Natural Remedies

Top Natural Cures for Ringworm: Quick & Easy Remedies

Posted by RC (LA) on 09/13/2021

Saying that fungus doesn't survive in a pH level of 6.5 and higher is wrong because the normal range for human bodies is between 7.2 - 7.4. Taking that into consideration, it should mean that no fungus should grow in a body with a normal pH balance of 7.2, but it does.

Vicks + Oregano Oil
Posted by Nina (Philippines) on 01/31/2020

Hi everyone!

After close to 3 years, all ringworm has gone! What worked with me was vicks vaporub mixed wd 1-2 drops of pure oregano oil. applied on the affected area 2-3x a day. Start wd just one drop of oregano oil coz its very strong, and build it up as your skin can tolerate it. At first, my skin got very red and extremely itchy, I had to stop adding oregano oil, just vicks. But during the time I started applying it on my skin, I mixed 4-5 drops of oregano oil in coconut oil and drank it ( 2-3x a day) Please be advised, oregano oil is very strong,, not for the faint of heart! If you can't tolerate it, just lower the dose or add more coconut oil. Anyway, on the 3rd day of treatment, the itching was gone. So I just stuck to applying vicks but continued wd the drink. On the 5th day, I noticed the lesions on my skin have dried out n died. Will continue this for I guess one month and keep you updated.

Vicks + Oregano Oil
Posted by Pam (USA) on 02/14/2020

Nina, how is the ringworm? I have struggled for month after month. Let me know how you are doing. Thanks, Pam

ABB, Anti-Yeast
Posted by Vanessa (Lake Ariel, PA) on 01/26/2020

What is ABB?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carl (Wisconsin & Florida) on 09/08/2018

Turpentine for Ring Worm?:

Anyone have experience with topical turpentine for Ringworm on the torso?

I've tried 3 strengths of colloidal silver, apple cider vinegar, 10% sulfur Soap, soap with flowers of sulfur, 4-5 topicals. No luck.

Thank you-


Posted by Jeremiah (St. Petersburg, Fl) on 07/15/2018

I peed on my little ringworms and they ran away right quick. My parents told me to do it in the shower but I did it in my bed. Much more efficient.

Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 08/06/2017

Garlic is strong but didn't work for my ringworm.

I mixed fresh garlic with coconut oil, applied it every day to my wrist (where the infection was) and I thought it was working because the skin felt like it was burning.

The smell was very strong too, so I believe I used a generous amount, but after a couple of weeks I gave up because it didn't really do anything to cure it or make it smaller.

Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 07/16/2017

I tied various concentrations but in the end it didn't work. I used bleach that has nothing else in it because I heard there are other kinds with other chemicals that can burn the skin.

I applied it for over a month, twice a day, for about 1 hour, then washed it off and applied Lamisil.

It dried the skin, it seemed to make Lamisil work slightly better, but in the end it didn't work.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil
Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 07/16/2017

Apple Cider Vinegar/Coconut oil for ringworm:

It's the only thing that made the fungus tingle, but it didn't cure it.

Drinking 2 table spoons of ACV with honey in a cup of water made the fungus look much drier.

Coconut oil rubbed directly into it made it seem less apparent, it also burnt more than any other thing that I have ever applied to it.

Also, I mixed coconut oil with borax (1:1 ratio with solidified coconut oil), the results were good but only temporary.

Nail Polish
Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 07/16/2017

I tried this and the nail polish just flaked and sent contaminated fragments all over the room. It only seemed to make it bigger and the area more irritated.

I couldn't get the dry polish off completely so I just kept spreading it everywhere for a couple of days.

Posted by Quadshield (Prattsville, Arkansas) on 09/13/2016

One of the easiest quickest and cheapest way I've ever found to treat ringworm and athletes foot is iodine. Not the kind you get at the pharmacy but 7%. You get at a farm supply or feed store for use on farm animals. Human iodine is I think 3%. Those are both fungal infections so not positive on mange if it's from a mite but worth a shot.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil
Posted by Klj (Culpeper, Va) on 06/27/2016

I have been using apple cider vinegar to treat ringworm on my leg. I tried lamisil, but it just seemed to make the area hot and more irritated. In addition I have used coconut oil. I apply the apple cider vinegar twice a day with a cotton swab...almost 4 ounces a day on an area about 4"x4". I apply coconut oil once a day in the evening to the area. I keep the area of my leg covered when out in the sun and working in the heat of the day. It is clearing up much more quickly than using the over the counter remedy.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Some Guy (Las Vegas, Nv) on 06/09/2016

Alternating 91% alcohol and ACV worked for my jock itch which is ringworm. Diligent generous applications daily/2x for about 3 weeks worked to slowly get rid of it. I now think I have it on my scalp and beard but the fumes from washing them in alcohol make it inappropriate to treat a large area. Possibly have residual excema conditions along with it. I have tried all OTC nuetragena products, rose hip oil, occasional ACV, and some concoction of all of them...to no avail and left with dry skin. I am now using tea tree and it seems to only control the symptoms. Scalp is tough to treat once it starts to spread. Dabbing alcohol seems to help on my beard and hairline where I can see the red patches of dry skin but alcohol does not kill spores (acv supposedly does).

DMSO, Oregano Oil
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 06/10/2016

Dear ORH,

I think you are the only gardener on this site. I was just wondering have you ever used hydrogen peroxide on your plants and vegs if so what results have you had, I tried it on a potted begonia about a month ago and I am pleased with the results. It's winter here and the begonia looks brighter and seems to look healthier, I know that's it early days but I will leave it for a while and see what happens.

DMSO, Oregano Oil
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 06/11/2016

HI U SUSEEQ,,,,,,,,,,,,, I'm not an expert in this area but use hydrogen peroxide in my water bed. The reason rain water is better for your plants is that it contains H2O2 it acquires by falling through Ozone in the atmosphere. I also use an aerator in my water bed where I start most of my plants and then transfer them to a pot or directly to the garden. You can over do H2O2.

Our Bill Munro healed himself and then began using H2O2 in his garden. He wrote up his trails on the internet.


Wish you well. ======ORH========

DMSO, Oregano Oil
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 06/11/2016

Dear ORH, thank you for that. I poured a weakened solution on my begonia, cant wait for spring to see how it fares.

DMSO, Oregano Oil
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 06/12/2016

I'm a gardener with a couple of raised beds and a sweet potato patch out behind the shed. My problem is bandicoots, a protected species. Nothing much growing now in winter here.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cures (India) on 10/23/2015 2 posts

When the prescription drugs and ointments provided temporary relief, there are natural treatments that do not cut into your savings.

N1. Applied 'tincture of Iodine' with a q-tip one a day and the ringworm was gone in a week. This may tint the skin and clothes.
N2. Application of Dettol antiseptic (the original old formula) stopped the fungal growth.
N3. Slightly warmed 100 ML mustard oil, added a teaspoon each of Turmeric powder and a red chilli powder. Mixed well and Stored in a bottle. Applied twice daily to stop fungus. This may tint the clothes.

S1. Lugol's solution: Washed the affected area with mild shampoo and applied twice daily to stop the fungal growth.
S2. If I wanted to avoid tinting or sensitivity, applied Tamarind extract 1:5 which is a potent fungicide and bactericide. Soaked 20 grams of Tamarind in 100 ML warm water, mashed and squashed, filtered and stored in the fridge for daily use.
S3. Slightly warmed 100 ML mustard oil, added a teaspoon of Turmeric and mixed well. Applied twice daily for fungus control. This may tint the clothes.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carl (Usa) on 09/10/2018

Thank you very much for the suggestions!


Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/21/2015

Dawn (Las Vegas, NV) ----

The simplest and cheapest remedy for ringworm which is a fungus, is turmeric powder applied dry.

I have used it for years on cats with good results.

Turmeric if spilled on clothes, washes out very well if patient. I use Sunlight laundry soap bar. First, the spot turns a nice pink. I hang the garment up wet and it may disappear or will do so next time. It works well on cottons.

Namaste, Om

Posted by Mimi (Georgia) on 07/21/2015

Hello. My family has had great results getting rid of ringworm with the bleach method by diluting it with water to a solution that agrees with your skin type, using a q tip to apply it to the ringworm only, then cover with a bandage so it won't be touched and spread. Repeat daily until it begins to flake away, then just the diluted bleach until cured. It almost seems like the bandaid suffocates it. Adding a little bleach to a warm bath for a few nights has helped also.

But, if the bleach really bothers you, apple cider vinegar would be my next choice and its not very expensive. They do really itch and burn, but I try to think of it as the remedy killing the fungus. When I was little, my mother bought Blue Star ointment, not natural I suppose, but it worked also.

Posted by Joanna (Mauritius) on 05/27/2015

I have been suffering form ring worm since 4 month now, now it start to desapear as I've applied bleach on it. Now at the areas where the ringworm got killed my skin look dark, there a lot of marks, what can I use to remove this?

Potassium Permanganate
Posted by Nicholas (Edison, Nj) on 03/30/2015

I had a severe case of ringworm in 1959 when I was in the army. They gave me big pills of potassium permanganate. In the evening I dissolved one pill in water and soaked my feet in it for about 10 minutes. I did it every day, once a day, and it took less than 2 weeks to kill the ringworm--totally healed. It has never bothered me since.

Posted by Amy (Florida) on 03/09/2015

Just so that everyone knows, ringworm is a viral skin infection and not an actual worm. L-Lysine is helpful as well for anti-viral and skin health. You can take a large dosage the first day - I take a few thousand mg, then one or two tabs a day after that.
