Posted by Anon (Wisconsin) on 05/30/2016
I was cutting rhubarb yesterday afternoon and brushed my hand against something that stung, which I assumed was stinging nettle, because there's a lot of it right by the rhubarb. I thought nothing more of it until that evening when after washing dishes I felt a slight sting on the back of my hand again and looked at it. There where two small white patches on the knuckles of two fingers. I wondered if I'd touched bleach somehow. I tried to wash it off. I put hydrogen peroxide on it with a paper towel, which caused it to spread slightly to the backs of my fingers. Then I rubbed olive oil on it with frankensence and rosemarry essential oil in it, which I happened to have nearby. I rubbed it all over my hands. After a few minutes the sting and the white patches were gone. I looked online to see what might have caused the patches but couldn't find any picture that looked the same.