Posted by Gina (Toronto) on 09/23/2020
I have stumbled upon a home remedy for night sweats, which I have had for the past year or more. It is fresh garlic. I changed my diet at the beginning of September to lose Covid weight and started eating a lot more veggies and salads. The one thing I have A LOT of every day, is fresh chopped garlic, about two cloves each time, which I grill first before adding the other vegetables.
About a day or two into eating garlic, my night sweats TOTALLY ceased. My body temperature regulates perfectly now. I am stunned because I tried all sorts of remedies and supplements and nothing helped.
Please try this if you wake up at night pouring with sweat, only to freeze a few minutes later after tossing aside the blankets. I would love to know if it helps others too.
Faeqa ">
Posted by Faeqa (Amman, Jordan) on 01/16/2013 66 posts
Am 52 years, I have severe hot flashes since 2 years; it is around 30 flashes a day. Before 2 months I took garlic 2-3 cloves a day cut it and swallowed it with my breakfast for throat inflammation, but from the first day I noticed sudden relief from hot flash. The garlic decreased it to not more than 5 flashes a day; even in the days I didn't take it (I sometimes stop taking garlic 7 days).
Note: The old Arabians doctors advise to take fresh coriander leaves with garlic to prevent its side effects on the brain and eyes, they said that bad gas from garlic elevates from the stomach to head.