Posted by Penny (Wind Gap, Pa) on 01/15/2012
Black Cohosh is good, but my physician, whom uses ONLY natural cures, also says Black Strap Molasses works well. I've used it in the past for night sweats, and it worked. But now the Hot Flashes are driving me nuts, so back onto the molasses I go. Your BEST options are to use a table spoon of ORGANIC Black Strap Molasses twice daily along with 3 Tablespoons of ORGANIC Apple Cider Vinegar With MOTHER. It must have MOTHER in it for the ACV to work its best. If you do your research, you will find that ACV with Mother has MANY other benefits as well, such as boosting metabolism, supporting the thyroid, cleansing your body, etc.... Personally, I always just took a medicine cup full of the ACV, drank that like a shot then followed by a glass of water. It burns a bit going down, but what a way to clear flem. Haha I stopped taking it for a while because I would forget, but then my symptoms stopped. Its been at least 18 months now. But the hot flashes are now back, not so much my night sweats, but the hot flashes are constant throughout the day making me feel gross scanky. Good luck to you ladies, hope that I helped a bit as well to get you through this oh so wonderful time in our lives.... NOT. Blessings!