Natural Remedies for Scars and Scar Tissue

Vitamin E
Posted by Ezra (El Centro, California) on 08/09/2008

I just recently removed two moles that were on my chest area which have now turned a dark purplish color. I heard that vitamin E oil works well on them. I have been putting on the oil and rubbing it in at least 3 times a day for a week now and it seems to be working well on the scars. Has anyone used this method before and is this what how i should be applying it?

Vitamin E
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/21/2011

Hi Bonnie, what a coincidence that I just saw your post as I was going to post one of my own. I have been reading a lot about Vit. E and C for scars. In my youth, over 40 years ago I was silly enough to play with a flame under something that melted and fell on my hand. It made a big hole that took time to heal and of course left a bad scar, like a bean. It never bothered me but I used to say that I couldn't rob banks without gloves otherwise it would be easy to recognize my hand. Lately I have been taking up to 5g of Vit. C and 400 to 600 IU of Vit. E and suddenly saw that although my scar hasn't disappeared it had got very flat.

I didn't try the oil on the scar itself only because to be honest I don't even think about this scar anymore but I have been trying it under my eyes, unfortunately without much luck. Many years ago I had little fat things (sorry, forget the name) and the skin doctor used laser on them with the result that I was left with a lot of little scars like warts. I had hoped that those would get better with the Vitamin E oil but that hasn't happened although I applied it twice a day for quite a while. I can't apply it at night anymore because the oil would run into my eyes and I would wake up with swollen eyes so I will maybe go on only during the day. Maybe I should persevere seeing that your scar disappeared completely.....

Scar Remedies
Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 06/25/2008

Ingredients: pure honey
Instructions: The best remedy for scars is honey. It works very well. You rub it on the scar many times during the day for some days, and you'll see. It leaves no mark.


Linda used 100% Pure Olive Oil on her scar from having a C-Section and it worked great! It's almost as if it wasn't ever there. Just rub it on your scar 2-3 times a day. Works great!

Peanut oil is effective on scar. It is especially useful for scar suffered by diabetes patients.

Edgar Cayce formula for removal of severe burn scars.
Camphorated oil, 2 ounces
Lanolin, dissolved, 1/2 teaspoon
Peanut oil, 1 ounce

Olive oil and coconut oil are effective for stretch marks.

Scar Remedies
Posted by Marea (Dallas, Texas) on 06/26/2008

This message is for TAN KONG PENG. from SINGAPORE:
Dear Tan Kong Peng, I appreciate the time you spend writing. I have been enjoying your emails on nutritional treatment and prevention for various ailments. While supplementation might be needed in severe cases of diseases caused by vitamin/mineral deficiencies, your approach to treating illness with natural foods that nourish the body with their natural vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals,etc, is very much appreciated. Since I am very natural-oriented, I would much rather eat the foods (preferably raw, or minimally processed and organic) than spend money on twenty different supplements! For those of us who are interested in natural foods and healing herbs, please keep the emails coming.

Would you or anyone in our beautiful family of Earthclinic members know of a good recipe for a natural food based electrolyte drink? My son is an athlete who perspires profusely during games. I would like to use things like Apple Cider Vinegar, and bananas for potassium, lemon for its rich mineral content, honey for its natural hydrogen peroxide oxygenating property and energy boosting, blackstrap molasses, sea salt, and/or any other food sources of minerals. How can any of above be used in a good mix (and how much of each) to prepare a perfectly balanced energy drink with all necesarry electrolytes? I don't want to buy commercial sports drinks full of sugar, so I would greatly appreciate anyone's input. Thank you much! Marea

EC: This is a great question for Ted. We will forward it to him!

Scar Remedies
Posted by Cindy (Phoenix, AZ) on 08/16/2022

Celery juice is a great electrolyte drink!

Scar Remedies
Posted by Tami (Greenville, S.C.) on 09/02/2008

In response to Marea, who asks about a sports energy drink for her son

06/26/2008: Marea from Dallas, Texas writes: "...Would you or anyone in our beautiful family of Earthclinic members know of a good recipe for a natural food based electrolyte drink? My son is an athlete who perspires profusely during games. I would like to use things like Apple Cider Vinegar, and bananas for potassium, lemon for its rich mineral content, honey for its natural hydrogen peroxide oxygenating property and energy boosting, blackstrap molasses, sea salt, and/or any other food sources of minerals. How can any of above be used in a good mix (and how much of each) to prepare a perfectly balanced energy drink with all necesarry electrolytes? I don't want to buy commercial sports drinks full of sugar, so I would greatly appreciate anyone's input. Thank you much! Marea"

I have this suggestion. Coconut water. This is a natural, highly nutritive substance which I feel will meet your son's needs quite nicely. It is, quite possibly, the perfect after sports beverage. It is easy to come by providing you can secure a coconut, hammer, and screwdriver. Enjoy.

Povidone Iodine
Posted by Patricia (Laguna Niguel) on 12/19/2007

I love this website! Lots of wonderful home remedies. I read about Iodine and went on ebay- I bought Povidone- Iodine first to try, and painted myself with it over every problem area of my skin- the colors were disappearing in 15 minutes or so. The bottle says for external use only and do not apply it over large areas of the skin. Well, I have not tried take it internally yet, but as I understand it, Povidone is used for prep surgeries, which means it is in contact with blood and internal organs. After my first application on small areas, I noticed that the morning after I could see significant improvement on my skin where there used to be acne-like pumps that I had for several years- some shrank and some went away. I then started using it on all scars and it seems to make them more smooth and heal better. Upon seeing that, I asked my husband to paint me all over my back- dry, flaky skin with red irritable spots- and over night, they became more smooth. So I started to use it more and more, sometimes it stains my clothes, but my skin seemed to be healing. Don't know if that is also indication of my iodine deficiency. I wonder if it works any differently from Lugol's. I do have signs of low thyroid function, like cold intolerance, poor circulation. Can you tell me if I can take the Povidone internally? How is it different from Lugol's?

Povidone Iodine
Posted by Rick (Dayton, Oh) on 11/21/2011

Iodine defficiency is common, because most of what we eat is grown in mineral-depleated soil. It makes sense that iodine would clear up skin conditions, since that point was made many times by Cayce in his health readings. The concept is to give each cell what it needs, usually iodine (defficient) and it will restore circulation that is lacking / messed up, then clear out blockages, like redness, bumps, moles, warts, scars-- all results of poor circulation (superfiicial/ surface-level).

No, one should NEVER ingest Povidone-- it is not made for that, neither are iodine sanitizer tablets (that's why they taste horrible & you will immediately spit it out! ). But since most of us don't live near seawater, the source of iodine salt (it can be a liquid or salt dissolved in water, and evaporates when heated like anby salt will), and lack access to safe seafood and fresh kelp or any sea plats would be great (but taste awful dried), then either 1. ) eat sushi, as it is wrapped in Nori, a dried kelp (favorite snack of Japanese-- they eat it like jerky), or 2. ) have some miso soup -- it comes with Nori or some other kelp pieces in it, or 3. ) purchase Atomidine, is 14. 00 a reg. Sized dropper bottle which will last you forever nearly. Directions for its use, also called tri-chloric iodine (tastes like pool water -- take alone in pure water an hour after morning meal -- as it's a slight stimulant, like ginseng is-- or take 1/2 hour before breakfast), directions are readily available on many websites: like any thyroid-related remedy, one should not take it constantly (though doctors advise T4 replacement thyroxine to be taken daily & regularly for life, this syntheti drug has a LOT of side-effects that may be worse than a low thyroid function; I recommend everyone try iodine supplement only in this orally-designed supplement before going onto thyroxin permanently, to see if you can allow your thyroid to fix itself first.)

It was originally patented by Dow Chem. Co. (one of the actually good things they come up with) in 1931 or 1932 (there is also a Dr. Who/ chemist who came up with the bascially identical tri-chloric iodine, besides Dow's Atomidine, around the same time), and the patent for the latter was transferred to Cayce's Foundation via its Heritage Store (from Dow, I think is how it went). It is purported to also protect from polio (a virus) and some other stuff like malaria (a mosquito parasite they carry in their blood of the female ones).

It is said that making sure you enough iodone (the recommended RDA of the FDA) is the most crucial mineral or viatamin because Cayce asserted that it is the thyroid (! ) that is the ''master gland'' (! ) and not some part or gland of the brain (the hypothalamus controls the thyroid via a feedback loop, so that it is mutual control, but modern belief calls the pituitary the ''master gland, '' which controls growth, even though the pituitary is controlled by the thyroid-- so go figure), as is erroneously believed today. (While self-hypnotised, the ghost of an ancient learned surgeon, an advanced doctor--from a time when medicine was even more advanced than today, spoke though Cayce, allowing him to cure thousands or tens of thousands of supposedly incurable cases with various maladies, including using OMT/Osteopathic spinal manipulation that a D. O. Does, which is vagely similar to Chiropractic adjustment, and all done from his couch-- he would float there he said, and could see the person, from accross the country, inside & out, and immediately know their ailments & how to cure them, but remembered nothing on waking, so someone was there to write it all down. He was also studies by the AMA, and told a person to perform the first modern bone mending successfully with a nail).

Directions/ Doage: findable on numerous websites, the treatment regimen for the dietary supplement includes varying dosage and not continuously: 1 drop in 1/2 cup purest water 1st day, then 2 drops in water 2nd day, then then 3 drops the 3rd day, then 4 drops the 4th day, then leave off & stop taking it for like 4 days. Other direcrtions say a drop each day for 2 days, 2 drops for days 3 & 4, and then 3 drops for day 5 & 6, then 4 drops the 4th day & then quit & stop for a whole week, but then resume the following week. If you seem to hyper or flush or anxious, then only do it for 1 week out of the month. You should see much more energy and sleep better and feel less tired. This is suupposed to help just about any condition (especially hair & nails, but that also calls for calcios bone marow paste, or sardines, daily on a cracker too, with lemon flavor).

Some people even claim thay had been diagnosed with terminal unreatable cancer, moved to the seaside to die, had someone tell them to eat tons of kelp with iodine and then made a full recovery. SO goes the stories in published books about his life work & people who stumbled on his remedies. By the way, the FDA says it is safe to eat seafood that grows close to the coeastlines, like oysters, crab, some lobster, scallops?, especiialy bottom-feeding carp and catfish, and small or canned tuna (not deepwater tuna like endangered bluefin or plentiful small ocean skipjack) once per week and not more than twice (maybe 3 times) because you never know where it was caught and metal levels there in the water and the danger of heaby metal toxins accumulating faster than you can eliminate them, like mercury and lead or cadmium from batteries, etc. Dumped in the oceans, usually near coastlines where those things grow and eat from. Once or twice per week, I believe is what the FDA says. But you can always eat plenty of kelp or take pills of it, since it grows mainly in deepwater clean areas. (Yikes! , no Japanese-waters-caught kelp for a while, so no glowing in the dark, though, ok?)

Aloe Vera, Lemon Juice, Honey, Vitamin E, Toothpaste
Posted by Jessica (Vancouver, Canada) on 11/17/2007

A while ago I experimented with a bunch of home remedies to clear up my acne scars and found that topically applying the following worked for me:

- aloe vera gel (works better on fresh wounds)
- lemon juice
- honey
- vitamin e oil or capsule
- toothpaste
- cucumber juice (leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water)
- make a paste of salt, baking soda, lemon juice, and honey. Leave on face for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water.

Hope these help someone!

Aloe Vera, Lemon Juice, Honey, Vitamin E, Toothpaste
Posted by Sarah (Dubai, UAE) on 10/05/2008

I used toothpaste, cucumber, lemon juice and the face mask Jessica advised to use. My results are amazing! My scars are fading and the toothpaste makes the pimples smaller and the puss decreases quite visibly. I just mix about two tablespoons of honey, the juice of one or two lemons, two teaspoons of salt, three tablespoons of fuller's earth. This adds a glow to my skin, the scars are fading away slowly. Also, I use a scrub daily before school/work; two tbspoons of honey, three tablespoons of unrefined brown sugar and fullers earth( as much as you want, not more than four tablespoons), 1 1/2 teaspoons of ACV. This is for general use...

Extreme Moisture
Posted by Ellis Garvin (Haiku, Hi) on 09/02/2009


I appreciate your suggestions, Cary, but the one about covering skin with plastic wrap went against what I'd heard about skin needing to breath, so I did some quick internet research about it. From what I've read, some tattoo parlors mistakenly tell people to use plastic wrap to cover their new tattoos (so people can see the tattoo without the person needing to remove a bandage to show them.) However, many states make it illegal to use plastic over tattoos due to the higher risk of infection. Also, the The National Tattoo Association and the Alliance of Professional Tattooists prohibit tattoo artists from putting plastic wrap over tattoos because the skin needs to breathe, and plastic wrap traps moisture and heat against the skin and fosters the growth of bacteria which leads to infection.

I hope everyone using this wonderful website is smart and uses critical thinking before trying alternative remedies suggested by a single source. This website has literally saved me hundreds of dollars in doctor bills and much emotional and physical pain, but I still am very careful to cross-check and do further research on any remedy that I find here.

Posted by Cindy (Phoenix, AZ) on 08/16/2022

For ridding scars on my arms that have been there about 5 years, how much serrapeptase would be useful? Thanks, Cindy

Facial Scar Remedies
Posted by Karrie (NC) on 02/23/2019

Hello all,

A few years ago I got into an accident that completely devastated me. I've been doing a lot better mentally lately except this 2.5 inch scar on my face won't budge no matter what I try. I have tried every remedy on this site along with many others with no improvement including: castor oil packs, cocoa butter, vitamin E, coconut oil, banana peels, egg whites, honey, etc.

The scar looks like a knife attack running diagonally down my forehead between my brows and to the mid nose area. If I had money for plastic surgery to get a scar revision I'd probably try that route again. I did get a dermabrasion procedure on the scar a couple years ago that didn't help. Any and all advice would be appreciated. I never posted online about this before, but I noticed this is a very kind, caring community so felt comfortable posting here. Thank you. Karrie

Facial Scar Remedies
Posted by Karrie (NC) on 02/25/2019

Hi Art, My D3 level was over 60 last time we checked. May I ask how that will help me with the scar? Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Castor Oil Pack
Posted by Perla (Las Vegas) on 04/12/2018

Thank you so much for this comment. My fiance is going through the same thing. He was intubated for only 10 days but still got tracheal stenosis. He has had two different surgeries and so far both times its came back. I'm going out to buy castor oil tonight. Does it matter what kind? Hoping and praying this works. And I'm sorry you both had to go through this. Watching them not being able to breath on a regular basis is so tough. Thank you for giving me hope!

Castor Oil Pack
Posted by Brian (Pleasinton) on 06/07/2015

How did you do a castor oil pack on your nose? How did you heat it? Im in the same position as you after rhynoplasty.

Keloid Scar Remedies
Posted by Katy (Salisbury, Md) on 07/09/2014

I have a medium sized keloid on my chest, as well as several on my shoulders that range in size. Has anyone had any luck using at home remedies such as Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Honey or Lemon Juice?

EC: HI Katy, Please visit Earth Clinic's Keloid Scar page:

Magnet Therapy for Regeneration of Scar Tissue
Posted by Helena (Portugal) on 05/30/2014

Dear Sirs, Good evening. Could you please - if possible - inform if magnet therapy can help in the regeneration of scar tissue of rectovaginal fistula. Thanks for your attention and best regards, Helena

Magnet Therapy for Regeneration of Scar Tissue
Posted by Jordan (Seattle, WA) on 08/13/2014

Hi. I would love to try magnet therapy for internal scar tissue in my nose. What type of magnets do I get and where. Any recommendations would be very helpful.

Magnet Therapy for Regeneration of Scar Tissue
Posted by Timh (KY, US) on 08/14/2014 2063 posts

@Jordan: I have used the Serenity 2000 for some time now and is a good starter as it has waist belt mag plus knee or elbow mags. For something a little stronger I use a mag from a broken or unused music speaker (will need to wrap with soft cloth).

Cauliflower Ear Remedies
Posted by Natural Ways Mama6 (Centerville Indiana) on 04/23/2014

My son has cauliflower ear from wrestling, I was wanting to know any all natural remedies or essential oils I can use to heal this naturally?

Cauliflower Ear Remedies
Posted by Caitlin (Austin) on 04/24/2014

This IS serious and could lead to problems if not treated by your doctor! An antibiotic treatment sounds ideal. I would also suggest that you wrap his ear in either a bandage soaked in witch hazel or ACV to decrease the swelling. I say witch hazel because of this story: After my mom had her last baby, a rather large one of many children, she was so torn and swollen that she could not move for the pain. They left her moaning in a room by herself. Her mom, my beloved grandmother, a healer and midwife from the 1920's visited her that morning of the birth. She saw the situation, and immediately went to the pharmacy for witch hazel and a large cotton pad. She placed the pad, soaked with dickinson witch hazel, upon my mother'ss nether region. My mother said she could actually feel the witch hazel "drawing" the pain away and by that very evening, she was walking around. From that day onward, my mother is never without that witch hazel in her bathroom. My hubby has wrapped a paper towel soaked in ACV around a large, swollen gouty foot and ankle. It reduced the swelling within an hour, but, took a couple of days at that particular stage of swelling to go down completely. I would also suggest ingesting it and putting diluted ACV and water inside the ear every few hours. When the swelling goes down, I would rub coconut oil (VCO) in and around his ear and if he is not allergic to it, give him a teaspoon morning and night to help fight the infection. I know that you want to treat this naturally, but, an antibiotic could only help as well. Good luck to you and your son! Caitlin

Posted by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 02/23/2014

Try licorice extract. If you put it on the first day it will go away...Apply it three or 4 times a day...If you wait to get a doctors opinion it will take three day...75% gone the first day...25% the next and completely gone the third day...A bottle cost about $8.95 and NO drugs..

Posted by Karol Elliott (Uk) on 11/15/2014

Mr Ree, just to be clear are you suggesting that you can put liquorice extract directly on the eye?

Posted by Smudge (Vietnam) on 11/23/2014

I read recently that organic castor oil drops in the eyes will dissolve cataracts which I am trialling at the moment. Could be worth a try to dissolve scar tissue. Best to do last thing at night as it is quite thick and a little sticky.

Posted by James222 (New Hampshire, US) on 11/23/2014

For better results try taking ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) orally twice a day, start with the smallest dose and work up, it may take at least a month to see any improvement

Be Well

Posted by Claude (Montreal, CA) on 12/28/2014

There's a tcm medication that's worked for generation: Wu Wei xiao Du yin

It's viewed as an imbalance in liver channel, damp heat infection.

Posted by Kim ( Wa) on 05/14/2015

I'm not sure if you found anything to help with the shingles virus but I have personally applied oil of oregano to any outbreaks and taken it internally as well. It heals any outbreak within a couple hours.

Honey, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Vanessa (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/08/2013

Hi I'm recently in the processes of removing a mole on my bottom with ACV! I can't believe this but it does work!! It shrunk my mole and now I just have a scar I keep picking at it even though I know that's bad but I'm so impaticent it's going to be 2 weeks since I've started this remedy! So I was doing some research to cure wounds & prevent scars and I came across honey & tea tree oil! So I went to my local natural supplements shop and purchased the tea tree oil and wildflower honey does this work or should I try something else??( My mole was about 2inches big so I do not want a huge scar:( )

Scar Tissue Remedies
Posted by Rose (Hannibal, Ny) on 05/21/2013

I went to my rhuematologist and he said I have arthritis scar tissue in my left hand. I had thought it was lipoma as it was a lump in my palm. Any suggestions on how to shrink it??

Scar Tissue Remedies
Posted by Trudyg (Xxx, Yyy) on 05/22/2013

You could try serrapeptase--it's an enzyme that digests tissue such as scars.

Coconut Oil, Melatonin Powder
Posted by Janet (Asheville, Nc) on 11/26/2012

I have been battling a small bleeding spot on my nose for 2 yrs. I tried vit c but because of work only let it scab once so that wasn't enough and I use h202 on it too. Finally I used effudex for 3 weeks which turned it into a pea sized (flat) tender scar which only ended up bleeding 2 mos later after I scrubbed it so it could have been bcc not just ak. I couldn't get an appt with the Dr. for 5wks so I started EVCO and powdered melatonin tabs paste. Fantastic! First of all there was no nasty scabbing, just night 5 I think I made a crusty paste and woke up with some blood on my face but the skin looked o. K. There was tremendous healing in 10 days and I would say 2 weeks I could no longer discern the spot or root of the bleeding. I still have a spot of pinker skin from the effudex damage but its not tender anymore. I don't have insurance so that is why I was trying natural cures. It is day 18 and I feel very good about it so far, but I will follow up my post since so many things failed. I had made an appt for a biopsy coming up in 2 wks so I might be cancelling that since I'm tired of having a wound on my face.

Coconut Oil, Melatonin Powder
Posted by Jan (Asheville, Nc) on 02/28/2013

Well, I wasn't really sure if anything was going on with my "spot" see earlier post so I put iodine on it and in the morning I saw a center like thing. So long story short, I burned it acouple of times with iodine and a couple of times the center oozed something and then it just quit reacting but I had it biopsied anyway which seemed like a breeze after all the self treating and of course the effudex! Well the biopsy came back OK (keratosis) and the recommendation was to f/u in 3 mos. While I was waiting for the biopsy results I hit with 7% iodine, now I'm thinking I may have been overdoing it and just need to let it heal. Well at least it's not bcc. I'm just confused that the efudex didn't work. This has been my first problem like this so this is what I've learned: I think anything that looks weird or bleeds, if you hit it right away with vit c, coconut oil and/or iodine, maybe vinegar you might have a chance of it going away pretty easily but if it continues for more than 4-6mos just get a biopsy. The face heals pretty fast, especially with coconut oil. Since I started using coconut oil daily on my face and I also got a bottle of Vit C serum I think I've prevented anything new popping up.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Helpyourself (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 11/11/2011

Started drinking 2 tbls of acv, 1 tbl honey and a splash of lemon instead of coffee.

Drink coffee a couple times a week with 1 tbl blackstrap molasses. The scar tissue on the bottom of my big toe quit growing. Used to have to dig out tissue every three days or so.

It stopped growing! Amazing. I had this problem for 20 years and now after a couple weeks with the above I no longer have the scar tissue.

Also, put Apple Cider Vinegar on my dry legs and the dryness is gone, legs look like fresh skin. Amazing!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Phylday (Cisco, Tx) on 08/01/2012

How to make a castor oil pack?

Posted by Veritas (Philadelphia, Pa, Usa) on 01/04/2013

A few follow up questions for those who've used a combine of 50% DMSO and 50% SSKI.

1) What was the approximate volume applied and is one to rub it in until fully absorbed?
2) What is the duration of treatment I. E. How long did it take to cure the scar?
3) What adverse effects, if any, did you experience e.g. burning sensations during treatment?

Thanks for your response.

Scar Remedies
Posted by Jhon (Sacramento, CA) on 05/08/2014

Do you find that you break out from putting the castor oil on your nose? I seem to. I hope thus works for me. Im desperate! Any other suggestions?

Aloe Vera
Posted by K (Chicago, IL) on 07/02/2009

I have been using fresh aloe juice/gel/flesh topically overnight on my chest and back to try to heal scarring due largely to acne. I had been dealing with acne and scarring for months now. Just two nights of applying aloe liberally and directly onto my skin, letting it dry a bit, and then putting on a pajama top overnight has produced surprisingly good results. I am so relieved and amazed. I recommend this very simple, inexpensive, and natural method to everyone.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Stacy (Atl, Ga) on 07/15/2009

This is great information but when I went to my local grocer to pick an aloe leaf, one question came up: How do you preserve your fresh aloe vera. How long does it keep? Thx!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Kathy (Stanwood, WA) on 07/19/2009

My grocer doesn't sell aloe leaves. Go to your nursery or Lowe's, WalMart etc and buy the plant. It will grow fast so make sure the pot is big enough. Needs lots of light, Bring indoors when it gets cold. Just pick a leaf as needed.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Jason (Long Beach, California) on 01/08/2010

Im just curious about aloe vera lotion not aloe vera gel, will that help take away acne scars?

EC: Most potent form is fresh aloe.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Agapegirl (Orlando, Fl) on 09/06/2011

A cut piece of fresh aloe can be wrapped in plastic and refrigerated to prolong the freshness. But better yet, cut tiny pieces from the plant as needed instead of cutting a larger piece and trying to preserve it.

Vitamin E
Posted by Stacy (Atl, Ga) on 07/15/2009

Is there any particular type of Vitamin E oil that you used? I have bad scarring on my stomach from ezcema and I'm looking for any type (of natural) relief. Thx!

General Feedback
Posted by Kathy (Chicago, IL. USA) on 03/05/2009

03/05/2009: Kathy from Chicago, IL. USA writes: "have a question and didnt know how to ask. my house was infested with fleas. i got many bites on my legs. everywhere i was bitten is now a brown mark. flat not like scar tissue. is there any way to get rid of the marks or does anyone know why they would turn brown. my legs look horrible. just discovered your site. its awesome. started the oil pulling. all i had was olive oil and i have noticed no difference. will try with sesame oil when i go to store. for those having reactions to coconut oil you may be allergic so try a different oil. thanks for any help"

EC: Hi, Kathy. Your question has also been posted on fleas remedies page in the pets section...

General Feedback
Posted by Alexis Baker (North Charleston, South Carolins, US) on 06/03/2012

I know this thread is two years old but I was wondering if you could tell me the name of that black ointment. I live in SC and gnats and mosquitoes are always a big problem and they just seem to get bigger. I would really appreciate the name of that ointment.

General Feedback
Posted by Hermiticwonderer (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/21/2014

For Bug relief try a blend of the following essential oils:

Organic Lemongrass, Organic Lemon, Organic Peppermint, Organic Cedarwood, Organic Galbanum, Organic Citronella, Organic Eucalyptus-Lemon

Create a mixture equal parts each.

You can put it into an organic carrier oil (vegetable oil base) such as sesame, almond oil, olive oil, etc. (use one with the least back note smell) and rub it directly into your skin. Roughly 12 drops of your essential oil blend to 1 carrier oil.

You can also put it into a spray bottle and make a body spray using 10 drops of your essential oil blend per 5 ounces of water or a room spray using 20 drops of your essential oil blend per 5 ounces of water.

You can always add more or less drops of your essential oil blend to make a different concentration.

Wore this blend on a camping trip where we were literally in a swarm of mosquitoes the whole time and didn't get ONE bite! My boyfriend is usually eaten alive with 1 mosquito in the room!

Good Luck! :D

General Feedback
Posted by Mel (KZN, South Africa) on 02/18/2009

Does anyone know how to get rid of eczema scars? Please let me know, thanks

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