Natural Remedies and Healing Tips for a Herniated Disc

Noni Juice
Posted by Farmgirl (Calgary, Canada) on 05/09/2012

Herniated Disc, Energy, psorasis, High Blood Pressure:

I first took noni for a herniated disc. It took 3 months of being on a loading dose of 4 oz per day split am and pm, but eventually it resolved after having endured 9 months of physio, traction etc which was ineffective. Within 2 weeks of starting I had more energy than I had for years and since 1997 have not had to take naps mid day to keep going. I had suffered with psorasis since the age of 16 but have not had any since 1997 either. I will take noni daily until the day I die.

I started my mother on noni in her late 80's on it at only 2 oz per day and her high blood pressure dropped within a week from 165/90 (with medication) to 87/49. She reduced (halved) the medication and it came up to 120/80 but later the doctor halved her medication again and it remained near normal (as long as she could remember to take it). It also did drop her blood sugars some but not enough to stop her medication.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Maggie G. (Laredo, Texas) on 01/01/2012

Thank you so much for your reply. Will do.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Dud (From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 12/06/2011

Maggie G; The salt is added to the hyaluron water solution to act as a preservative when making a pint or quart volume. If you can not take the salt, them make a smaller volume, and consume it in 24 to 48 hours, at the correct dose;... Then mix up another small batch. In this way, the hyaluron will not have time to spoil, and you don't need a preservative in it.

Hyaluron is a protein type substance, and spoils easily. Keep it refrigerated and cold. Make smaller batches that will be used up fairly fast.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Maggie G. (Laredo, Texas/usa) on 12/06/2011

Hi, I would like to use the hyaluronic acid remedy suggested by Ted for herniated disc. The problem is I cannot take salt. Ted mentioned that the salt will keep the HA from spoiling and is the second ingredient. What else should I add? Please help!

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