Cleansing Toxins and Oral Hygeine for Swollen Glands and Rash
I recently broke out in a terrible blistery rash from my waist to my face. I had been in a hot tub, so initially I assumed it was an allergic reaction to the hot tub chemicals or a bacterial infection from the pH not being right. I was wrong. But first the rest of the story:
I was taken to the ER because my throat began to swell from the inflammation and I was having difficulty breathing. There I was pumped full of antibiotics and steriods. I immediately began probiotics to counter-balance the antibiotics, although there was little to be done but suffer the side effects of the steroid treatment. After that course of treatment was complete, the rash returned to a lesser extent. Also my neck glands were painfully swollen, so I knew infection was in my body. Finally, I also noticed constipation. This was when I started putting things together.
Where was the infection coming from? The nodes in my neck indicated the source of the problem was in my head area. The answer was in my mouth: periodontal disease. It along with stress had over-taxed my immune system, so that my bloodstream is full of toxins. When I went in the hot tub (which I never had problems with before) it relaxed me and released toxins through my skin: hence the rash. It had also caused my immune system to be lower, so that I had been sicker more often recently with upper respiratory infections. Those were secondary infections, however. So when they were treated and went away, the real problem was continuing unaddressed.
So I began treating my mouth every other day with a solution of 1 tsp of household bleach to 8oz of water (this kills staph and is recommended at periodontaldiseasetreatmentguide. Com) through a water pik after a 5 minute brushing, followed by 1 minute swish of 50/50 water and hydrogen peroxide, and also began a bowel cleanse (an organic fiber blend with colon cleansing herbs). Day one of the bowel cleanse/oral disinfecting reduced all of but one of my lymph nodes to normal, and only a few small patches of rash remained. In one week, my gums are in much better condition - although I will continue to disinfect my mouth twice a week for the rest of this year to allow bone to grow where the disease created pockets inside by gums. I don't have x rays, but better to be safe than toothless or worse.
Probiotics, oral hygiene, and detoxifying is working better than the drugs because it is addressing the root of the problem. Antibiotics and steroids temporarily brought relief but not permanent cure because they did not resolve the issue of toxin overload in my bloodstream nor did they resolve the periodontal issue, prolonging and ultimately worsening matters.
It's important not to make assumptions about what appears to be allergic reaction. Swollen lymph nodes happen when there is too many toxins for your white cells to carry, and these cause problems and symptoms in all kinds of ways in the body. They get expelled either through your hind end or through your pores. So if you have a combination of symptoms like mine, consider cleaning your mouth and bowels as a first step.