Dry Eyes
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes - Internal and External Applications

Posted by Danny (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/22/2014

I've discovered that my dry eyes are hardly dry at all when I wake up in the morning as long as I eat Raw Sauerkraut. It has to be the Raw Sauerkraut form, not the regular kind you but at the supermarket. That kind can increase yeast, the raw kind actually helps to kill yeast. Raw Sauerkraut can be bought at health food stores and farms.

Posted by Brandon (Chicago, Illinois) on 03/21/2013

Sauerkraut REALLY works right away to help with dry eyes!! Make sure the kind you get is RAW, Live, Organic, Unheated, and Unpasteurized with no vinegar. Most health food stores carry this kind. It really works!
