Posted by Green Girl (Ocala, Florida) on 01/19/2013
I've had a terrible rash mostly on my legs and sometimes my face for the past 10 yrs. All of my pores are raised, skin is extremely dry and tight, breaks easily and is hot to the touch. My legs also have reddish purple tint whereas the rest of my skin does not. It also itches unbearably! My legs have to be in open air and freezing all the time to get any relief. I mix org olive oil w/ org aloe based lotion and apply up to 5 times a day with no relief. I also have candida in my lungs which I thought could be the issue but I'm not so sure anymore. I'm incredibly strict w/ my diet and have basically only eaten meat and veggies for the past 8 yrs. I also rotate anti fungals regularly. I have no energy and weak immune system. Please help with your feedback. I need relief!