Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Mono: Effective Treatments

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Coconut Oil, Vitamin C
Posted by Amazed Mom! (Bend, Oregon) on 10/29/2014

Ok! My 16 year old daughter was diagnosed one week ago yesterday (blood test) with mono. This is my kid who NEVER gets sick. I believe she's been sick with it for at least 4 weeks. So, going in to week 5 with mono she texted me from school saying she couldn't breathe or focus at school and needed to come home. She went home and I found her in bed E X H A U S T E D. I found the comments on this site and brought her home coconut oil and vitamin C. I made her take 1500 mg of Vitamin C and about 1 tablespoon of the virgin coconut oil I found in the health food section at the grocery store. THE NEXT DAY, she got up and went to school. At noon she texted me that she felt "better". TODAY, she says she feels "fine! " This turnaround is astonishing! She HATED taking the coconut oil on a saltine cracker, so I put coconut oil on toast and sprinkled it with cinnamon sugar. I do this twice a day. She gobbles that up! She takes 1500mg of gummy vitamin C twice a day. I don't know why this works. But my daughter is BETTER. It's the only treatment I've given her, and she was getting worse before I started with this treatment. I am so grateful that I found this site. Thank you!

Coconut Oil, Vitamin C
Posted by Denise (Atlanta, Ga) on 06/22/2013

I began 1T of EVCO (organic) with my 18 yr old daughter the day after the diagnosis of mono with my daughter. Her throat was so swollen and inflamed that she couldn't swallow or eat. The improvement began in about 24 hours. Today is day 6, and she feels almost back to normal. Just a bit tired from disrupted sleep for a few days but her appetite is back. The swelling and inflammation is mostly gone. Truly amazing turn around in such a short time. She has 1T morning and 1T at night mixed in a smoothie with 1T honey also AM and PM. We've increased her vitamin C to 1000 mg a day along with her multivitamin. We used the baking soda gargles early in the week for throat pain. All this together has tackled the mono!
