Natural Remedies

Schizophrenia Remedies

| Modified on Jan 26, 2025
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Treatment for schizophrenia ranges from dietary changes to nutritional supplements and replacements. These treatments eliminate nutrition imbalances that may be contributing to the disorder. Likewise, nutritional supplements boost nutrients in the body to support better function.

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is defined as a severe brain disorder that involves an individual’s inability to normally interpret reality. Symptoms of the disorder include hallucinations, disorganized thinking and speech, abnormal motor behavior, withdrawal, trouble sleeping, irritability and an overall depressed mood. The cause of the condition is unknown; however, it is thought to be associated with both genetic and environmental factors.

Natural Remedies for Psychiatric Conditions

Natural remedies for schizophrenia vary but include such options as dietary changes and nutritional supplements. Avoiding trigger foods allows the body to function more optimally while supporting it with supplements realigns any nutritional deficiencies. Vitamin B3 and omega-3s are especially important nutrients for treating the condition.

Dietary Changes

Many of the foods individuals eat negatively affect their health without their realization. Gluten is one such category of foods that can be detrimental to one’s health. Eliminating gluten and avoiding sugar eliminates stress on the system and supports the mood, making it an effective treatment option for schizophrenia and other psychiatric conditions.

Vitamin B3

All of the B vitamins are important for helping the body produce energy; however, vitamin B3 is particularly important as it functions in producing a number of vital hormones in the body. Vitamin B3 or niacin regulates stress-related hormones as well as the levels in the adrenal glands, which facilitates better functioning of the brain. Reducing stress and improving coping mechanisms are important factors in treating schizophrenia.


Omega-3 fatty acids are important for good health in a number of ways. In regards to schizophrenia, however, these nutrients function to prevent depression and other emotional-related conditions. The omega-3 fats lubricate the pathways to the nervous system, making for more effective communication to the brain and alleviating many of the symptoms of various psychiatric conditions.

A severe brain disorder, schizophrenia is characterized by an individual’s inability to interpret reality normally. An individual affected by the condition often exhibits hallucinations, delusions and distorted thinking. Effective nutritional supports as well as other remedies effectively treat the condition and facilitate more appropriate brain pathways.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Almond Milk

Posted by Afsoon (Tehran, Iran) on 08/24/2012

I just heard this remedy that is useful for Schizophrenia and even for other psychiatrist problem such as depression, OCD, anxiety.

U should drink 4 glasses of it every day. This drink should contain 15 almonds 1 glass of water 1 table spoon of natural honey. Mix them and drink.


There are so many good youtube channels which will tell you how to make almond milk. Soak the almonds overnight and next morning you can make it in good powerful mixer grinder. I do it in my glass jar oster blender. But I do not feel the necessity to strain it. If any chunks are there I just use it in smoothies or eat plain. When I blend it, initially I put very little water few spoons, and grind it and then I add required water.

B-3 Vitamin Therapy

7 User Reviews
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Posted by Joe A. (Stockton) on 06/13/2021

What do schizophrenia people take for voices? I give B3 2,000-3,000 3x daily (no it isn't that much), but voices are present, curious what others take.

Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)


Voices can have many sources. We are body mind and spirit. I had split personality (alters) and you don't hear the parts all the time but then you can hear a lot of them all at once. Like you are having a barrage of thoughts that don't agree. movie insight out is not accurate but insightful. Your spirit man has a different voice than your natural mind. I study a lot and have regained my alters after a few years of hard work and prayer. I also have a spirit man and grow in spiritual insights through it. My natural mind does not know my spirit man and regulates my navigation in natural things like driving a car, cleaning, cooking, sleeping, ect. My spirit man also talks to me about spiritual things and some prophetic things. Voices can be helpful if you know the sources. I will say I have an enemy of my soul that can know what I might think and input in my thoughts and make it sound like my thoughts. That voice is out to make my life hell on earth and keep me unproductive.

I am familiar with drugs and withdrawal and health problems and mental issues. Taper off any addictions slowly to reduce misery as you get free. Blessings, Charity

Help for people traumatized as children. Dissociative identity disorder: healing your inner child / alter / insider / inner pain (

B-3 Vitamin Therapy
Posted by Barbara (Texas) on 04/05/2015

Editor's Choice

I just wanted to tell you. My son 25, was lost on the streets in phx. No meds, out of his mind with schizophrenia and alcohol addiction. We found him and we are doing Hoffer's advice 3000 + niacin no flush and C. He is DOING WONDERFUL. It's like night and day. His mind is back and the only struggle he has currently is the addiction, which is also helped by nicacin. This only took two weeks in our case. So please give it a try. Nothing to loose, you can't OD on it or get harmed on it. You do need to read their book. Four nobel prize winning doctors wrote that book having studied that vitamin more tha 45 years. Anyone else giving you advice better have the same or more years behind what they studied. Good luck and God bless!

Replied by Rekha
(San Ramon, CA)

Could you guide me on which book to buy? Dr Hoffer has written several when I googled. Thanks.

Replied by Sara

Hi Barbara from Texas, Can you tell me what Brand of Niacin No Flush you used. Thank you

Replied by Beth F

Hi Barbara..thanks for the info...may be getting a client soon with a schizo diagnosis we are all on a gluten free and natural diet. Think, your rec's may help...we use coconut oil for a grandson with severe ALC. addiction...he's returning to normalcy...the coconut oil attaches to the opioid receptors in the brain and balances the mood/ grandson requests it so I hand him 4 out the door ..on his way to work each day. He's been on vodka 20 yrs, ...type in coconut oil for alcoholism...a great Doctor cured himself...and now fixes others,

Blessings, Beth.

Replied by Suzy

Hello Barbara, I'm am very happy you are having success with your son. No one knows the horror of mental illness unless they live it day by day. Our son it in the throws of a cycle now, delusional and combative. I wonder, how did you get your son to take niacin? Is he a minor? I believe it works but we are powerless.

Thank you.


B-3 Vitamin Therapy
Posted by Graham (Uk) on 01/03/2014

Please google Dr Abrahm Hoffer and his use of Vitamin B3 Niacin (must use the type that gives the flush).

I have used this with my mother when she was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and the results were nothing short of miraculous.

You will also find a lot of information on this site about Schizophrenia and Vitamin B3.

Replied by Mrs. Betty

You are so correct about needing to use the niacin that gives a flush. Adelle Davis stressed this mightily. Although the flush is a little hot and itchy, once you build up B3 in your body there is almost no flush at all. My friend hated the flush but we kept reminding of how much better one feels when the nicacin works. Do use the flush niacin. The results are excellent.

B-3 Vitamin Therapy
Posted by Consius (Rdam, Holland) on 08/03/2012

Hi, I wonder if Ted or anyone else could help me with this one. I suffer from schizoaffective disorder with manias and depressions with psychotic episodes sometimes. I am very shy and as a kids always been and maybe that was the cause of having paranoids or stress factors. Not sure.

I have been doing well for 3 days after using Abilify (15 mgs). I feel the meds cause me irritation, sleepyness and sometimes I feel like anxious and not well. I am 35 years old now. I practice meditation to ease the thoughts and be calm.

So I started one day finding a cure for schizophrenia online. I found abram hoffer and his b3 vitamin therapy. I found out that for the illness I should use the following supplements. Correct me (ted or others) if I am wrong:

- 3x 500mg or 3 x 1000mg b3 each day (niacinamide)
- b-complex...... 50 or 100 ( not sure which one)
- vitamine C (ester-c), 3 x 1000mg
- magnesium.. 400 ( at night to sleep)
- zinc: 30 mg ( in case of pyroluria)
- selenium; dose is unkown for me (works well with all B vitamins, not sure)
- manganese ( in case of tardive kineasea)
- vitamin E (anti oxidants)

So, I am not sure if I can leave away the selenium and vitamin E. I eat healthy food and no sugar at all. thanks

Replied by Sharon
(Miami, Fl.)

Hello Consium from Holland: I am doing Dr. Hoffer's B3, Niacin treatment plan with my 20 yr. old son who is autistic and developed schizophrenia in the last year. I found a doctor who follows his program and the first thing he told me was that in his experience niacinamide was not effective in treating schizophrenia so he had me start my son on pure niacin. We started with a 250 mg. Dose increasing by one 250mg pill per day. There was a little bit of flushing as he reached higher levels but really very little.

I know this sounds crazy but my son is up to four doses a day taking a total of 13,750 mg. The doctor regularly monitors his blood to check his liver and kidneys and he is fine. Dr. Hoffer states that, "The keys to taking niacin therapy are quantity, frequency, and duration. "

Here is a link where Dr. Hoffer talks about doses. See page 193, 2nd column, 3 para down.

Dr. Hoffers book, "Niacin, The Real Story", says, "As there is a certain, large amount of fuel needed to launch an aircraft or a spacecraft, there is a certain, large amount of a nutrient needed to cure a sick body. With vitamin therapy speed of recovery is proportional to dosage used."

His book is really excellent and available from in Kindle format. Good luck.

Replied by Had
(White River Jct, Vermont)

You should look up the difference between Niacin and niacinamide. One is manmade and one is not. I've researched this myself. Take care.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

Also, refrain from "flush free" niacin. It is useless and has no effect. The flushing is actually very good for you, super for your skin as well as your veins, among other things.

Replied by Kmbrown3
(Chicago, Illinois)

Hi Sharon, how is your 20 y/o son doing with the Niacin treatments... Do you see improvements? Also what were some signs that you knew he was ill? I have a family member who I suspect may be schizophrenic now and I'm very curious what steps to take to get him help. He's 20 as well. Thanks :-)

Replied by Clint
(Rochester, Ny)

Along with niacin, I found you should double the amount of c, but you also shouldn't do more than 5000mg to be on safe side.

Replied by Rm
(Sedona, AZ)

Be careful about the form of Niacin you take. Abram Hoffer recommended 1000-3000 mg but of a certain variety. Niaspan or Endura-cin are the best, immediate release is good, with time release the least desirable as it is liver toxic.

Replied by Fraise
(Texas, US)

Hello, I finally found Dr Hoffer books about vitamins and schizophrenia at Barnes and Nobles for around 14 dollars. All his books are there, as opposed to Amazon selling just one book for over 100 dollars; weird.

Replied by Rm
(Sedona, Az)

Sir- It's been awhile since your post and I hope you are doing well. If you haven't already found the work of psychiatrist Abram Hoffer, please read his book 'Niacin, the Real Story'. You may need up to 3k mg or more of niacin (regular flushing kind is best) and absolutey have to avoid wheat. Schizophrenia per Hoffer is actually pellagra dementia.

B-3 Vitamin Therapy
Posted by Cordell (Minto, New Brunswick Canada) on 08/02/2010

I would like to share a remedy I successfully used to cure schizophrenic thoughts. I was always shy as a kid, and little bit "paranoid" I guess you could say. But when I turned 24 I gradually began to have more paranoia, coupled with anxiety, and sometimes felt I was hearing voices. No, not the audible kind that people usually hear, but more or less I felt there were more thoughts in my head than my own; too many to deal with at once. Some very hateful thoughts had emerged and I sometimes became obsessive over certain angry thoughts, feeling like I couldn't relax and eventually would have a panic attack and feel out of control, possibly cry from too much stimulation etc. I soon found myself trying to figure my thoughts out, but they often made no sense, and I would play psycho-analytical games with other people thinking I realy knew what they were thinking about me. I was always suspicious, and eventhough I didn't want to feel this way that's what happened. Anyway, I know there are others out there that share a similiar story: how they once felt normal than started having some sort of mental illness, be it brain fog (which I also had from the obsessive paranoia), or adhd or whatever it may be. Niacinamide could be the answer to your problems. On the advice of Ted, a famous contributor to this site, I began taking 2000mg - 3000mg of Niacinamide (niacin can be used, but the flushing may become too annoying at such doses for some people). I noticed within a couple days my excessive paranoid thoughts dimnished almost completely, but I continue to take 500mg tablets everytime I feel them coming back. I also continue to take at least one B 50 tablet a day to prevent deficiencies. It works~! I realize not every form of schizophrenic thoughts may be cured this way, but its worth a try for anyone seeking help like I did. High doses of niacinamide have cured my excessive anxiety, paranoia, schizophrenic thoughts, and even helped to solve stomach ailments I have had for years along with keeping myself more alkaline. The alkaline remedy I used with most success in over-acidity was 1/4 sodium bicarbonate, and 1/4 potassium citrate (a 99mg tablet) in a glass of water 3x a day. This also helps to keep me much more stable. When I added sodium carbonate to this mixture sometimes it also helped with over-anxious thought patterns, and to calm the brain down. I hope this helps someone like it did for me. Peace and love. Cordell

Replied by Cathy
(Tucson, Az)

Check out GAPS diet- Dr Natasha Campbell-Mcbride is a physician who developed this protocol to heal her son of autism. She calls mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, ADHD, autism, GAPS--Gut and Psychology Syndrome, because these disorders are caused by intestinal disease. When a child is born, s/he may acquire unhealthy gut flora from the mother. Later, if the child is given antibiotics, and/or fed processed foods (including formula), unhealthy pathogenic bacteria take over the gut, overcoming the good bacteria we all need in our intestines to maintain good health. A leaky gut situation occurs, where toxins from undigested foods are leaked into the bloodstream, causing allergies. Nutrients do not get to the brain, and that is why we have symptoms of mental illness.

People with schizophrenia, depression and autism have very toxic bodies and are very malnourished. The goal here is to repopulate the gut with good bacteria, get rid of the pathogenic bacteria and detoxify the body. It's a long process, but there is a lot of information on line and some Yahoo support groups to help. Please check out the websites and you will be directed to other sites related to GAPS that will be helpful.

Replied by Tf4624

Zinc and Niacinamide- Dr. Hoffer in Victoria, B. C discovered that if you have schizophrenia, you are not crazy, you have Niacin dificiency.

Treatment -3grams of Niacin and Niacinamide a day and zinc. In a couple of months you will go back to a normal life. That's the end of the schizophrenia but you have to continue taking niacin because schizophrenics have a built in deficiency of that vitamin.

(Kelowna, BC)

A BOOK to acquire if possible (no longer in print) "Spirituality and Holistic Living" by Sister Theresa Feist, the forward is written by Dr.Abram Hoffer. Theresa Feist was treated by Dr. Hoffer back in he 1970's, she was schizophrenic, his treatment addressed various areas of her life, vitamin therapy and diet. HER BOOK is a great guide, she went on become a healer and helped many people thru her clinic in Winnipeg. Lots of good info on vitamin therapy & diet.

Replied by Desperatemom
(Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada)

Cordell, I wonder how long you were on the 2g-3g per day of Niacinamide supplement before you stop or switch to a maintenance dose. In your worse situation, did you get into a nervous breakdown ? My son has a lot of symptons similiar to yours, except he sometimes get to a nervous breakdown in a manic episode. GABA 500mg can calm him down but I want to try the B3 remedy. I appreciate if you can response and update your current situation.

Replied by Daniel
(Orange, California)

yes. Im DANNY, and I did post up what I posted , not to long ago, but only to give everyone hear props, nothin more, mS. LansingMICHIGAN... Per say. And if I didnt make to much sense, I honestly tried my best at 7 months in of Dr. Hoffs, treatment. ') So I was still pretty sick, and that was tough.

AND AS TO HOW RECOVERY GOES. ID LIKE TO LET EVERYONE IN, THAT ITS BEEN 11 MONTHS NOW OR SO, AND I FEEL 1000 X BETTER... I still have that stupid brain fog, every morning I wake up and ask my self if I feel wierd 0_o, and even today I still have it.... So, am I cured of schizophrenia.... NO.. unfortunatelly not yet...


i read everyones comments, and I enjoy it. The ideas, the comments, concerns, etc. So I felt as if talking to all of this community, I wanted to give you all a look at my case, or what ever. But in other words.. I feel better every day and I know only a small amount more of time and treatment.. this will be like a cold'...

so everyone once again, I give u all tremendous amount of props. Keep it up. Dont stop. Dont forget to take the supplements. Excersice, look good, EAT WELL!

and I really recomend u all look into brain supplements... Thanks to my mother , I have these pills, just whith what the label says, it makes u feel better. I First tried them about 2, 3 months ago, also adding lecethin in to the whole mix and match of my vitamins, and man o man, my brain really loved it.... ") REALLY. SOME GOOD STUFF, IT SURE HELPED THE HEALING PROCESS ALONG...

So, according to Dr. Hoffer, his treatment should work on anyone, and those who are first timers, should go NO LONGER THAN 2 years and finally hit recovery. =)

yes 2 yrs is a long time.. But IF IM AT MONTH 11 like I said, or 10, AND I ALLREADY TAKE LESS NIACIN, (because now, if I take the full 4 grams a day, ill have a horrible crashing headache the next day, which is indication I took, and have, waay to much niacin in my system, moree than it needss =)) so along the lines of keeping up with the regimine, you'll def. Love life again, no more abyss, you'll look forward to the day where youll only have to be taking a 1gram niacin, 1 vitamin C, 1 zinc , 1 b 6 , and b general 50, 1 lecethin.")

I know I am.... cause I hate popping pills like if it where in style. i hate it...

and I really do meen it, when I say, u should excersice, pretend ur sweating out black tar thats the causing agent of ur schizophrenia, depression or bi polarism, , , cause u really are. , , that should speed up the healing process....

i have drug induced schizophrenia... so I was extremely dirty, and still, but, and so, I can only speek as to my case...

u all have a good day. =)

Replied by Lily
(Kelowna, Bc)

Hi Danny, You may want to research & add the OMEGA 3 & Omega 6 fats in good quantity. Omega 3's best from cold H2Ofish , SARDINES , COD Salmon best. OMEGA 6's from Evening primrose oil or Borage oil. Our brains are about 60% fat. Schiz folks are deficient. Zinc, Vit C Folic acid and Niacin help convert the fats into VITAL brain fats. Look up Patrick Holford & his recommendations for Schiz. Good Luck I am a Mom who is concerned just like yours.

Cudos to you for 11 months of hard work. Keep going Dear one.

Replied by Caridad
(Miami, Fl)

I would like more information on this. My mother was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia about 4 years ago and she has been taking different antipsychotics which I see don't even work for her and I don't want her to continue decaying. Please help me heal her.

Replied by Anon

Coconut oil and its variations, organic, cold processed, get the best you can find as there seems to be adulteration in the industry. Heat a spoonful of the oil on the stove and if it takes on a foul smell use another brand. There is a jar of coconut "butter" that seems best to me. It is nut butter but pureed coconut oil and flesh. Turmeric, fresh if possible (get a blender to make smoothies raw turmeric + fresh lemon juice + sweet fruit like orange to make it taste good). Raw ginger may help. Raw garlic however you can get her to take it. Kefir. Ginko and st. johns wort.

Replied by Rose

Thank you. Following Dr Hoffer's recommendation. I tried niacin powder on and off for more than a year. I had a severe allergic reaction. Red from head to foot, blue extremities. Skin itching unbearable, couldn't even touch my skin. Called poison control, it was that severe. But kept on trying, thinking it was the normal flushing reaction. Well after my last try my bil who is a nurse told me not to take it he said I could go into anaphylactic shock. I will now try the no flush niacinmide based on your results.

B-3 Vitamin Therapy
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 01/02/2010 490 posts

From the Townsend Letter
November 2009

It was nearly 60 years ago when Abram Hoffer and his colleagues began curing schizophrenia with niacin. While some physicians are still waiting, those who have used niacin with patients and families know the immense practical value of what Dr. Hoffer discovered. Abram Hoffer's life has not merely changed the face of psychiatry. He has changed the course of medicine for all time. His 30 books, 600 scientific papers, and thousands of cured patients have yet to convince orthodox medicine....

Replied by Lily
(Bc canada)

I was first introduced to Dr. Abram Hoffer's work in 1964 while attending a psychology class at University of Sask. in Saskatoon. Soon after, I attended a public lecture that he held. I have studied his work along with Dr. Linus Pauling who was awarded 2 Nobel Prizes for his work. I have met 2 people who were vastly helped by using the vitamin therapy. Also, my nephew as he entered his teens was seen in Victoria BC and followed the therapy & has had a wonderful result.

B-3 Vitamin Therapy
Posted by Shaynna (San Diego, CA) on 02/29/2008

Like john was saying about this vitamin, good for SZ and Bi-Polar, Depression, ect. I found on this site that they also say coffee is a source of this. I feel for you all and especially empathize with the lisanna. I have been dating someone with full-blown, ( there are different levels of course) SZ. He is the most wonderful person, brilliant infact you can see the war inside him almost, and I say almost all of the time. She mentioned something about coffee intake with her friend. Almost every friend I know who has SZ, BI-polar, Major Depression are insane coffee drinkers. Could this be a craving? an attempt to compensate? In that site above it mentions coffee a decent source of this. Its terrible though. He gets sick quiet a bit. Alot in fact. And from being with him almost everyday for 3 1/2 yrs. I believe it is the toxicity of his meds. in fact my beliefs where backed up by his doctors sight for med combinations. doctors rate meds and there combinations on a scale of 1-10. To give you an example, i am on Wellbutrin and Seroquel. My level is 6. Possible seizure. His on the there hand is rated a 2! He is on Geodon, Seroquel, and a Hypothyroid medicine. It feels as though his body is shutting down. Like i can feel him wilting inside. This rating of 2 gives to him the possibility of QT'S. These are the signals between the brain and the heart. The possibility that the communication can lapse and his system shut down! If it doesn't restart itself.

Why if it is a chemical imbalance don't we find a wholistic way to balance it instead of forcing the brains chemistry!!! With dir consequences for the rest of the individuals running system!! its as if we cut off there heads to examine it and treat it forgetting there is much more to the individual and in the process, harm them. During this time of me seeing him. We had attempted moving in with one another. Which brought on him becoming abusive towards me. Turning against me. An episode, after episode. He has thus moved back in with his parents. it was hard because, he became semi-physically, definitely emotionally and verbally abusive. At the same time asking for my help, and then turning against himself abusively, for having realizing what he had done and back again. He is a golden person inside but you can see this scenario play out. To see him in all this pain. And as of 2 wks. ago he has had a none-stop migraine which he has been to the ER with, then later to see our doctor who is running tests. And then for an MRA. Our Doctor who is an excellent one. God Bless him, is actually going to send him to an Acupunturist Which brings me to want to type with Lisanna, because she was saying she did this for this friend of hers and it helped quite abit. This is soooo so hard. It also plays a bit of havoc with my head and I hate to say it. Due to issues I have. But I must find a way!!! This is too much seeing this happen to this Extrordinary person.

Here is an incredible sight called 29 causes of SZ. Please check it out. See what you think. I am going to keep on, and keep on doing research. I will let you all know what we find out. Thank God he has such a wonderful family. His poor mother is always worreid sick. And that is another thing for individuals with this, especailly when they realize that their Condition, causes others so much pain, on top of what it causes them. Why does the medicl community believe more in masking problems treating things singularly and not as a whole part of that persons funtionality. Come on guys we can do this. And anybody is welcome to get ahold of me. And PLEASE. Get ahold of me if you find anything, any nuance that you deem worthy, your Logic OR Intuition.......Here is that website. I am absolutely studying into these.

Replied by Lily
(Kelowna, BC)

Dr. HOFFER did not only recommend vitamins and supplements. He also recommended a gluten, dairy & sugar free diet for most patients. It has been well known since the 1950's that wheat gluten can cause various schiz type behaviors. I heard Dr. Hoffer speak at a psych class at the uof S in 1964 also later at a public forum in saskatoon.

Replied by Mary
(Victoria, Bc)

Patients who have thyroid problems should stay away from Seroquel. I was given Seroquel even though I have thyroid problems when I was admitted to the hospital almost a year ago. The seroquel will cause the thyroid medicine not to work as well. Google and see for yourself.

DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation)

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Joseph (Stockton, CA) on 06/26/2021 73 posts

This post pertains to Schizophrenia patients who are medication-resistant.

There is now available DBS Deep Brain Stimulation, it is safe, appears to be helping significantly, however there is an implanted device entered deep in the brain. Many patients are turned off by this, yet some want the relief of auditory hallucinations (voices) and will try anything to rid them. Medicare appears to pay the bill of $35,000. The advertisement has not been prevalent therefore I am posting.

General Feedback

Posted by James (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/17/2009


A friend of mine was diagnosed with Schizophrenia a few years ago and has rotated through a variety of medicines, some that have caused him to have dramatic muscle paralysis, others audio hallucinations. What I am finding very important in the discussion of brain related problems like Schizophrenia, is knowing the persons history. I think it's difficult to find cures if people are not listing, sharing, and linking together common causes. What I am finding in my research is that a lot of these brain diseases have overlapping symptoms and are likely being misdiagnosed. Upon further research, I believe he actually has Parkinson's Disease Dementia.

He has problems walking and with balance, his hands tremble and shake, he has problems learning and problems talking. Many people assume that if someone is hearing voices and is paranoid they have Schizophrenia. However the dementia aspect causes the same thing. I only uncovered this after looking into the cause, since I know what the cause of his problem is. I just have yet to find the cure.

1. He he a history of drug abuse: he was heavily into smoking marijuana in high school. He has done other drugs like ACID on rare ocassions. In high school there has been alcohol poisening through drinking liquor requiring a stomach pump. Heavy beer drinking throughout the process to the point of severe alcoholism. Never during this point or after did he hear audio hallucinations, have severe paranoia, or have muscle problems.

2. Escalated severe substance abuse: he started huffing lacquer thinner over the course of a year. Following this time period, he began having audio hallucinations, severe paranoia, and had muscle problems.

3. Violent behavior led to medication: after a violent act of agression and threats of personal harm to himself, he was medicated and diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

4. Mixing drugs: He took his drugs and continued drinking alcohol because he was addicted, even with AA meetings. He stopped his medication.

5. Poor evaulation of hallucinations: It's unknown whether the audio hallucinations began to happen during huffing, of after huffing. If after huffing it would suggest that the brain damage caused ongoing hallucinations afterwards, even as huffing was discontinued. What is known is that while on his new meds, audio hallucinations continue to occur, possibly less frequently, it's hard to define when no proper evaluation ever done.

Theory 1:
It's possible that huffing caused the hallucinations as he huffed, and the new meds cause the current hallucinations to continue. For those that say they have stopped medicating and continue to hallucinate, the question arises of dependency and lingering toxicity in the system of that med. Also the question arises, what would happen if a normal healthy person took those drugs, would they hallucinate? If so it would suggest strongly that the drugs are causing it. Research could be done into the recreational use of these drugs to see if there is any truth in this and to testimonials of people who quick usage that stop hallucinations.

Theory 2: Based on all his symptoms, it appears he was misdiagnosed with Schizophrenia and actually has Parkinson's with Dementia. I've come to this conclusion after not research Schizophrenia or Parkinson's, but by researching Huffing Lacquer. I came across an article of someone else who huffed for was diagnosed with Parkinson's and shown to have it for at least 3 months at the point of diagnosis.

We report the first description of a patient with parkinsonism induced by solvent abuse. Our patient developed parkinsonism acutely, following heavy abuse of lacquer thinner. Her clinical deficits wee indistinguishable from idiopathic parkinsonism (Parkinson's disease) and she responded to levodopa. Parkinsonism has persisted for more than 3 months. Brain computed tomography was normal. Positron emission tomographic studies showed normal fluorodopa uptake and reduced raclopride binding, indicating an unusual disturbance of striatal dopaminergic function. This patient suggests that organic solvents may cause parkinsonism in susceptible individuals."

What this is suggesting is that things you inhale like lacquer thinner, can lead to Parkinsons. This pushed me to research the symptoms of Parkinsons, all things he appeared to have problems with. Showing that a strong comparison of history can help tie together causes and find links, leading to possible cures.

It should also be noted that Celiac Disease is associated with wheat related foods causing intestine problems, that cause nutrient absorption problems. My research showed that almost all beer has gluten in it because they are mostly brewed from malted barley or wheat. This like ties in a series of additional problems like depression and severe anxiety and irratibility.

Theory 3: Many symptoms are actually pre-existing to the disease. If you lookup Schizophrenia, Parkinsons and Dementia, their are similarities. Also they list things like anxiety, feeling uncomfortable in social settings, etc. These are actually things that he felt prior to any hallucinations or any severe issues. This was actually the reason why he started heavily drinking. He stated that it made him loosen up and took the edge off in a social setting. He would drink to talk to women. This theory suggests that many of the symptoms are not symptoms of the disease because they prexist it. It was the huffing lacquer that started the cycle of audio hallucination and paranioa followed by medication that continued it. When forced to stop drinking, the crutch was removed and he was forced to face that underlying issue of anxiety and fear of social situations. It was amplified by his inability to walk, muscle parilysis and inability to talk and think normally that made him even more conscientious. However it was a pre-existing problem that shouldn't be used to define the disease directly because it misleads people and creates an overlapping of disease symptoms and misclassifications.

Replied by Brandon
(Baltimore, Md)

Basically, in up to 90% of schizophrenic cases, there is one of three underlying problems. It's either undermethylation (high-histamine histadalia), overmethylation (low-histamine histapenia), or Pyroluria.

All of these have been shown to be treatable with mega-vitamin therapy.

4 of the other 10 percent have cerebral allergies which may be treatable with niacin and vitamin-c. The remaining 6 percent are still unknown.

Keep in mind schizophrenia is a catch-all for serious mental illness that is unknown. It's a BS label, because up to 94% CAN be known as to the major cause ( not necessarily the root cause, but science is working on that, day by day), and treated effectively.

Schizophrenia used to be known as insanity, now-a-days it's usually labeled bi-polar, with psychotic tendencies, or something similar. They are looking at effects and symptoms which seem to stem from biochemical imbalances.

It's horrible that society tends to demonize and/or immoralize these individuals for something that they were most likely born with!

Also, if you check into the occurrences of schizo/insanity before and after the industrial revolution, you will see a clear sharp rise! This gives way to an understanding of how heavy metals and hardcore pollutants used in industries, interact with genetic anomalies to bring about these diseases.


Replied by Amy
(Ontario, Canada)

Based on the works of Abram Hoffer, M.D., pioneer of nutritional psychiatry, as reported in Nutritional Influences on Mental Illness by Melvyn Werbach, M.D.

The following dietary and nutritional regimen is reported to have over a 90% success rate with patients who are ill for the first time or who are suffering their second or third episode with healthy periods in between. It is reported that after two years over 90% will be well, none will be worse, and none will have tardive dyskinesia (drug-induced involuntary muscular movements). They will have to remain on the regimen many years, perhaps their entire lives.

For chronic patients - those who have failed to improve from previous treatment, including those mentally disturbed for years (although not the chronic patients seen in the back wards of mental hospitals)- about 50% will improve after 10 years. However, not all will be working.

These results are based on:
Six prospective double-blind studies. 1
Personal observations of over 4000 patients.
Studies conducted by colleagues.
Letters received from patients who were never personally seen but tried the treatment program.

Elimination of all processed or prepared foods containing added refined sugars and probably 90% of other additives, as foods that contain added sugars usually contain other additives.

Elimination diets to remove all foods to which the patient is allergic or sensitive.

Vitamin B3 (niacin or niacinamide) 0.5 - 2 grams 3 times daily.
Vitamin B6 (for many) 250-500 mg daily.
A general B vitamin formula.
Vitamin C, 3 or more grams daily.
Zinc (gluconate or citrate) 50 mg daily.
Manganese 15-30 mg daily (if there is danger of tardive dyskinesia).

I also use omega three essential fatty acids rich in EPA and less rich in DHA. The best preparation contains three times as much EPA as it does DHA. I use four large capsules twice daily.

Replied by Faith
(Forest Park, Ohio)

The ANSWER is a HIGH FAT DIET, specifically do the Gut and Psychology Diet (GAP) or the Specific Carb Diet (SCD) but add plenty of high fat foods, ESPECIALLY organic coconut oil. The illness is caused by microbes and these diets address the microbes by using meat and bone broths to introduce the minerals that we are missing in our GUTS to heal ourselves. There is a direct correlation between INTESTINAL HEALTH and BRAIN HEALTH... it is what we eat that is making us crazy and anxious and paranoid, etc.

I do want to emphasize though, ORGANIC COCONUT OIL must become a stable in the diet along with olive oil and real butter and raw milk and eggs if you can get them... Try to find a COOP in your area, it will make a world of difference in your health.

The bone broths are cooked all day, for two days in a crockpot. There are various nourishing traditions blogs by people that have plenty of recipes and information on how to make the broths and sites on the specifics of the diets so you won't have to purchase a book if you don't want to...

Please cross-reference this post with other MENTAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL disorders... and for healing of many illnesses.

Here's to a year of better health for us all!

Happy Holidays!

Replied by Slim
(Miami Florida)

I have been trying to treat my 28 year old son, diagnosed with schizophrenia for 9 years. I have always been a naturalist and did not believe in the harmful medicines prescribed, but he has taken them on many occasions, or been shot up with needles in the Crisis unit of the hosp.

The medicines change very little with him, sometimes surprised that he is the same in 4 days he spent in Crisis unit. His hair test indicates he is not low in Zinc or high in copper. I believe I had the correct test done to show his histamine was within range.

He is talks to himself in about 3 voices, answers back too. He is very uncooperative with everything. I pay him to take the supplements, but cannot get him or afford to pay him more than 1 times a day. Any suggestions

Thanks, Beverly from Miami Florida

Replied by Lola

Slim, check for an excess of Pyroles by ordering a urine test. It sounds like he may have pyolyria. Check out the mood cure by Julia Ross, or depression free naturally.

Replied by Jillery
(North America)
86 posts

Check the book Nutrition Power by Dr. Walsh. My shrink suggested it to me (uses diet and supplements only). There is a chapter in there about Schizophrenia. I hope this is helpful.

Replied by Thehandyman1947
Replied by Casey

You can crush vitamin tablets.. and add to persons meals. Tomato sauce , and especially chilli dish , conceal the vitamin flavors. you can add vitamin B3 to lemonade..or fruit shakes, yogurts, Figure out the person's favourite dishes and then add

General Feedback
Posted by Alan (Amsterdam, Holland) on 08/03/2009

Hi, To those who hear voices, place a soundrecorder or microphone close to your head. Play back what you've recorded, and you may hear the same voices, amplification may be needed. I have discovered they're entities, I got the voices after some EVP sessions, saying exactly the same words on the pc as in my head. The world must know, don't expect answers from science, they'll never accept a supernatural explanation, people must figure this out themselves.

Replied by Schzophonic
(Davie, Florida)

I did that with my brother but he not only hears the voices but everyone else does too.

Replied by Nivre
(West Covina, Ca)

Your comments may be true, but they don't help and science is not interested in finding out.

Replied by Joseph
(Lajolla, Ca)

A mixture of copper, gold, and magnesium to mute the "psychosis". Google "metallic ear plugs".

Replied by Cristi Copac

My experience. It's a contact with the spirit world. You must have gods and holy books. Example books on the astral :The Astral Plane by C.W.Leadbeater, Legends of Ancient Greece and the Bible. They can make you see spirits and hear spirits. Jesus Christ and Muhammad were schizophrenics . They heard voices and solved their issues by being prophets.

1 in my experience I found out that there is a reason for your schizo. You are wanted by the astral in some way. Most shamans became shamans by force. I have my healing spell by the candle. If you manage to find out the reason your are partially healed.

2 Prayer. I prayed to the universe 100 times per day by the candle. The spirits have your ears and your eyes, that is how they can give you visuals and audio. I prayed for clean eyes and clean ears. Be honest and a good person and don't summon demons with your mind. Some people summon demons and wonder why they have schizophrenia. Prayer is an effective tool to have.

3 Sage or frankincense. You burn it and with your imagination you give the smoke to your ears and your eyes and your head. You imagine that you heal your head . Invaded by smoke. Healing smoke.

General Feedback
Posted by Lisanna (St Catharines, Canada) on 02/27/2008

I liked the bio Dawn shared with us about her awfull ordeal with SZ . It was concise simple and practical. Something a layperson could understand or even better by someone with SZ.This is actually the point of my commentary. Dawn mentions her frustration with nobody in the medical community explaining her illness to her. Personally that would terrify me more as well as make me angry. I am an acupuncturist who dated a lovely man with SZ for 15 months. He was medicated relatively stable but obviously unwell. I openly discussed his illness with him asking him more personal questions as well as medical ones. This poor man knew nothing nor did anybody apparently know anything about him. Although on meds voices was very bad making him cautious and isolated. I offered him acupuncture .The results were instant after fist treatment he experienced total silence for the first time in 18 years .Treatment lasted up to 3 to 4 days at time .(Although overjoyed initially adjusting was Hard for him )He continued also with his meds .I also made some minor adjustments to his food habits . Coffee act...he drank up to 18 cups a day. Got him down to 4 .This and the Acupuncture combined stopped the severe tremors he had. We thought they were due to meds but were stressed related. Being a cautious person I was moving slowly to broaden our natural approaches. After 9 months he was inspired and also wanted to do therapy. He changed psychiatrist. On first meeting he seemed so well that this med suggested his diagnosis was grossly overboard. He stated he would take him off meds altogether in the very near future ,and that with counseling his longer term prognosis was very good .Well so many radical' improvements in his physical and mental health including this meds hasty' comments S chose to go right off the meds . It took 3 weeks for him to have a major psychotic episode .The change was so swift he took my advice for only a short time later. By then he was refusing acupuncture claiming I was hypnotizing him hence giving me the power over him to change him so. Things got progressively worse .By Dec he'd had 2 hospitalizations. When released he got worse .The paranoia's escalated for him to a point of terror and rage directed at me .He quite brutally amputated the relationship Dec 21. He blocked my phone number .I did not see him until mid February going to visit him unannounced. I could not stand anymore worrying about him .It was disastrous he is worse. Now the heartbreaking part here is this man had a chance to get well. He was eager to try new things and learn .However me trying to teach him what I could was significantly made less effective by the fact that after more than a year of nearly daily research, I did not find a single article of information on schizophrenia addressed specifically to the actual patient. It seems the allopathic community only share indebt information with each other, and often the very good or recent findings are only available to them via subscription to the site on the condition that you are qualified by their defining standards to do so. As well the information for friends and family are superficial in content. Where is the information for the lay person who needs to learn and is not versed in so much obscure scientific jargon. Myself having a non allopathic degree in medicine still have the fundamentals. I find the recourses difficult and get by continuance cross referring and having to look terminology up. Dawn is right in stating that in her experience often this illness is stigmatized still and far too many suffering clients are treated by far and large as if they were "stupid" .There are many highly intelligent individuals out there afflicted with this tragic illness wanting recourses and finding none. I use the word tragic because the lacking availability of information on their illness and current varied modes of treatment is not shared with them .Resulting in much life long suffering. At best they are maintained whereas a broader field of presented forms of treatment often would make a significant difference in their quality of life. Not withstanding that many patients at moment are benefiting from the pharmaceutical approach, allot more investigation needs to take place on the results of altering biochemical imbalances via nutritional and other alternative methods of medicine. I find myself at moment laughing at my own influencing by the present status quo of mistakenly identifying neutrino as a form of alternative medicine. Mother Nature does shudder and rightly so. The old adage we are what we eat should become more familiar. At the onset all life on earth follows that any organism is dependent on a set of other organisms. Nature takes from nature - humans we can identify ourselves as a part of nature hence the same applies. Yes there is more to be tapped into than what most doctors generally present us with. I would like to see allot more information tailored and directed specifically to those diagnosed with schizophrenia. Easily found straightforward and comprehensive. Written clearly for the patients and the average layperson .Many of us are looking for that. We need to understand what ails us and what treatments are available to us. How they work on our bodies and the possible pros and cons. This would be a huge asset to us .As well as making it easier for us to explain to our practitioners what treatments we have followed and how they affect us. Thanks Dawn for sharing your experience and sentiments with us. I can barely imagine the suffering you went through. I, loving and standing by the side of a wonderful man, clearly suffering in great distress; confused and frustrated by this illness was hard. I cried daily and still do just witnessing the pain I did. Those of us who are personally linked and loving an individual with schizophrenia also need this information. Even after the first psychotic break of my close one, there was a window of opportunity of six weeks where he wanted to educate himself and explore something else he might immediately try. His cognition was still sufficient but his paranoia about me being heightened he did not want to take my word for anything. I would have needed to present him with the official type of information I have mentioned above. The window of opportunity is now closed. We might have been spared allot of lasting grief. There is nothing I can do and this hurts. No one in his environment, family and friends, including his medics are informed either. What will happen? In closing I would like to rally you all into expressing your questions and concerns confidently to the doctors who attend you. This is your right you are bright people that can grasp this and dismiss any ignorant attitudes. Encourage those close to you to do the same. Read the longstanding unrevised Hippocratic Oath. This is your medical community's promise to you on how they will attend to your care and in what spirit. If you are a fractioned reread the unrevised Hippocratic Oath. It is lovely and should inspire you.

Respectfully, Lisanna Garrett D.O.Ac

Replied by Vicky

Hey. can you please elaborate on benefits of acupuncture in controlling voices. Did it stop completely after the session? How frequently it should be done in similar cases. Now a days dry needling is in; does it also help?

Gluten Free Diet

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by E (Bklyn, Ny) on 11/15/2009

schizophrenia and gluten free: I did hear from a psychologist that trying to be Gluten Free is going to be something that people will be recommended to try.

Gluten Free Diet
Posted by Danielle (Bratt, Vermont) on 04/16/2008

I myself have schizoaffective a type of schizophrenia and I am gluten free. no sugar flour and wheat. when I went back to those foods I was sick very quicly. the diet works well for me. I tend to become overweight also adn decompensate quickly under stress and with the wrong foods. without b-complex vitamins I am also in a bad spot. I try to keep up with everything. I take a b complex, fish oil, green juice and a multi. without the supps I am pretty bad off. I have hallucinations and things like that. delusions. I become very psychotic. I may add that I also need antipsychotic and mood stabilizing meds. currently I do not require an antipsychotic med. I take that where necessary.

Replied by Anonymous
(South Pasadena, California)

Hi Everyone: I am was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia six years ago. At the time I believed the conspiracy theories out there that the meds for schizophrenia caused your brain to atrophy. Now, I know that studies have proven the opposite, that antipsychotics are essential to preventing or curbing the brain atrophy associated with schizophrenia as it is a degenerative brain disorder. Anyway, at the time, I tried high doses of Niacin and b-complex and magnesium, all to no avail. The only thing which took away the voices was antipsychotics. Unfortunately, they didn't take away all of the voices. As time went on, I realized that gluten made my fibromyalgia symptoms flair something terrible so I stopped eating all gluten. Around that time, the residual voices my meds weren't taking care of went away. So, now... after reading about gluten on this site I wonder if the gluten free diet helped with my voices.

BTW: I also eat large quantities of soy and estrogen has been proven to help women sz's. As I'm sure many of you know, soy is estrogenic. Now, I only hear one or two words every six months to a year and they are not nerve wracking like before. I am so grateful. Unfortunately, I get very fatigued between the sz meds and pain of fibro. Luckily, I discovered by accident really that taking 2,000 mg of B-12 and 2,000 mg of Inositol a day along with 600 mg of B-6 helps the fatigue to the point where I nap for about half of the time to no time on a good day. I will also say that for women taking antipsychotics you may find that you are producing a little breast milk. B-6 helps with this a little if you take 300-600 mg a day. Talk to a doctor first though as high doses of B-6 are linked to possible neuropothy. I will also say that if you have akathisia from the meds, (a movement disorder which causes you too pace and shake feet and fidget)... Stopping all caffeine took that away for me. Thank G-d for the meds and thank G-d for having discovered these few things which help with some of the side effects. Also, I started taking Armour a natural thyroid medication to deal with weight gain associated with the meds. I'm not necessarily advocating this though because it can lead to osteoporosis eventually if you get into the hyperthyroid range.

Hope this helps someone.

Sincerely, Anonymous

Replied by Anonymous
(South Pasadena, California)

P.S. I was tested for celiac disease a while ago and the test was negative. So, you can't say all schizophrenics are celiacs. I do happen to have a sensitivity to gluten though, pain wise. I will also say that the gluten free diet alone isn't sufficient to keep voices at bay... I absolutely need medicine and I believe this may be the case with many if not all sz's as the medicines minimizes the brain damage the disease itself causes even if many other things can be treated naturally. In other words, in my case a gluten free diet and b vitamins couldn't cure me but the diet might have helped. All the best.

Sincerely, Annonymous

Gluten Free Diet
Posted by Mary (Nevada City, CA) on 03/06/2006

This helped a young man I know of. There is research coming out on this. Many or most schizophrenics are also celiac - but they don't know it. I also have another friend who's brother was homeless in NY and later committed suicide. The family was able to stay in touch with him somewhat (a caring family) - Somehow they learned (possibly from medical records after his death, I don't know) - that he was also celiac. I am sure he did not follow the gluten free diet. It would be nearly impossible as a homeless person. A very reliable web site on the latest research is (please don't edit out the web site! It is similar to this site - it is there to help people!)

Not all celiacs are schizophrenic - in fact only very few are - but the reverse case is that all or nearly all schizophrenics may be celiac. This can cause severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies because the small intestine is damaged - so in the schizophrenic cases it must be the areas of the intestine that would take in nutrients for the brain

Replied by Jodi
(Tampa, Florda)

Schizophrenia and celiac disease: I just listened to Nutrition & Behavior: A Lecture By Russell Blaylock, MD (you can buy it on his website

He cited a study of schizophrenics who had gluten and gliadin removed from their diet and were 100% recovered. When the gluten and gliadin were reintroduced to their diet they became schizophrenic and had to be hospitalized again.

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