Acidic pH Remedies

General Feedback
Posted by Jrich (Greensboro, NC) on 08/11/2014

Thank you guys for all the great information. I do need to work on my pH balance.. Going to the health store today to get some alkaline water, acidopholis, folic acid, apple cider vinegar. The works.. I know what I need to do, I just need to be consistant with it.

Plastic Vs Paper pH Testing Strips
Posted by Double D (Bfe, Ok, Usa) on 03/10/2013

pH strips vs. pH litmus paper: I have plastic strips and paper pH testing strips. I used both during same urine test and the plastic strip read 6.5 and the paper read 8. Huh?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Printsez (St. Louis, Mo Usa) on 12/08/2012

Ok, gave in and bought some with organic honey to get it down. Not too bad, this AM was my first day. I dont believe in cures unless they happen for me. But within an hour I felt I dont know, different. And I got a cold sore pop up. Related? I dont know. But I do know that I havent taken my 30 mg of Prevacid and had two nice belches that were not acidic. Hmm Interesting. Will it work? But what is going on in my body. Guess we will see. I want to straighten out my ph and see if it helps with arthritis and gerd. Will let you know as it progresses.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 07/30/2012

Two days is not long enough to claim a result. It takes time to work and is still balancing your system, which means you will get rid of (expel) extra acid for quite a while before it will show balanced urine pH. Give it a week or two. A week if you generally are active and otherwise healthy and eat whole foods regularly, 2 weeks if you eat more fast food, dairy and sugar.

General Feedback
Posted by Julie (San Luis Obispo, Ca) on 07/18/2012

"And high calcium in my tissues. " With this statement I would definitely suspect you are low in magnesium. Magnesium will help remove calcium from tissue and move it into bone and teeth where it belongs. Will also help remove heavy metals. Also with its aid in cellular energy production it also aids as an infection fighter.

General Feedback
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/19/2012

Timh thanks, I used to get utis every 2nd day (20 yrs), that pain on top of this other thats unbearable but since olive leaf extract I havent had one. Tried glandular extracts, severe reaction! But I have severe reactions to most things, not surprising, just another horrifying day. Yes, kidneys cant be good. The egrf on the blood tests which is to do with kidneys is way too high so they must be stressed. I try to help my organs. I wish they could talk so I really knew what needs the most help rather than taking all these supplements and home remedies for me to react to, just throwing a lot of mud hoping that some of it will stick.

Romaine Lettuce, Parsley
Posted by Lorica (New Albany, Indiana) on 05/21/2012


I thought I was eating pretty healthily with lots of fresh fruits & kitchen-grown sprouts, but I was always too acidic with resulting fatigue. I used baking soda effectively but it can cause dizziness & damage the kidneys over time. One day I tried some hearts of romaine - I didn't know they are not bitter like regular romaine, which I don't like, until someone told me.

Amazing! If I just eat a bit of that several times a day, even the whitish part, I'm quite alkaline. Putting ground parsley on food also helps a lot.

I suspect spinach would be very alkalizing but too much of it can be a goitrogen - I. E. a danger to thyroid health.

General Feedback
Posted by Cynaberglee (Aurora, Co Usa) on 01/20/2012

I think lemons and limes are just as effective, especially if they are organic. There seems to be confusion concerning acidic and alkaline. Yes, ACV as well as all fruits are acidic, lemons and limes being the most acidic. When ingested, they cause the digestive system to be more acidic, which is good. The digestive system must be highly acidic for proper digestion. Reflux is caused by the stomach not being acidic enough. An acidic environment in the intestines prevents overgrowth of candida. However, When the digested ACV and fruits are absorbed into the bloodstream, they cause it to be alkaline, and so the rest of the body becomes alkaline.

Baking Soda
Posted by rebekah (Williams, South of Oregon) on 06/04/2022

Oh my. As I said, it is a brand new pump- and we went with an all metal pump because we had replaced 3 pumps in 10 years and the last one left pieces of, who knows what, floating in the water.....thank you for your feedback. I was hoping this wasn't the reason but felt it might be....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wwnjboesman (Westwood, Nj) on 11/18/2011

My guess is that your PH naturally falls (becomes acidic) while you are sleeping as nothing is flushing your system(not drinking water and peeing). Therefore everyones PH is going to be on the acidic side first thing in upon awakening. As for the numbers rising, remember 7.0 is netural and thats where you want to be or better yet slightly above. If you want to neturalize the ACV then you should mix in a bit of bicarbinate soda with it.

General Feedback
Posted by Sharongg (Greenville, Sc Usa) on 08/22/2011

Why would an MD not check PH levels first thing in every patient? All physicals should include a PH test. Looks like this could and would eliminate the need for tons of medicine if they would only do this and advise the patient on how to up their PH level to combat sickness and disease. Guess it comes down to money for the docs, and more money for the drug companies.

Baking Soda, Borax
Posted by Willy (Los Angeles, California, Usa) on 06/20/2011

i want ask if borax baking soda and apple cider vinegar can also help with poison from chemtrails (barium, aluminium) and fluor cloride on water - if not, what the treatment for it.



Baking Soda, Borax
Posted by Casper (Helsinki, -, Finland) on 09/16/2011

Guilherme, you are suffering most likely from Scabies!! Scabies are tiny mites that live on and under your skin. They make tunnels under your skin and lay eggs there. You said you feel crawling and have blood spots. It's the mites. This is a very common problem, but not many people know to diagnose this correctly. Get rid of the mites and you will get well again. Search the internet for natural scabies cures. There are many different options to treat this. It's a bit of hard work.. But it can be done. Good luck!

Baking Soda, Citric Acid
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 10/31/2010

Hi Zoran... Urine pH generally governs blood pH whereas saliva pH shows the intracellular pH environment. The main culprits here are the body electrolytes -- Calcium, Potassium, Sodium and Magnesium, which may be out of balance. What is usually the case in Western diet is that we take in far too much Calcium -- everything is fortified with calcium these days -- and too little Magnesium. Therefore, in your own case eliminate all dairy -- no cheese, yoghurt, milk etc. Try this for a while to see if it makes a difference.

As well, take two 250 mgs of magnesium Chloride, magnesium citrate or magnesium gluconate per day. Too much calcium in your body always tends to make the intracellular environment too acidic and what properly regulates the calcium is Magnesium which is one of the reasons why you need it.

In your son's case, he needs calcium for his growing bones, so just give him a reduced dosage of the one above, which will be proportionate to a 150 lbs adult. So if he weighs only 50 lbs, his total dose per day will be a third of the adults dose -- about 80 - 100 mgs twice a day. This should help to regulate his excess calcium and help to sufficiently alkalize his cells and salivary pH. If he gets loose stools, just cut back on the dose.

You can also use Magnesium Oil -- which is a saturated solution (80% mag chloride to 10 % water). Just spread 10 - 20 drops a day on the inside of your forearms and it will be absorbed via the skin directly into the blood. Or use 10-20 drops mag oil per day in orange juice as a mineral drink. Or you can take baths in Epsom Salts(Mag Sulfate), same principle as the mag oil. Lots of options here for magnesium.

Also try switching to the use of natural sea salt rather than using processed salt -- this should also balance your body electrolytes and help to improve cellular pH.

Acidic Urine
Posted by Heavenlightly (Huntsville, Alabama ) on 09/02/2010

OK so 02/16/2010: Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines:

So Bill I read your post and was wondering if you changed your diet much or maybe you already eat a "healthy" diet. I am wanting to get rid of aches and pains, sinus allergies etc and my son has a Jock itch that he has had for a few years now. Also ringing in the ears which I believe is candida related. So I will be trying the pH balance and other stuff you mentioned for the Jock itch and see how that goes. I don't have a problem eating more raw but was wondering if that is what you did or not. If this helps I will be letting all know. Thanks and God Bless You All

Alkaline Urine
Posted by Shaun (Old York, Uk) on 02/17/2010

Hi Bill,

I would TOTALLY confer with all you have laid down. Ted is a wise (and nice fellow). I followed the exact same regime as you for about the same amount of time and all is now OK. Well, actually more than OK ever was!

It (CarBiCarb etc., etc) is a standard medical treatment, and as otherwise a harmless procedure, and so it carries very,very little risk. In a sense its magical when you consider matters as otherwise.

I've also read up on cancer quite a lot (...well, haven't we all), as folk seem to be succumbing all about me, and it would appear that many professional folk who specialize in cancer are giving up on it (as well as mainstream HIV research) 'cos they feel that the medical profession is just going in the wrong direction in trying to cure it. Big Pharma rules... or it did. To me there MUST be a simple answer in eliminating it, for in the natural world nature just would not allow such a dire short-term outcome for its evolutionary efforts. Would it?

pH (and hence enzymes)seem to be key in all this. As such I have attached a couple of links to recent Vid's at the end of this which helps explain it all.

At the risk of sounding a bit loopy (nothing new there then), it reminds me of the T.S. Elliot poem "Little Gidding" (...the last of his Four Quartets):

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

Take care,


Alkaline Urine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/22/2010

Hi Everyone...The importance of bicarbonates within the digestion, nutrient absorbtion and respiration of nutrients into the human body is difficult to understand and it seems that some opinions seem to be promoting mistaken or inaccurate conclusions.

If we just consider the importance of human digestion wrt bicarbonates -- when food enters the human stomach, this becomes a very acid medium, consisting of hydrochloric acid secreted by glands in the stomach. Its purpose is to both initiate protein digestion in an acid medium, to convert the slightly alkaline saliva medium to a fully acid medium and thus to kill any dangerous or bad bacteria in the food.

The stomach contents or chyme are then passed into the duodenum for the next stage which is initiated by secretions by the pancreas and liver. The pancreas secretes many enzymes -- tripsin, chemotrypsin, amylase, lipase, lactase, maltase, sucrase etc -- that can only work and do their job in a neutral to alkaline medium. Also secreted with these enzymes are bicarbonates in solution to completely neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach chyme mixture so that the enzymes in the duodenum have the correct medium to work in for proper digestion to occur.

The liver secretes bile via the gall bladder which is used to break the fat down into convenient droplets for easier digestion and absorbtion. The bile also reacts with the excess alkali or bicarbonate to form a convenient "soap" which aids intestinal perstalsis in moving the hardened faeces down the intestines.

The bile mainly consists of chemically broken down haemoglobin, hagocytes and cholesterol which is excreted by the liver into the intestines.

The digestion and absorbtion of nutrients further take place in the jejunum and ileum. The colon functions to reabsorb water and vitamins as well as providing an area to store waste before excretion.

Therefore, in terms of just digestion, it is easy to see where digestion can all go wrong because of excess acidity.

If you either eat very acid junk foods OR are low in body bicarbonates, then when the acid stomach chyme gets into the duodenum, the hydrochloric acid will not be neutralized with a weak or insufficient secretion of bicarbonates from the pancreas, so the chyme will remain acidic, the duodenal enzymes will not work because they need a neutral to alkaline medium, and so the chyme or food just stagnates within this acid medium, rapidly encouraging all sorts of bad anaerobic bacteria, virus, fungus to take hold and to be absorbed and attack the body via the intestines.

To see a good explanation of why bicarbonates are so important for respiration, see this simple essay - with a very useful diagram by Mark Sircus which helps to explaining the vital importance of bicarbonates:

Alkaline Urine
Posted by Terry (Qulin, Missouri) on 08/14/2010

In response to many people in Europe trying to get there urine alkaline. Unless they are sick, it is not beneficial to have alkaline 7.1 or above. If you read what Ted said EXACTLY is your urine should be between 6.1 and 6. 8, which is slightly acidical. If you are above that, especially in the 7.2 or higher range, and not taking a lot of alkalizing products, you are making ammonia to lower your ph in desperation. That is not good. To counter this, you have to take the alkalizing products mentioned on this site to get 6.1 to 6.8 urine ph.

pH Health
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 10/26/2009

I just re-read most of the sites articles on alkalinizing your body. It appears that many people do not have a feel for the value of the term, pH. To show that my chemical engineering degree from 50 years ago was not in vain.....pH is the negative logarithm of the concentration of the Hydrogen ions. A pH of 7 is neutral, below is acid and above is alkaline. However, it is not linear ...... a pH of 6 is 10 times more acidic than 7 and a pH of 5 is 20 times more acidic than 7. So you can see why you should be alarmed if your pH is in the 5's. You are not just a little acidic....... you a whole lot, and need to get on Ted's alkalizing program. I only know what I read as far as where your pH should be, but I hope this gives folks a feel for what the numbers really mean. One poster said that a pH of 6.4 is very acid. No it's not....... it is slightly acid. This in intended to give non technical people a better feel for what the pH numbers really mean.

We do not use a pH meter. We use individual pH strips and they are pretty accurate. The roll pH paper is almost worthless. It is not very accurate and you are doing Kentucky windage to rely on this measurement. I agree with most on this site that getting your body alkaline is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health.

pH Health
Posted by Alain (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 10/26/2009


pH of 5 is not 20 times more acidic than 7. It is 100 times i.e. 10 to the power of 2.

I just wanted to clarify.


Posted by Carolyn (Hobbs, Nm Usa) on 10/07/2009

I have GERD and have had to learn to keep my system more alkaline. I drink 2 t. ACV with 1 t. Honey three times a day (30 Minutes before meals). I also take two mineral capsules each day and 2 potassium capsules per day. My ph stays 6.5 to 7.0 all the time (both saliva and urine). My question is, why don't we hear more about minerals for balancing ph? They are wonderful for your body as we get older. Many of us don't need to put sodium in our bodies because of high blood pressure and other issues. Also we don't need to put too much calcium. Minerals are wonderful. The really good ones are in capsules, not hard compressed pills. M______J______ makes wonderful minerals and you can get them at most health food stores. I'd love to have your input on the wonderful world of minerals. The B____gg folks certainly recommend them to go along with the ACV.


Baking Soda, Sea Salt
Posted by Annahoot (Atlanta, Georgia, Usa) on 09/17/2010

I mix lemon juice and water with the baking soda and it really changes the taste. Then it tastes like a fizzy drink.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Double D (Bfe, Ok, Usa) on 03/10/2013

I do the organic Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda, juice of 1/2 lemon, organic honey and cinnamon. I pinch my nostrils to swallow it (because it's gross! ) and follow with a glass of water. quick and easy. just the Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda is fine also. Sometimes I add organic molasses and dmso to the mix as well. None of it will hurt u and it's all good for u. You will probably burp a good healthy burp too.

Posted by Cecile (Cape Town, South Africa) on 01/11/2012

Sharon, I am sorry to see no reply posts for you yet, I have never had your misfortune, but realize that you must be in physical and mental agony with the itching for weeks, here is what I suggest:

Baking soda, Epsom salt and a good sea salt like Himalayan mixed in equal quantities in water, till all is dissolved…put this in an atomizer bottle and spray your body down. If this remedy is causing you more discomfort, shower it off.

Salt is a strong natural antihistamine. The magnesium in the Epsom will calm the skin, it gets absorbed through the skin and can calm the nervous system and sooth your mind and soul??, the sulfur will improve the circulation and is always great on eczema problem, so why not yours, the bicarb of soda will counter the inflammation and the itch and burn…or try soaking(15-20min) in a bath with at least a cup of each of these agents. I have found Lavender and Peppermint essential oil great for itching skin…so add a few drops of these to the bath...

Rub on some coconut oil afterwards..

Search for the system alkalinizing remedies of our two heroes on Earth clinic, Bill and Ted…

I hope you find relief soon!

Accurate pH Reading
Posted by Ron (Emporia, Kansas) on 12/26/2009

Hi Ted, I've enjoyed reading your ideas about and experiences with nutrition.

I have read several references to pH by you in other sections of this site and found myself confused on exactly what you might consider the Ideal pH for the urine or saliva. In this section here you described it very well. The Ideal pH of 6.4 and an acceptable range of 6.1 to 6.8 agrees pretty much with the J. D. Jarvis experiments in his book and with the studies of Carey Reams.

Thanks for the clarification.

pH of the Stomach
Posted by David (USA) on 06/13/2005

Yet again a bit of scientific information has led to so called scare intensity in populations.. I am a nutritionist and a biochemist dealing specifically in conductivity and acid/base balance.. I do agree that certain foods exhibit either a positive or negative balance on the body, esp. with regards to pH..what i have question marks about is the fact that the pH of our stomach and parts of our small intestines are acidic, and therefore need to be acidic in order to break down and absorb nutrients effectively..Also i would not recommend whatsoever self administration of compounds in order to maintain pH levels within a so-called "desirable" range, does any of your readers know of the deleterious effects of these compounds on the cells lining the throat, alimentary cannal, stomach etc..The pH of your stomach is about 2, so any of these compound's pH will be effected from the stomach on..The reason why the stomachs pH is 2 is in order to break down foods, making then suitable for absorption in the small intestine.

Citrates With Bicarbonates
Posted by anthony (usa) on 12/20/2023

Citrates with bicarbonates is ok?


What if we combine the following in 8 oz of water? Wouldn't this alkalize both the cells and blood at the same time?:

  • sodium citrate
  • potassium citrate
  • magnesium citrate
  • calcium citrate
  • potassium bicarbonate
  • sodium bicarbonate
  • magnesium carbonate
  • calcium carbonate

I saw a PH balancing product which contained all of these.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemons
Posted by Mary (New York) on 12/17/2015

I recently started taking apple cider vinegar and half a lemon in warm water. My urine pH has read more acidic since I started. Can you explain why? Am I cleansing my system?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemons
Posted by Donb (Yorba Linda, Ca) on 12/17/2015

Hi mary - take Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda.

Baking Soda for Blood pH
Posted by Sam ( Miami) on 04/11/2015

I think it is more complicated than just taking baking soda to correct blood reaction, which according to some sources must be slightly acidic which contradicts main stream belief. Today's belief. Also one must know when to take baking soda because it depends what one wants to achieve. Do no harm must be the rule.

Baking Soda for Blood pH
Posted by Bee (New York) on 04/11/2015

Hi, I would love to use the baking soda but the salt in it raises my blood pressure. Any other remedies? Thanks.

Baking Soda for Blood pH
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 04/12/2015 2063 posts

B: I think it is Ecologic Formulas that retails a product called "TriSalts"; which is carbonates or bicarbonates of Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium.

Baking Soda for Blood pH
Posted by KT (Usa) on 04/12/2015

Please clarify if 'use half a T-spoon of baking soda' means 'teaspoon' or 'tablespoon'. Thanks.

Baking Soda for Blood pH
Posted by Mindy (Denver) on 04/12/2015

CO2 level in our blood is more important in maintaining healthy blood reaction and organs and tissues oxygenation. Check Bohr effect. We have no idea how blood reaction in our bodies is maintained. It is so naive to think that one can manipulate it by drinking or whatever baking soda. Human body is the most complex mechanism in the universe. The force that makes planet Earth spin in perfect proximity to other planets has created humans. I am sure mechanisms beyond our comprehension govern blood reaction. Our bodies are perfect self regulated mechanisms, don't interfere with it. Just like severely polluted river will recover itself if left alone, our bodies will always work toward maintaining healthy blood reaction. We can help by stopping the pollution.

I do not recommend messing with blood reaction, simply because you have no idea what you are doing and what the result will be.

Just like a body intentionally lowers its vitamin D level when there is an excess of calcium in blood due to parathyroid tumors, adding vitamin D will only harm you. The same goes with blood reaction. Your body knows what it is doing. Blood reaction is never the same, to start with.

Baking Soda for Blood pH
Posted by Myyah (Marietta, Ga) on 06/25/2016

I am interested in becoming a Naturopath and would like to know what resources you can provide. Like yourself, I do not take any medications, and I do not go to conventional doctors. I want to maintain my great health, and I want to help others. I thank you in advance for your feedback.

Baking Soda for Blood pH
Posted by Msria (Canada) on 06/13/2022 9 posts

Does anyone have any idea how long it takes to see results?

Baking Soda for Blood pH
Posted by Mary (AZ) on 02/19/2024

Is it safe to take a tablespoon of baking soda twice a day for a senior citizens daily.

Side Effects
Posted by Rs (SF, Calif.) on 01/20/2015

I am sure someone can help me with this issue. I recently decided to work on alkalizing my body because I know it is way too acidic. I have pH test strips for urine and saliva and I am eating much better food that is higher in alkaline and also putting alkaline drops in my beverages and H20 daily. About 2 days after starting my new regimen, I noticed that I had bloating and nagging abdominal pain......some tenderness, but mainly uncomfortable bloating. I get much fuller on less food, which is fabulous, but my abdomen gets very distended quickly but goes back to normal pretty much after a bowel movement, which has also slowed down a bit (frequency that is). Is this just my body adjusting to becoming more alkaline or should I stop my regimen or do something different? I read all the symptoms listed for chronic acid pH and I had every single symptom on the list. I have been doing this routine for about 2 weeks now. I think I feel better but its hard to tell sometimes. Maybe I am doing it wrong.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Goran (Serbia) on 01/16/2015

Hi! I am 31yo and have bad case of acidosis. Too many prescribed drugs and my urin is very acidic! After taking ACV with water I still get it as acidic as 5.5 in morning urine (tested in lab). I cannot take Baking Soda since I have high blood pressure. My blood results are also vary bad. Everything is out of rage. Like my body is attacked by this acidity! I need tips fast! Please!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Usa) on 01/17/2015

Are you taking Metformin for diabetes? Side effects, it raises blood sugar and raises acid.

Alkalizing and the Body Electric
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 09/29/2014

I had a morgellons fiber. In my research of Morgellons, I noticed two most common things.

a) Many people were swimming prior to getting it.

b) They live in warmer climate

I match up with these. I used citric acid and dmso. The fiber fell out in 2 days, never to be seen again.

Accurate pH Reading
Posted by Designergirl (British Columbia, Canada) on 01/05/2014

Hi, I'm very interested in knowing if testing the urine or saliva for the PH of the body is more accurate. In the past, I only tested the urine, but recently began testing both and find that often they don't match with the saliva often being far more alkaline. Isn't it normal for the urine to be slightly acidic to avoid UT infections too?

Accurate pH Reading
Posted by Cheryl (Malaysia) on 05/06/2014

Ted, where can I get the digital pH meter in BBK? Thank you.

Accurate pH Reading
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/15/2014 391 posts

Suksapan Panich at Rajadamnern Road. Most taxis would know where. Ted

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