Mono is a virus and every virus I have tried L-lysine on has been susceptible to it. If your daughter is l2 or older, 2000 mgm. mealtime and bedtime is the dosage, if younger decrease to l000mgm. or less at the same times. With a sore throat you will probably need to crush or dissolve for her to swallow them.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am so grateful for this home remedy website and forum! My daughter has Mono and over the last 2 days has had an unbearably sore thoat. We tried everything (salt water gargle, steriod solution gargle, advil, codiene...) and nothing was working. She couldn't even swallow her saliva. It was preventing her from sleeping, and when you have mono, thats all you want to do. I happened upon this website and she gave it a shot. Using the 3 tablespoons of ACV and Honey in warm water was not particularly appetizing, but after drinking it, she was able to sleep 4 hours and now says that her throat is so much better. I am now a believer in home remedies!