Raynaud's Disease Remedies and Supplements

| Modified on Nov 13, 2021
Wim Hof Breathing Technique
Posted by June (Leeds, England) on 11/13/2021

Raynauds - I have had great success in treating my Raynauds by trying out the Wim Hof Breathing technique. I did not start the Wim Hof breathing with any intention of helping Raynauds, but after 3 months of doing it, my Raynauds is considerably better. Wim recommends doing the breathing along with doing cold showers or ice baths. I have done cold showers just for a minute or two. I am most impressed by the healing I have received through this. I will not stop.

Posted by June Rose (United Kingdom) on 04/04/2020

Editor's Choice I have been using Cayenne Pepper for circulation, as I have Raynauds syndrome.

I must say, this has helped me such a lot. I still get the white fingers, but if I put my hands in my pockets, the circulation comes back quickly. Before cayenne, it took forever to get circulation back. I have a feeling, this will be a cumulative process, as I notice other good things coming. I take a full small teaspoon in water every morning, I take mouthfulls of this up until lunchtime. I don't think I will ever stop. Thank you Earth Clinic for your wonderful work in circulating all this information for us.

Posted by Karen (NC) on 03/07/2019

Hello everyone who is interested in or looking for help with Raynaud's...

I have dealt with for 20 plus years and I did get a measure of help with magnesium oil. However, this latest supplement is a major improvement in my Raynaud's and I just had to share with you all! SERRAPEPTASE is a natural enzyme that eats scar tissue and junk in your body...please search and read up on it so you can learn more about it.

I've been taking it for about 2 weeks and today I was in 20 degree weather for longer than I am normally because I know I can't be but I was visiting someone and had to stand outdoors for 15 minutes! I was freezing but my fingers and toes never went white, not even the slightest bit! Wow this worked for me it's a keeper for sure! My dosage first 2 wks was 2 capsules of 80,000 SUs on an empty stomach in the AM however I'm increasing that to twice a day!

I realize everyone is different but this is working great for me I hope it works for you too!

Lemon Water
Posted by Barbara (Aiken, South Carolina) on 05/08/2018 23 posts

I have been drinking fresh squeezed lemon juice in water (sometimes with baking soda which makes it fizz) for several weeks. I hadn't considered that it might be having any affect on my Raynaud's issues. For the record, I am using the juice of one whole lemon in a glass of water and drinking two to three times a day. I will be alert to any possible changes. My symptoms are more numbness than coldness and parts of my hands will occasionally go ashen white. Sometimes I think it is stress related. Have had cold and blue hands since I was 30 years old, but the above happening after I turned early 60's.

Lemon Water
Posted by Frankie (Tampa, Florida ) on 05/04/2018

Thank you very much for your Testimony. I was Diagnosed with Scleroderma and Raynaud's Disease In 2004. In 2005 I had a Spasm attack in my left ring finger. It was not getting enough Oxygen to it. My Pain Doctor referred me to St. Joseph's Hospital Wound/Hyperbaric Center. I had to go in a Hyperbaric Tank for them to pump Oxygen throughout my entire body. I had 30 Dives in the Tank. I was healed and no more Chronic pain. It's been 13 years since I had a episode. I recently had another episode 2 weeks ago which I brought this on myself. I don't suppose to drink soda's with caffeine, I don't suppose to use vibrating tools and I don't suppose to get stressed out. Guest what, I ignorantly done all 3. Now, I'm in so much pain it's unbearable. I went to see my Doctor about getting into Hyperbaric again, Medicare will no longer pay for the Hyperbaric Treatments anymore. So I will try your Lemon and water. I prays that it helps me as well. Thank you again.

Pau D'arco
Posted by Don Morrill (Nm) on 10/25/2017

For Raynaud's, drink 1 or 2 cups of Pau d'Arco tea a day until it is gone. It worked for a friend. It is also reported to be a cure for cancer, a quart or two a day. Blessings.

Lemon Water
Posted by Peter (Australia) on 11/21/2016

Wondering how much lemon water you took and how much lemon is in it...and what else you were eating at the time...daily diet...cheers peter

Selenium, Zinc, Vit E, Vit B
Posted by Kayb (Nj) on 06/17/2016

Selenium is absolutely essential for thyroid health. In addition to helping convert T4 to T3 it is a powerful antioxidant (my inflamed knee was brought back to life and so was my thinning hair). I cannot stress enough how much selenium has supported my thyroid, hair and inflammation. Plus it is extremely cost effective too, so it is a win-win. I just learned that it helps protect against mercury.

Lemon Water
Posted by Sykes (Bradford, West Yorkshire) on 06/11/2016

Editor's Choice I tried Apple Cider Vinegar for a long time for my SEVERE Raynaud's and it did many benefits for overall health but very little for my Raynaud's. I have the CURE for Raynaud's and I have completely got rid of it for good by using a very very simple natural remedy.

To give you a little background info, I suffered from really bad Raynaud's and poor circulation especially in my hands and feet. Both would turn extreme bluey purple easily and I was ALWAYS cold even when everyone else was boiling. I tried everything, herbal and medical but to no avail. Fed up of numerous visits to the doctors and paying large sums for useless medication I ventured on my own journey. I ate healthy, the greens, the smoothies, litres of water and hours of exercise but nothing helped.

One day I thought why not add the humble lemon to my water as I was fed up of drinking plain water and thus started drinking lemon water and by God I realised I was getting warm. Change happened so fast I didn't even realise that drinking lemon water regularly cured ALL my circulatory problems and now I am always sooo warm that I have reversed my problem.

Doctors are amazed at my cure and after years of medication, Raynaud's and my bad circulation, I am the warmest person alive!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dreamerbob (California, US) on 08/09/2014

I had Raynaud's for years and if hands got cold, the fingers got white.A few months ago, I started on the Rath-Pauling protocol of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Lysine, and Proline. I also added taurine and chelated magnesium (with glycine) plus MSM. This stack to deal with atherosclerosis, calcification and joint health.

I take this stack 3 to 4 times per day and it seems to be working. Recently, while defrosting the freezer, my wife and I noticed that despite handling the ice and melted ice water, my fingers did not turn white. No Raynaud's. A definite improvement.

This would indicate to me that at least one possible cause of the Raynaud's is calcification. The Rath-Pauling protocol is for calcification and plaque.

I am also careful to drink no fluoridated water, eat no dairy to avoid the calcium, take no calcium supplements, and take Borax for the boron.

The magnesium and other supplements has also been great for my 73 year old joints, not sore joints, no arthritis.

Just the atherosclerosis which I am working on.

Dressing Warmly, B Complex
Posted by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 01/19/2014

Don't take cayenne by the spoonful...It will burn your mouth...Take it in capsule form...Some people put a little and make tea but I want a good blast of it when needed...It keeps my feet warm whenever they get cold especially in this winter....There are a ton of sites that give the benefits...There's one with about 100 benefits...Can't remember the name of it...

Dressing Warmly, B Complex
Posted by Jenn (Nanaimo, B.c.) on 01/19/2014

Mr.Ree, thank you for your informative suggestion. I will give cayenne a try after my surgery. I've been told to stop taking all meds, herbs, and vitamins 10 days prior to my surgery. I have to admit when I read your first post the first thing that ran into my mind was the scene from the movie 'Dumb & Dumber" when Jim Carrey puts chilli's in the unsuspecting guys burger and he croaks. Would taking teaspoons of it burn or by pill would it burn? I'm going to do as you suggested and google the benefit and such. Do you personally know of any good links? I can appreciate that your wife personally has raynauds. This year is the first year I've managed to keep most attacks at bay. But it's at the cost of staying in almost the entire winter. I really appreciate your advice.

Dressing Warmly, B Complex
Posted by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 01/17/2014

Jen, BTW, you have to be consistant with the cayenne.

My wife...Ms. Ree...has raynauds and the tips of her fingers get either white or black in the winter...They problem is resolved with cayenne...Then she stops taking it and it comes back...

Dressing Warmly, B Complex
Posted by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 01/17/2014

I buy mine at a health food store in bulk...I also buy capsules and fill about 20 at a time and use them as required...You can also buy the bulk cayenne at most vitamins sites...They also have empty capsules...If you pack your capsules yourself be sure to wash you hands thoroughly afterwards because if you put your hand in your eye it will not be a pleasant experience...If you google "Cayenne+ benefits" you will see the many and varied things that this miraculous herb does...It gets rid of hemmoroids in a couple of days...Stops heart attacks in one minute or less and raise body temperature. cleans arteries and about 100 + other things with no side effects like drugs...I would start with 1/2 pill a day...Then if you feel that's enough stop taking it...or go to a full pill and continue until you have taken 3 capsules a day...BTY you can purchase empty pill capsules for very low price...I think it's about $4.00 for 500...The bulk cayenne is about 5-8 dollars a pound...Three a day is about the max...But I have known people who take more...If it upsets your stomach take a half glass water and put 1/4 teaspoon baking soda with 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar and a squirt of lemon...It'll work in about 30 seconds...

Dressing Warmly, B Complex
Posted by Jenn (Nanaimo, B.c.) on 01/17/2014

Mr Ree, have you suggested cayenne pepper to people specifically with raynauds? Does it help with both primary and secondary raynauds? I have made several adjustments to my diet and Apple Cider Vinegar has become part of my regular diet. My doctor has told me of medications to help cope with the pain. But also alerted me of the side effects. He gave me info on how to avoid attacks in the first place as well as how to get out of attacks once they have started. Thus far the info I stated above has been all that has helped. Also keeping stress at bay helps. How do I take cayenne pepper? it is not something I even have in my house. I have chipotle and cajun. Is that the same? Do I just take spoons of it? Please explain more if you will :) I just wish it would go away for good.

Dressing Warmly, B Complex
Posted by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 01/16/2014

Jen, When any doctor tells you there's no cure, what he's actually saying is that he doesn't currently have a drug that will help...Look at all the issues back in the 1800's. cholera, yellow fever etc. etc that are now long gone...My conclusion is that if anyone has a health issue it means the body is out of sync with either a vitamin or mineral...I have had many clients get relief from cayenne pepper up to three times a day...If it bothers your stomach tale 1/2 glass of water with tablespoon apple cider vinegar with a squirt of lemon and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda...Upset stomach gone... Google cayenne ...it has many, many benefits...

Dressing Warmly, B Complex
Posted by Jenn (Nanaimo, B.c.) on 01/13/2014

I have been dealing with severe raynauds. Thankfully I have learned how to deal with it. For years I had no clue as to what to do to help the situation and so I suffered and wanted my foot cut off at times due to the freezing cold pain. So the problem is that the nervous system is out of wack and when it senses a cold sensation *ANYWHERE* on the body it then has an over reaction response and tells all the veins to constrict. Also it takes a while for this process to recognize that the cold is no longer present and so yet the veins stay constricted. Putting gloves and thick socks on wont stop an attack. Keep your ENTIRE body completely warm. Limit your time outside in the winter - as even your skin on your face being uncovered can cause an attack. so if your raynauds affects your feet ....and you get a cold breeze on your arm while by your fridge then it will trigger a response from your nervous system and you will find yourself having an attack. the best way to get out of an attack is to get as warm as you can as fast as you can. Cover up HEAD 2 TOE! The sooner you do this the sooner the attack will end. In the winter time I work indoors only. I limit my outside time and when I come in I get warm asap. I sometimes wear a neck warmer on my head in a stylish kind of way when at work to avoid attacks as you can lose a lot of body heat from your head. This has helped me to avoid agony. There is NO cure. But I have also been taking a multi complete vitamin with minerals...I take Children's chewables cuz I'm a big suck. And I take B Complex (chewables of course). The longer you let an attack go on for the more nerve damage you will have as a result. SO always as first defense warm up ASAP!! Please understand the importance is in keeping the *body* warm...

Posted by Josephy (Puyallup, 98371) on 01/12/2014

I have Raynaurd`s Syndrome on the number 1 & 2nd fingers on my Right hand. I have had it for 10 years or more. The tips of my fingers turn white. They ache while they are white. Maybe 10 minutes or maybe an hour. I read an article in a health paper which said use Cinnamon on your food. Not any Cinnamon, but Sir Lanka (Cylon) in India area.There other types but only the two listed. They are both same place. An island along the coast of India. Anway put a 1/4 or 1/2 of a teaspoon or more on your breakfast Cereal or any food at lunch or dinner. Twicea day, more or less. Ive been on it for about three weeks and I would say its about 80 to 90 % gone. I am amazed. All I say, Its working for me. Joseph

Posted by Bruce (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) on 12/15/2011

For anyone with Raynaud's. try L-Arginine, 1000mg 3xday. This is used if you have high blood pressure to increase blood thru your veins. Should help in all veins.

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Jessaka (Tahlequah, Ok) on 01/20/2011

Raynaud's Disease: I tried taking magnesium capsules internally and have been using them for over two years without success. The oil worked. I don't think it matters what brand it was. I got mine off amazon I think. I put it on my wrists twice a day, and in two weeks I have noticed the difference. It works, but if you don't use it one day it comes back but not as bad. it also helps more if you have just taken a warm shower, so I imagine that is because it opens your pores.

Acupuncture and Yoga
Posted by Cured (Washington, Dc) on 01/15/2011

I am 38 and have started running low on adrenal horsepower at times; related (I believe related) troubles are Raynauld's in the winter and dry eyes. I work out very vigorously 6 times a week, recently ran a marathon, and work a great deal every day. I got tremendous relief to all my symptoms from a combination of weekly acupunture (esp. focused on qi and kidneys), daily different types of yoga (restorative and vigorous like Bikram), weekly espsom salt baths, and daily meditation and the emotional release and clarity about one's purpose it gives. My circulation is great, Raynauld's almost gone, and energy terrific. I feel 15 years younger, literally. And I am calm and have an entirely new level of self-awareness. Magnesium is very important, as well.

However, hard and/or long workouts 3-4 days in a row sneak up on me and the symptoms return. Also aggravating, I have discovered, is high consumption of tofu, dairy, and daily protein shakes, taking advil, working late on the computer, and Doing what you don't enjoy.

I was reluctant to try yoga for years and never thought about doing acupunture. Now I swear by them. Give them a go and be amazed - and get off that computer by 9pm!

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Jessaka (Tahlequah, Ok, U.s.a.) on 01/10/2011

Thanks so much for the magnesium oil idea. I have suffered with Raynaud's for 20 years. One year I was free from it when taking Ginko. It quit working. I have been using the oil for 3 weeks now, and it took 2 weeks to notice a difference. I put it on twice a day, in the morning and before I got to bed. I rub it on the inside of my arm, from my wrist to my elbow. I am not completely symptom free, but I can go outside in the cold now without my hands turning white. It used to be that I couldn't get to the car without having to go back and put my fingers in hot water. Today in the snow I went to the grocery store and back, and it has been like that. I don't wear gloves because they never work. So you can imagine. I couldn't even sit in my computer room due to how cold it is, and I am now. Thank you so much. I also take magnesium tablets at night, but have been doing so for a year or more, but they did nothing for this condition.

Dry Brush Massage, Coconut Oil
Posted by Mary (Hertfordshire , United Kingdom) on 09/02/2010

I have Raynauds desease and I will try dry massage and see if it helps thank- you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ivory Coast (Loco, Ca) on 01/17/2010

If you ever have them again, turn on the electric stove burner and hold your wrist over it, being careful not to get to close to the fire of course. the heat will open the blood vessels up again and the hand will heat up and the pain will go away.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ivory Coast (Loco, Ca) on 01/17/2010

By the way para amino benzoic acid (paba) is a vitamin in the b complex wich is used to treat tunnel carpel syndrome. the nerves and blood vessels have to pass through very a very small hole in the wrist. when swelling occurs it consticts these blood vessels and puts pressure on the nerve. the paba removes the swelling.

raynaud's syndrome is usually associated with scleroderma and is believed to becaused by excess production of angiotenison by the kidneys.

the fact that the b vitamins are helping you would suggest this is not raynaud's phenomenon

Selenium, Zinc, Vit E, Vit B
Posted by Bibi (Nashville, Tn) on 01/15/2010

I have Raynaud's and my fingers turn white, blue, and purple. I was having this problem daily. Supposedly it is related to Systemic Lupus, but I'm wondering if it isn't related to thyroid issues and the problems of converting T4 to T3.

As soon as I started taking 200mcg selenium and 50 mg zinc with a vitamin E source (usually sunflower seeds) and a stress B complex, I immediately stopped having this problem. I have read on various sites on the internet that Selenium and Zinc deficiencies cause problems with the conversion of T4 to T3. Good luck.

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Selena (Chula, GA) on 04/17/2009

I would like to know what form of Magnesium supplement you were taking before using the oil form? I have recently started taking an ionic magnesium citrate form for excessive sweating (with excellent results.) I also suffer from Raynaud's with my first experience about 3 years ago and progressively getting worse. The weather is warming up here in South GA so I may not be able to notice an improvement until winter arrives again. In the winter I usually have multiple episodes throughout the day lasting anywhere from 5 mins. to 30 mins at a time. Mine affects both feet and my fingers. I have not had an episode since starting the ionic magnesium 2 weeks ago. It may be too soon to tell. I will post back on my progress in a few weeks.

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Karen (Asheville, North Carolina) on 02/19/2009

I have suffered with Raynaud's for the last 10 yrs and have tried many different supplements without any success until this last week. I am so excited to share this with anyone who has to endure Raynaud's since it seems to get worst in most cases as it has in my case.

I love the Earth Clinic website and after reading about magnesium oil used for something else on the EC site I decided to look into magnesium oil and read it helped people with Raynaud's. I have been using it for the last four days faithfully with the temperature ranging from 20 to 45 degree's here and I have only had one tip of one finger turn white or loose blood!! This is amazing since just last week when my husband dropped me at the door of the supermarket so I would only be exposed to the cold 30 seconds and I would loose the blood (go white) in all 4 fingers on both hands and all toes on both feet.

This is a great improvement in just a few days using the magnesium oil so I am very excited and wanted to share. I knew I had symptoms of low magnesium and have tried other magnesium supplements (oral) before without any improvement, however the oil that I am now using is absorbed through the skin so it is obviously utilized better by the body. Hopfully it will be a lasting improvement...I'll post again if there are any changes!

Thanks for all the great info on EC site!! My favorite :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Higganum, CT USA) on 01/12/2009

Hi Anna, Unfortunately the Dr's are right at this time. I have very severe Raynauds (my fingers and hands can turn to a dark blue/purple). Keeping your hands warm is the best advice. Apple Cider Viniger has helped me the most. My hands will still change color but circulation returns faster. There are some supplements like ginger that also help with circulation.

Raynauds is considered an Auto Immune disease, so keep up with your yearly physicals and blood work.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anna (Ny, Ny) on 01/12/2009

I was diagnosed with Raynaud's 3 yrs ago and am currently going through an episode. All the doctors can tell me is to stay warm and take advil or some other anti inflammatory drug. Can someone please offer a natural way to deal with this?

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