Dry Eyes
Natural Remedies

Best Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes: Relief & Eye Health Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Castor Oil
Posted by Trudyg (USA) on 07/13/2013

I've been using castor oil--1 drop per eye at bedtime--for dry eyes. My contacts the next day are comfortable well into the evening, where before I was wanting them out by lunchtime. I just wash my eyelids w/ baby shampoo and blink several times to get some in my eyes and no problem w/ oil on contacts. Baby shampoo has something in it that numbs the eye so it doesn't feel the sting. Hate that for the kids (drug them) but I can do a drop or 2 per day and don't feel that's too much chemical. Had styes for years until I started washing w/ baby shampoo.

Castor Oil
Posted by Edna (Hayward, Ca) on 07/12/2013

I have been using castor oil for dry eyes after using many different eye drops that did not work.

The other result that I have observed is that it also makes eyebags minimized. Apply cold expressed castor oil with your clean finger to lower and upper eyelids - on top of the lashes, Results- eyebags will remarkably disappear.

Castor Oil
Posted by Miracles (Santa Monica, Ca, United States) on 07/11/2013

I've had dry eyes over the years but it wasn't that bad. When I had it, they put in plugs to keep the moisture/water in my eyes. Then, they prescribed drops for me to put it at night and put in during the day. Then, about two years ago, my boyfriend got it as well - and we visited a few top notch eye doctors - and they prescribed Restasis.

When I discovered Earth Clinic and started testing out their remedies for other ailments and found they worked, I found the remedy for dry eyes of castor oil that many recommended. So we went to buy A-grade castor oil from the homeopathic pharmacy with the dropper, and then, we both started using it on our eyes - first on our eyelids at night. Then, after we found that the redness was nearly gone in the morning or next day, we started dropping it into our eyes. It truly works!

The white of the eyes seems much whiter and not so yellow! My lashes seem to love it and I feel like they're growing longer and thicker! The only thing is that I wear contact lens, and am trying to figure out if I should do an eye wash in the morning so there will be no more "oil" - which attaches to my daily-wear contact lens - and creates a blur!

I wanted to share with you all that the castor oil is miraculous for dry eyes and works! And, thank you to Earth Clinic and everybody else who writes in regarding wonderful remedies for healing!

Castor Oil
Posted by Shruti (Virgina, USA) on 05/28/2013

I started having dry eyes suddenly since 2 months no diagnosis yet. I have tried everything from drops to warm compressions.. Started using castor oil 1 drop in each eye at bed time and WOW haven't had dry eyes since even if I skip a day I don't feel dry and don't need any drops either in the day time and my eyes are white white white. I saw this remedy online by some lady from Florida and I really want to thank her.

Castor Oil
Posted by Bob A (Mcdonough, Georgia, Usa) on 09/25/2012

[YEA] I was unable to drive or even walk due to "dry eye" syndrome caused by a "heavy pollen season"' here in Georgia, USA. I was told to treat it with "gel" eye drops every 2 hours, costing $10 for a tiny bottle. After 7 weeks and NO improvement in my sight, my brother suggested I try a home remedy.

I tried 2 drops of cold pressed, cold processed castor oil every night in an 8-oz bottle. The thick, oozy liquid felt like molasses, but the next day I received a pleasant surprise: I could see better than I had in days! Every day improved, until by the 10th day, my eyes were healed- and the "dry eye" never returned! I cancelled my eye doctor visits and never went back. Never once did I notice the slightest side effect.

The 8-oz bottle of good castor oil costs only $7, with enough product to treat 1000 eyes! Just have a little faith in Earth Clinic. I do!

Castor Oil
Posted by Mike (Raleigh, Nc) on 09/17/2012

I'm 57 and have suffered with eyes that are 'glued' shut every morning for the last two years. If I open one before soaking it in saline, it tears the cornea and takes about two days to heal. I've tried every eye drop and also wake up two or three times per night to wet them. Strange but I have no significant daytime issues with dryness.

After reading this post, I went to Whole Foods and bought cold pressed Castor Oil. I dropped one drop in each eye before bed time and woke up to a completely rested and lubricated eye. I can't believe it. Only a sample of one so far but I had to post this. I'll update as I progress.

Castor Oil
Posted by Meowy (Sd, Ca) on 09/04/2012

I bought castor oil and it did not work it made my eyes, red irritated sensitive, the oil itself felt slightly gritty to me. Few month later my ND suggested I buy a bottle of castor oil for massage on my abdomen. I bought a large bottle and this particular castor oil seemed smooth, thick and not gritty (Homehealth) I decided to try a drop in my eyes and it worked without any side effects! Please note all Organic Cold Pressed Castor Oils are not the same.

Castor Oil
Posted by Mary (Richmond, Va) on 02/13/2012

I was on a web site and some folks were talking about castor oil for the eye. I went to youtube and saw the woman describing how you do it. So, I decided to get me some castor oil and try it. Now, just to preface, I am 57 and have been have some kind of eye problem (dry, twitch, pressure, etc. For over 30 years. In one night, my eyes feel better than they have in years. For one, they are not rolling around in pain anymore. I usually am twisting them all day. As a teacher, this makes it really difficult to focus on reading out loud, etc. Now, I am mad. Mad at all the doctors who could never suggest something so simple. I am my best physician.

Castor Oil rocks!

Castor Oil
Posted by Rene (Fresno, California) on 06/30/2011

I have been oil pulling and using castor oil at bedtime now for about 1 week. This has been a great relief. My eyes have been a lot whiter and not dry at all. I have been struggling with dry eyes now for about 5 years. I have tried restasis, alrex drops, plugs, fish oil, warm compresses but nothing seemed to work. I've spent a lot of money on eye drops (almost every brand) and my eyes were still dry. My only complaint was when I tried to castor oil the first day it stung a little, but the second night I had no problem. I am so grateful to have finally found something that works.

Castor Oil
Posted by Debi (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/20/2011

Regarding using Castor Oil for dry eyes. Suggest The Palma Christi Castor Oil by Heritage Products. It's hexane-free, certified and Pure, Cold Pressed. Must buy at health food store like Whole Foods, not GNC or a drug store. I put a couple drops in each eye before bed, and it definitely helps with dryness. I also put it on my face and hands, as it's a wonderful emollient.

Castor Oil
Posted by Alvina (Damascus, Oregon) on 03/25/2011

I have put castor oil on my eye lids many times to help me sleep and it works great. Any oil that leeked to my eyes cleared up by blinking or putting eyedrops to act as an eyewash. My eyes get polluted from air pollution and eye drops helps, also Dr. Shultz' Eyebright formula.

Castor Oil
Posted by Elise (Perth, Wa Australia) on 07/29/2010

I have been struggling with dry eyes all my life. I have always found that if the air is a little too cold or windy, my eyes immediately begin to water uncontrollably. I tend to wear mascara and eyeliner etc, so I would always have black under my eyes which was also rather embarrassing. I would also find my eyes would get red and start stinging in these situations. I heard about people putting a couple of drops of castor oil into each eye before going to bed. I tried this myself. The first couple of nights it can sting a little, but disappears when your eyes are closed. After about a week, my problem disappeared. It also made THE WHITES OF MY EYES WHITER, AND THE BLUE MUCH BRIGHTER! ! ! My eyes now look like my 1 year olds pure, sparkling eyes! Fabulous! My EYELASHES ALSO GREW THICKER AND LONGER within that week. Your eyes naturally have an oil layer. This helps nourish that layer of the eye. You can buy eye drops that are very costly, but the main ingredient in them is castor oil anyway. Save yourself some money and buy castor oil!

Castor Oil
Posted by Lorica (New Albany, Indiana, Usa) on 01/22/2010

Dry Mouth & Dry Eyes Help

My problems with dry mouth started when I began taking an anti depressant. It only affected me when I would lie down to sleep. The dryness was so bad that it was seriously interfering with my sleep. I do not like the idea of taking things with sugar, sugar substitutes or any kinds of chemicals and putting them into my mouth to stop the dryness, tho when I did give in and try some OTC products, they didn't help much. What has helped dramatically with dry mouth has been fennel seed, organic. Right before bed I take about 1/2 tsp. and chew it a little to soften it, then use my tongue to tuck the seeds under my upper & lower lip, between there & the teeth. The flavonoids in the fennel causes me to salivate, but not to a bothersome extent. Sometimes the little seeds fall down onto my tongue at night, but that doesn't hurt anything & I never have come close to choking. Works every time!

For dry eyes, I noticed one commercial product had castor oil in it, & some kind of chemical. Every night before I got to bed I wet my finger with castor oil, not so that it is dripping wet. Then I rub the inner side of the lower lids with the oil, close my eyes & roll my eyes around. It helps a ton!

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