Cystic Acne
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cystic Acne

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Dietary Changes

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Posted by Ashley (Boise, Idaho) on 04/14/2011

COFFEE - I've had cystic acne for six years, since I was 20 (when I started drinking coffee in college). I cut out coffee for four months this past year and stopped getting new cysts (or any acne at all) on my chin. Ended up having a mocha this week and the very next day noticed that a huge cyst had developed under the skin on the corner of my chin overnight. It's a small possibility it could be the caffeine, but I am more convinced in my case that it is the coffee. Try cutting it out for a few months and see if it helps before drastically altering your diet, lifestyle, etc. Good luck everyone.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jgmurphy (Skokie, Il) on 04/16/2010

I believe that at least in my case, my cystic acne is related to diet. I almost always get a cyst after an over-indulgence in chocolate, ice cream or some other sweet. Basically I can keep it under control by limiting my diet in these areas. Chocolate, particularly. I have given up ice cream almost altogether.

Once when living in California I went with a friend to Solveng, a small Danish town in the Inland Empire that specializes in (you guessed it) baked goods. Of course I had a bunch of cookies....and the next day, a HUGE cyst in the middle of my cheek! Coincidence? I think not!

I now keep sugar to an absolute minimum. Honey is a safe sweetener because it is antibacterial (i.e. the bacteria that cause infections can feast on sugar but cannot digest honey as the molecules in honey are too big.)

I find that with an existing cyst I do better to leave it be than to try to bring it to a head, since doing that almost always leaves a scar. For me, prevention is better than cures.

Good luck with yours! J

Dietary Changes
Posted by Elisabeth (Belfast, Ireland) on 04/08/2009

My son's SEVERE cystic acne has improved WONDERFULLY since he eliminated DAIRY products from his diet. Previously had been on antibiotics but as soon as he stopped these, the cysts returned. PLEASE share the good news with others.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Robert (Toronto, Canada) on 12/27/2008

I think some dietary changes can positively affect for most acne sufferers, and if you have acne and consider it a problem I highly recommend you examine your diet as the likely culprit.

I had virtually all types of acne that I didn't seem to be growing out of. Was put on that awful Accutane with the requisite monthly blood tests to make sure I wasn't slowing poising myself. Long story short, the drug didn't work. At least not permanently, because I simply was not addressing the root of the problem. Found out that some of the most common allergens can cause acne. I realized that soy, gluten and eggs, through a process of elimination, were the cause of my acne. Once these we eliminated literally in a couple of days my acne disappeared. Skin was no longer oily, and I felt great. Not only was my skin clear but by eliminating the foods that my body for whatever reason cannot tolerate I was running more 'efficiently' and thus felt better!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kelly (Toronto, Canada) on 12/14/2007

Eat lettuce! I have suffered with acne since childhood and always believed it was diet related. After many years of drugs to treat (including accutane) and experimenting with diet, I do believe it is food sensitivity. To make a long story short, corn caused my cystic acne (especially popcorn) and chocolate. I have eliminated all corn from my diet, including corn oil and have no longer get large painful boil like acne. Chocolate tends to cause the small white or blackheads. If I relapse (popcorn just smells sooo good!) it comes back immediately. My friend also stopped eating popcorn and his cystic acne was eliminated. If only I had know this 30 years ago, life would have been so much better! I guess better late than never, eh? I found eating lettuce daily will make an outbreak heal up quickly and gives a nice glow to the skin. I will add ACV and see if my complexion can even get better! PS. Also, a natural clay mask will draw toxins out of the skin. Thanks so much for this website!

Replied by Paul
(Davis, Ca)

I definitely agree about the corn oil. But I discovered this most dramatically consuming a variety of corn chip that used corn oil. I too was disappointed to find that popcorn was a culprit. I love corn so much, I'm still willing to hope that tortilla's or fresh corn might not be a problem. Has anybody who has found corn oil aggravates acne had the same experience with fresh corn or corn flour tortillas?

Replied by Steve
(Ottawa, Ontario Canada)

I suspect I am just like Kelly. For some time now, several years in fact, I have tried to be scientific and tightly control what I eat. What I now suspect is that if I eat 'corn' some time later, e. g. 10 hours or more, I have a 'cystic' reaction and if I do not eat 'corn' I do not have a reaction.

A major problem is that it is very difficult to definitely say 'corn' is the problem since its presence is pervasive and it is hard to always remember what I have eaten.

An example of food that I think cause a reaction: McDonald's hashbrowns which, surprise, surprise, contains corn and may even be cooked in corn oil. I suspect it is not the oil, per se, thought I do not know.

If anyone is interested I can list what seems fine.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bev (Elroy, WI) on 09/05/2007

to respond to the woman with the terrible boils. I suffer from horrific cystic acne. I discovered that if I eliminate all forms of hidden MSG [do an internet search to find all that it is in] that my skin is perfectly clear. I am so sensitive that I cannot even touch anything with citric acid or natural flavor which is a form of hidden MSG and is in most shampoos, liquid hand soap, prepared foods, pop etc. I convinced my husband to eliminate all hidden MSG and his headaches, ezcema and skin rash went away. Now when he has any exposure the itchy, weepy skin rash comes back and today it is back with a vengence. He had mustard on Sunday and it flared. By Monday evening it was drying up and he licked the spoon of the ice cream he served our children and during the night it erupted so bad he could hardly sleep.

A good rememdy for all these skin things is a 125 watt clear infrared bulb. Not only will this clear up the skin but is great for any aches and it healed my son of acute asthma. Asthma requires a one hour treatment 1-2 times daily or more. The more you use it the quicker it heals. The only draw back is having to stay stationary so long. My husband hasn't had time to sit under it the past two days so he is still in bad shape. He started on the vinegar and honey last night to see if a change in body pH will help

Dietary Suggestions

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Posted by Tammy (Calgary, Alberta) on 08/15/2007

I suffered with cystic acne for years. It was so bad I had to go to the dermatologist on several occasions to have it injected with cortisone. That was the only way the acne cysts would drain. I was told there was nothing I could do. It was so frustrating and I felt hopeless and hideous. A couple of years ago I was in the spa and I told a lady there about my condition. She told me to stop using dairy products and to cut down on coffee. Prior to this I used to have a mocha every morning at work and I would also eat a bowl of yogurt for breakfast. I cut dairy and coffee out of my diet completely and have not had any cystic acne since! I sincerely hope it works for whoever tries it because I know how painful emotionally cystic acne can be. Good luck

DIM (Diindolylmethane)

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Posted by Courtney (Miami, FL) on 08/28/2014

I have been dealing with cystic/hormonal acne since the end of college (about 5 years). Like clock work, I would get 1 or 2 very painful cystic pimples right before my period. And we all know these pimples can last an entire month, so by the time I finally got rid of one another was already appearing. This is due to the increase in testosterone levels in your body which cause your pores to tighten and acne to develope deep below the surface. I read about DIM online (which has a ton of good benefits) and started off taking just 1 capsule a day or sometimes 1 every other day (recommended dosage is 2 a day). I have now not had any cystic acne for 2 months since taking DIM-Plus. And remember I have gotten them EVERY month for about the last 5 years. Research DIM (Diindolylmethane) and find out all of the amazing benefits from this estrogen balancing supplement!

Replied by Lori

Have you noticed after taking for a year that the dosage needs to be adjusted at all? I take 2 a day as well and sometimes feels like I get too much or not enough and end up with the cysts again. Finding the right balance is key. I just noticed this started happening after a year of taking it. Almost like body has built up a tolerance.


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Posted by Elizabeth (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 05/20/2011

I've gotten those horrible boils/cystic acne on my inner thigh/lower back a few times, and the absolute best remedy I ever found was to put a good amount of liquid echinacea on it, and cover it loosely with a bandaid if it doesn't hurt too much. Keep doing this throughout the day and at night before you go to bed. I thought it was too deep for any medicine to reach it, but within 24 hours, the entire cyst had become a whitehead that was painless to pop. (wow this description is kind of gross, but I know it works!)


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Posted by Linda (Raleigh, Nc) on 10/17/2015

Editor's Choice

I started getting cystic acne about a year ago. I tried several home remedies. The paste of baking soda and epsom salts worked some, but as soon as I got rid of one, another would pop up.

I started taking ginger tincture drops (for a different ailment) but after approximately 5 days, my cystic acne has completely disappeared. I started taking 15 drops, 3 times a day. After a couple weeks, I dropped down to once a day (morning) and have not experienced any relapse at the smaller daily dose. I am now 5 weeks straight of no acne! (ginger is known for helping inflammation, as well as other things).

I am so happy i wanted to share it, in case it might also work for others.


4 User Reviews
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Posted by Andrea L (Glendale, Ca) on 07/22/2013

I use Makuna Honey for my adult acne AND all other wounds. THE UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) tells you how much healing properties the jarred honey posses. I began with UMF 12 to save a few bucks, but after having success with that one, I splurged for the UMF 16... It works like a dream! I leave it on my face for hours sometimes; it makes my whole face glow! It very moisturizing, while purifying. Manuka honey acts as an antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal treatment. ; it heals nearly anything in record time. It ALSO works great internally (not for acne) and it good just to snack on!

Posted by Jack (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 06/18/2013

I have a 17oz jar of 100% raw manuka honey which is a product of New Zealand. It works wonders as an antibiotic for cystic acne. I use this anytime I feel one coming and it is a miracle product. A lot stronger than honey in the US. 17oz will last years.

Posted by Hannah (Middletown, Ct) on 10/04/2011

Raw natural honey IS the miracle cure for cystic acne! I read about it somewhere, dabbed it on before bed, covered it with a bandaid and in the morning it was much smaller and less painful! Honey is known to be a natural antiseptic with anti-microbial properties. The bandaid isn't necessary, but the honey DOES need to be raw (crystalizes). Honey in the bear bottle doesn't work. I haven't tried cinnamon with it... But I will!

Replied by Ancilla
(Kansas City, Kansas, USA)

I just tried this remedy last night. I went out to buy organic, raw honey and applied it before I went to bed directly onto the cyst. The exact same thing as you experienced occured: the pain subsided (! ) and the 'knot' beneath the swelling is gone. That's a signficant amount of healing overnight. I should have used also cinnamon. I will try that asap. Thank you for sharing this awesome remedy! It worked way better than the apple cider vinegar! I just wish I hadn't picked at it earlier yesterday and the night before because now I have a scab that has to heal yet as well. Hopefully it will be gone by one week from today!

I think this raw honey trick works because the honey works as an antibiotic, but the raw honey has, I think, properties that work as a natural steroid.

Honey and Cinnamon

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Posted by Kea (Austin, Tx, Us) on 06/30/2010

I battle cystic acne in spurts. I went to Arizona for 3 weeks and had no breakouts. I came back to Texas and least 10 cystic acne bumps in 2 weeks. I realized that these breakouts occur a week before or during my period. I found this website and began trying everything, Vitamin c tablets, turmeric, coconut oil spearmint tea, and even urine therapy. Nothing gave results. The coconut oil seemed to smooth the rest of my skin but did nothing for the cystic acne. I began looking elsewhere and here is what is finally working for me:

When I first feel the cyst tingling I began to ice it (15 seconds on and off), which seems to help it considerably. Then at night I take a dime size amount of unrefined raw (thick) local honey mixed with the same amount of organic cinnamon and make a paste. I put it on my cysts overnight. Day 1 the cysts didn't hurt anymore and swelling decreased by 50 percent and by day 2 it is pretty much gone! All that remains is redness, no knot underneath the skin anymore!!! What a blessing!

Replied by Bryce
(Quincy, Il)

It really got rid of your cystic acne? It didn't irritate it? I need quick results any tips?

Replied by TTT

I had cystic acne under developing on my chin just before I was going to participate in an exam. My chin was like I had very bad tooth inflammation, massive swelling. So I decided to try this honey+cinnamon (honey raw, cinnamon organic), applied the paste on the swelling day before exam, and washed it away before sleeping (just in case, because wasn't sure how the skin reacts). And to my surprise the swelling was a lot better looking in the morning, diminished like half. Continued to apply the paste next few days but didn't anymore see any huge changes. And then just continued washing skin normally with water and soap. But it seems, it made some more difference after all. Normally the skin at the swelling just become thinner and thinner and finally the cyst burst, but this time it didn't happen, it has diminished pretty well, small bump anymore, though took about one week to reach this state. And actually after the swelling was gone, I realised that the spot actually had developed 3 separate cysts, that's why there was so massive swelling.


Posted by Kathy (Colosprings, Co) on 05/30/2013

Regarding cystic acne. I saw a show on TV today that discussed this problem today. The show is Your Health With Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker, they talked about Lugol's Iodine helping cystic acne by correcting the hormone problems many people have. The show also said that people with other problems such as low thyroid, hair loss, headaches, keloids, ringworm, and many other ailments could be helped by adding 12.5 milligrams of iodine to our diet daily. They said this could be accomplished by taking tablets purchased at the health store or by painting iodine on the skin. Clear iodine can also be used instead of the red stuff we all remember for wound healing. Some may think that we get all of the iodine we need from iodized salt, but other added chemicals we incure in our diets obstruct the absorption our bodies need. I am going to try this on myself and others in my family and let you know.

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