed medications. I notice many people who have side effects from astaxanthin are using other prescription medications. Natural medicines and conventional medicines are most of the time in opposition to each other. It requires a higher level of expertise to combine the two also and this is something that most doctors just won't do. They will just say the natural medicine doesn't work.

Some people are so overwhelmed with mental and physical sickness that they are unable to make the mental effort. It may take them a couple years to implement some suggestion. I am very careful with what I suggest knowing that what may seem like little effort to the average person may require a monumental effort from them mentally and physically. If they still trust their doctors, the negative fate of their health is usually sealed. Nothing can be really done.

Most people just want to be told what to do since it psychologically seems to make their life easier. If one is relatively healthy and has no major problem, it will usually work. They are lulled into a sense of comfort. When something serious comes along, they will usually be in trouble and will never know that conventional medicine was the reason behind their death.

Avoid Soy
Posted by Lowie (Sydney, Nsw Australia) on 07/19/2012

Some years ago I was diagnosed as having Graves Disease because I had double vision. I was always eating and drinking soy products, being allergic to dairy. After having the Graves disease and double vision for some years, a cousin sent me an article saying soy could cause Graves and also diarrhea. I stopped all soy then and there... My diarrhea stopped within a few days, and 6 months later when I had my usual check up, the Graves disease had also gone, but I have been left forever with the double vision.

Avoid Soy
Posted by Mary (Boston, Ma) on 08/31/2013

Avoid soy like the plague! It is poison! Corn and soy are the 2 worst foods containing GMO!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rischa (Seattle, WA) on 08/26/2007

I began taking coconut oil about June 1st this summer, primarily for my long term hypothyroidism. Now not yet 3 months later I am completely off my synthroid and cytomel. I was on more than 300 mcg for about 7 years. It has changed my life. I feel so much better than I did on the thyroid meds. I am not cold, I am sleeping better. It made a herpes outbreak completely dissappear in 4 hours when applied topically. my periods which have been abnormal all my life are normalizing,(I am 45) and I am finding that I am eating smaller meals and more satisfied and not hungry. I swear I can hear the click in my head that says I have had enough to eat! Ive lost 10 lbs. I attribute it all to 4tbsp VCO a day(2w bfst/1w lunch/1w dinner) and also trace minerals, and fish oil. none or very little bread and refined carbs. I did have a day of scary high blood pressure symptoms, after which I reduced my meds by 1/3rd, and the symptoms went away. A wwk or so later when I began feeling the same things again, I reduced my meds again and again until I quit all together. the last step is to get my blood levels tested by my doc, just to confirm I am doing as great as I feel, tho I am starting to think it is not necessary, except to gloat to my dr.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Andrea (las vegas, nevada) on 07/14/2007

I have been battling hypothyroidism for 8 yrs now, i gained 82 lbs over the yrs,diet after diet failed umtil i started on coconut oil and let me tell you that in 2 months of taking coconut oil combined with a low carb diet, i have lost 35 lbs feel great energetic again, on my way of losing all the weight i plan to lose an aditional 40 lbs by december since i"ve taking the coconut oil softgels i have not had any side effect coconut oil is the miracle oil but again combined with a low carb diet.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Christine (San Diego, California) on 04/06/2007

I have been suffering with the symptoms describing hypothyroidism. Last week I started the EVCO and added the ACV, of course, decided to throw in the molasses. I will keep you all posted on my progress, trying to feel better and lose the 40 pounds I have picked up. Today I write because I have come up with a great drink. It kills two birds with one stone. Here goes: ONE LARGE MUG 2 BAGS OF LIPTON CARMEL TRUFFLE TEA ONE TBSP EVCO [Extra Virgin Coconut Oil] ONE TBPS BLACK STRAP MOLASSES ONE HALF TO ONE TBSP HONEY POUR BOILING WATER OVER THE INGREDIENTS IN MUG AND STIR GENTLY WHILE STEEPING TO MELT THE COCONUT OIL.

I could not stand the taste of the molasses, however it is so yummy in this tea. Hope you like it. I have noticed since the evco and acv that like most everyone else, my ENERGY has soared, skin soft, body temp up, hair and nails gowing, dry seriously cracking heels softer and healing (using oil dirrectly) no more claritin, sleeping better, brighter outlook. This is only my seventh day. At first I seemed to gain a little weight, but just today I noticed the scale is down 1 pound. I am keeping at it and will keep you posted.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/21/2007 392 posts

Actually, the T3 method to measure iodine deficiency is not accurate. Another way is your body temperature.

I have seen instances that body temperature is low while T3 is good. In other instances I have seen none of these but a severity of fibrosis to occur. Fibrosis is actually a condition of iodine deficiency but the T3 is o.k. while the conditions was cured after taking iodine. So present medical practice in my humble opinion is primitive. Iodine quenches glycation of protein involved in aging and arthritis and this doesn't show on T3 but is a wonderful way to reduce arthritic pain by allowing the healing to process. Skin pores opening up too large is also cured with an iodine as it stimulates skin regeneration reducing the size of skin pores. I know, I have a huge one on my face and it is mostly cured that most people cannot see it.

So we really have to be practical about it. Analysis is just that, it won't cure your conditions and you will be lost forever in trying to figure out how the T3 is related to oversized pores, arthritic pains, fibrosis, asthma, clogged eustachian tubes, fallopian tubes (preventing pregnancy), where such fibrosis formation are due to abnormalities in skin metabolism. Figuring out why is one thing, getting yourself cured is what we all seek.

Posted by Tel (Dewey, AZ) on 10/07/2006

Lugol's iodine cured food poisoning in less than an hour: 6 drops in a cup of water. Also cures, Cold, Flu, and the blase feeling, same dose 6 drops in a cup of water... do not take if allergic to Iodine. Dr Clark in all of her books, recomends Lugol's for many things including thyroide problems. It now sells under a prescription in most states. They know we are being healed with 6 drops and it is taking away from their huge profits. Check out

Posted by Dan (Largo, FL) on 09/16/2006

For a really insightful viewpoint on iodine, check out this lecture by Dr. David Brownstein ( about iodine and its deficiency relationship to Breast Cancer. Note he also suspects an unproven relationship between an iodine deficiency and Prostate Cancer.

He mentions that the Japanese diet includes 14mg per day of iodine on the average (coastal Japanese ingest even more.) The US RDA is 150 ugs (micro grams) per day -- about 100 times less than the Japanese eat -- and the recommended upper level for iodine is no more than 1.1 mg/day, and they estimate the average requirement to be 95 micrograms per day or about 150 times less than the Japanese consume.

The 125mg Kelp tablets that I have from Vitamin Shoppe, have 225 ugs of iodine in them. Thus, to get to the Japanese level of Iodine (14 mg/day), I would have to take 62 of these tablets a day! Dr. Brownstein also states that iodine is stored in the thyroid which requires 6 mg/day and is also stored in a women's breasts and required for proper breast development. The breasts require 5 mg/day for a 110 lb woman.

And catch this... Breast cancer researchers have to starve test animals of iodine in order to be able to induce breast cancer in any significant number of them. Hmmm...

Another 2 mg/day of iodine is required by the adrenals, hypothalamus, pituitary, and other organs. Therefore, the total required iodine for a woman is 5 6 2 = 13 mg/day. The RDA is 150 ugs per day, so a woman would have to take 86 times as much as this to achieve the 13 mg/day needed by her body, and even more if she had a larger body or bigger breasts. A man has smaller breasts and his prostate requires somewhat less iodine than a woman's breasts. However, a man's body is generally larger than 110 lbs, so this would have to be factored into the total requirements for a man.

Dr. Brownstein states, "Over the last 30 years, iodine levels have fallen over 50% in the United States. Breast cancer rates have risen dramatically. Thyroid illness from hypothyroidism, autoimmune including Grave's and Hashimoto's, as well as thyroid cancer has risen dramatically."

Since the Japanese have so much iodine in their bodies (they're ingesting 100X our 150 ug RDA of iodine), and iodine is essential for dealing with radiation exposure, it makes me wonder what might happen happen if there were a mishap involving massive radiation exposure in a country such as ours where the iodine level is so pathetically low.

And this may well be an important consideration, as cancer rates have been shown to rise after radiation has been released into the atmosphere, which apparently happened quite a bit with the use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq in 2003. Background radiation levels were measured at many times normal in England (click this link - - and check the graphs) just a few days after the fighting started in Iraq. Cancer rates in Iraq in 2001 were about 10X what they were before Desert Storm where much less DU was used than in 2003. The big problem is that the effects are global (see: So, the problem for us is that the DU rounds burn up or pulverize and tend to stay in the atmosphere, allowing the "aerosol of sub micron" size to enter the slip-stream and come back to America to bite us all.

Therefore, we all need to be aware of any nutritional and purification techniques which will handle radiation.

I've just upped my iodine intake to 1.35 mg/day (6 kelp tablets of 225 ug each) and I feel warmer already (maybe this will help me burn off my excess fat even faster.)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rosemarie (Salem, OH) on 06/20/2006

I take Virgin Coconut Oil for thyroid function. It has cured flaky skin, cholesterol, glucose. I dropped almost 10 points on glucose, my skin is so soft I feel new! My good cholesterol was raised by 10 points, also. I am careful to take this everyday at the same time, with the same amount ingested (1 Tablespoon). I have never experienced any of the problems reported. It has made my skin so soft that my husband has to touch me all the time!! He can't believe the difference! I have always been very careful of eating right and exercising--this fits right in with my other regimes.

Posted by Lorraine (Charlotte, NC) on 03/27/2006

I am using iodine for hyporthyroid. Feel better and am losing weight after consistantly gaining weight for over a year. Iodine cured my fatigue, hypoglycemia, dry skin, brain fog. I feel I still have a ways to go. Does anyone know if iodine taken internally or painted will cure acne? My son has tried everything and still no cure for his severe acne. He is 25 yrs old and it's killed his self esteem. Thanks for any help!

Sea Kelp
Posted by Rita (New Jersey ) on 10/21/2023


I am experiencing painful headaches from taking Synthoid medication. Even regulating its dose from 25mcg to 112mcg caused headaches. So, thank you for your honesty because before I read your review, I thought I was going crazy. No one (including my endocrinologist) believed me when I told her about my headaches.

DMSO, Coconut Oil
Posted by Zander (Anytown, USA) on 06/20/2023

DMSO in Coconut Oil Topically Applied to Swollen Thyroid - Walnut Oil Optional

I cannot find any precedent for topical DMSO on a slightly swollen thyroid gland. I have what I suspect is self-limiting, sub acute thyroiditis with some now visible swelling of the thyroid on one side, preceded by two months of a roller coaster ride from hell of rapid heart rater, insomnia, loss of appetite, tremors....all the "too much thyroid production is going on" and this high octane misery is running though you system, symptoms.

I have no insurance and have not been able to get to an endocrinologist at all.

No one will help me, so I'll have to help myself. First, I've taken all recommended supplements: selenium, rhodiola, motherwort, molybdenum, black seed oil, etc. Most things help somewhat or for a while, but the terrible hyper heart racing and all persist.

So I got to thinking...I am very familiar with DMSO. Basically, getting sulfur (the /S/ in DMSO) into the cells anywhere is like a tonic to them and with this help, they may well return to their optimal functioning. And coconut oil is recommended for hyperthyroid conditions, be they self-limiting as I hope this current thyroiditis is, or more long-standing such as Grave's Disease. Walnut oil, topically applied, is part of the traditional Ayurvedic treatment for thyroid.

I have had no pain and no visible swelling of the thyroid, but I can now feel the swollen area. I have been applying walnut oil, nightly since I suspected this was a hyper thyroid issue of some sort (two months + ago). Once I applied the DMSO and coconut today, I can feel the gland "tingling" ever so slightly - almost imperceptibly. Is this good? I have the feeling that it is. I'm going to continue with this experiment upon myself because, really, I have no access to modern healthcare approaches to my condition and they all seem to be subpar ones at best, anyway.

I will update this post with results. I am going to proceed with a single, daily application until symptoms (hopefully) improve. That will mean:

- no more "hyper" symptoms

- swelling has gone down to nothing

There is also a tradition of taking pure walnut oil, 1 teaspoon, 3x a day, an hour before meals. I may try this as well.

In before it's asked: "How much coconut oil and DMSO?" About 1/3 cup coconut oil and 10 drops of the purest, glass-bottled, food-grade DMSO

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Barbara (Idaho) on 01/10/2023

How did you use the hydrogen peroxide to help your thyroid?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Betty S. (Carrollton, Illinois ) on 04/03/2022

What brand of coconut oil do you use? And where do you purchase it?

Posted by Perljen (Syracuse, Ny) on 05/09/2015

My daughter has been in treatment for thyroid issues. She started Lugol's protocol. Now she tells me the treatment caused her thyroid to noticeably enlarge. I'm very skeptical of this. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Asr (Texas) on 08/05/2015

When taking iodine, such as Lugols make sure enough selenium is taken with it. Too much iodine can cause nodules.

Posted by Chrs (Wichita, Ks) on 12/25/2014

Was just wondering if anyone has tried leech therapy for the swelling and inflammation during active thyroid eye disease. Would be interested in hearing about the experience and pros or cons to it's use.


MB, TSP, STS, Lugol's, Turp, Borax
Posted by Cj (Texas, US) on 11/16/2014

Hi all,

I would like to know if there are any known issues with the following remedies. More specifically, if they would interact/hinder each other.

Borax, sodium thiosulfate, turpentine, methylene blue, lugol's iodine, trisodium phosphate. I guess I should add in my thyroid medication Armor.

My current regiment is to take Borax M-Th as told by Ted 1/8 tsp. First thing in the morning I'll take 1 drop of 2.3% MB - that gets put into a cup and mixed with 1000mg of ascorbic acid. Fr-Sun I'll take 12-30mg of Lugol's. No MB on those days, or if I do, I put 12 hours between them.

TSP I'll take after work, 1 oz of a solution (1/2 tsp in liter water).

I plan on taking STS and turpentine on different days since they are so powerful. Perhaps Saturday and Wednesday nights before bed.

Anyone see any issues with this? I also take sodium bicarb after lunch and dinner.

Thyroid Related Hair Loss
Posted by KT (Usa) on 08/22/2013

I know that biotin is one of the B vitamins and it has been emphasized in a nutrition almanac that you should take all of the B vitamins together because if you take one you can cause a deficiency in the others. For starters, you could try a TBSP of Blackstrap Molasses in a cup (8oz. ) of warm water or milk.

Thyroid Related Hair Loss
Posted by Patriica (Md) on 11/15/2018

I had the same problem. My hairdresser recommended Nioxin Shampoo, conditioner and Nioxin Bodifying form. Its been three years, my hair is thicker, grows quickly and it's beautiful. I am back coloring my hair. For me, it is the best product that I ever tried.

Thyroid Gland Removal Remedies
Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 05/22/2017

Kelli, my daughter lives in NC & she had her thyroid removed and was taking synthroid for three nightmarish years. It made her life absolutely miserable. But her doc paid her symptoms no mind when she complained about how she felt. So finally she found a more suitable natural med that she orders from Canada & life is good again. Thank GOD for alternative meds! So don't give up seeking for better help through safer meds.

Fluoride And The Thyroid
Posted by Leah (Philadelphia, Pa) on 04/30/2013

Hello all, I have just rediscovered why low thyroid is becoming a major problem. It's the fluoride in tap water, juice, tea, wine, tooth paste etc that supresses thyroid and can cause a long list of chronic illnesses. It was actually originally used to lower thyroid in people who produced too much, therefore if you have too little, you need iodine and to avoid fluoride. Please see the Fluoride Action Network for facts and studies and in the mean time only drink and eat non-fluoridated water and foods! Http://

Carbon filters cannot remove fluoride. You need ideally acess to a spring or to install a reverse osmosis water filter in your home if you live in a fluoridated community. I highly recomend you try to get fluoride out of your water at the local level.

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