Pain, Art Solbrig
Natural Remedies

Art Solbrig's Top 10 Pain Relief Solutions

| Modified on Dec 09, 2020
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Diane L. (Sarasota, Florida) on 11/08/2020

I have used frankincense essential oil for pain and inflammation on different parts of my body. I have a calcified gallstone and one day the sudden pain was intense. I remembered reading about frankincense oil. I had some on hand and put it topically right over the gall bladder and almost immediately the pain stopped. I was a believer and have used it on my knees also. This is something to always have in your medicine cabinet. It was a Godsend to me.

Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 11/09/2020 2392 posts

Hi Peter,

I pointed out Doterra essential oil because it is considered a quality product by many and it seems to me than when it comes to essential oils people tend to have their favorites in terms of quality oils that they either prefer or refuse to use any other brand. I have used many different essential oils and I am certain that some brands are considerably better than others in terms of being what they claim they are and in terms of effectiveness. I would consider Doterra to be a quality oil and they are charging $77.99 for just 15 ml or about a half an ounce.,+aps,+254&sr=8-10

To me that is very expensive. It is hard for me to fathom that another quality manufacturer is going to give you 8 times as much of pure Frankincense essential oil for one fourth the price. What do you think? Name brand products generally are noticeably more than no name brands, but I am doubtful that Dotera is inflating their price that much just because of their name.

Here is a comparison to put into perspective just how much of a price difference we are talking about here using Doterra vs another oil on that page. A half ounce of Doterra Frankincense Essential oil is about $78. Eight times that amount is equivalent to 8x$78=$624 for 4 ounces. The product right next to it on the page you linked to is Majestic Pure Frankincense Essential Oil in a 4 ounce bottle for $19.98 compared to the same amount of Doterra Pure Frankincense Essential Oil! Yes, $624 vs $19.98 for equal amounts of supposedly the same essential oil. I'm sure the Doterra would be less if they offered FEO in a 4 ounce bottle, but still it would likely be at least $500 for that 4 ounce bottle compared to $19.98. That's still 25 times the price of the other oil! There is little if any regulation on the essential oil market.

This exactly why I asked Diane, in my reply to her, which brand of FEO she used to such good effect for pain relief! In this particular case, it would be highly useful to know what she used.

I've bought no name brand essential oil before and ended up throwing it away because it clearly was not the pure oil it claimed to be so this is a case where knowing the specific brand that Diane used is very important and that is why I asked her.

To take this a step further to show another example of what I am trying to describe to you and EC members, let's look at what a well known chemical supplier charges for Frankincense Oil. Sigma Aldrich, a chemical supplier who supplies high quality products to be used in scientific studies, charges $316 for 1 ml of Frankincense oil ! Yes, you read that right! To put that into context, 1 ml is equal to .033814 ounce!®ion=US&cm_sp=Insite-_-caContent_prodMerch_gruCrossEntropy-_-prodMerch10-2


Osteopathy and Myofascial Release
Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 11/08/2020

Hi Art,

Thank you for another fabulous article today! You asked for more pain relief remedies that weren't included in your list.

I would like to add Myofascial Release Therapy for chronic pain from nerve injuries.

As some people may recall (I have written a few lengthy posts on the subject), in 2016 an osteopathy session where I got my shoulder and ribs adjusted, followed a few days later by a Myofascial Release session, got me out of 8 months of pain for a brachial plexus injury from a karate class. It took JUST ONE SESSION each.

It was extraordinary, in my opinion, and should be something people check out for extreme pain from nerve injuries. I had seen a number of specialists up to that point and no one was able to help ease the pain.

Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 11/08/2020 2392 posts

Hi Diane,

Thank you very much for your recommendation of Frankincense Essential Oi l(FEO) for pain relief to add to the list. It sounds like it worked exceptionally well for you. Diane, can you tell us exactly which brand of FEO you used to such good effect?

Here is a link to some FEO products on Amazon :,aps,254&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-a-p_1_12

Many FEO products are blends of FEO with a carrier oil, but pure FEO is very expensive such as this one :,aps,254&sr=8-9

One of the ingredients in Stopain is Boswellia Serrata Extract, which is also known as Indian Frankincense and has similar effects to FEO and has been used in folk medicine around the world.


Osteopathy and Myofascial Release
Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 11/08/2020

Hi Art,

I will do better than that! I will write up a new page on Earth Clinic for brachial plexus injuries and post the link in the next day or so!

Osteopathy and Myofascial Release
Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 11/08/2020

Hi Robin,

No, Myofascial Release is about releasing the fascia by holding a point at least 3-5 minutes. The therapist I went to in Los Angeles (whom I recommend highly), Erica Reid, did a few videos for Earth Clinic in 2016/2017 specifically for neck and shoulders after she healed my injury.

You should look for therapists who have been trained in the John Barnes method. Here's the database of practitioners. Ideally find someone who has advanced training in his program.

Best of luck. Please let us know how it goes.

P.S. Here's an old page on Earth Clinic where you can find her videos (scroll down):

Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Peter (IL) on 11/10/2020

Thanks Art!

Osteopathy and Myofascial Release
Posted by Art (California) on 11/08/2020 2392 posts

Hi Deirdre,

Thank you for your pain relieving recommendation, it sounds very effective and lasting! Could you provide a link to the article that you wrote about it as it sounds like many are going to be very interested!

Thank you!


Osteopathy and Myofascial Release
Posted by Robin (Ohio) on 11/08/2020 3 posts

What is Myofasial Release? Trigger Point therapy? Asking because I've suffered from shoulder pain for months. Possibly from lifting too heavy a barbell.

Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by peter (chicago) on 11/09/2020
