I just wrote to a myspace friend who told me he had Mono. I suggested some foods and supplements that may help quite a number of people. That's because mono and other such immune-weakening illness may be liver related. Now during the humid, changeable weather of spring our liver is especially challenged. We may feel weak, achy, jaundiced (yellowish complexion) sick or dizzy more often.
If you have a rich diet and stress, you may feel more discomforted now during the season. You may also suffer more allergies. Here are some diet additions:
Morning: Black cherry concentrate (from the healthfood store) is a source of iron and a liver cleanser. Add 1 tsp. of it to a glass of water for breakfast. Iron helps build blood which raises immunity and energy.
Green foods such as dandelion capsules, chlorophyll (liquid or caps) are also good for liver strength.
Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, hot spices, fried and greasy foods.
Get some rest. Drink more water. Avoid certain irritating foods. Some people may find eggs to rich right now. Keep diet simple and add more fruits and vegetables.
A liver flush is easy to do as part of your normal diet when you add 1 tsp. of extra virgin olive oil to a glass of raw non-filtered apple cider (the kind that looks thick not the clear processed apple juice) Do it daily.
These few simple additions can help you deal with spring and enhance immunity to prevent illness.