I started taking GSE since May 14th 15 drops 3 times a day. I have seen very little change. I am not figting up hope, i will keep trying for another couple of months and keep you all posted. I had mesalma for a long period of time over 15 years. I will start takig mega doses of vitamin c as well. Please any one has advice?..very desperate..thanks.
I would be interested in knowing the difference between grape seed oil extract bought in the 1 oz bottles in health shops and grapeseed oil which is situated next to the olive oil for cooking.
Today I've started taking 15 drops of Grapefruit extract in the morning. I'm hoping to see even more results - I will keep you posted!
Grapefruit Seed Extract
In addition to the GSE I have also been doing the horseradish mask about three times a week. I was really tired of my spots so I wanted to try both at the same time. My melasma was mostly spots over my lips and two circles, one on each side of my cheeks. Good Luck
Multiple Remedies
I have read most of the articles posted here and other websites about brown spots / melasma / age spot. I have been suffering from this skin disorder due to over sun-exposure which happened more than 10 yrs ago. Like everyone else, I have tried a lot of treatments with the exception of laser cure because I can't afford it. I have NOT stopped looking for the best possible therapy that would help at least fade my blemishes which are very visible on cheeks. I am thankful for all the contributions made in this site, and I have tried few of them. I came across this website in May, and since then, became more EAGER to find possible ways, and cure for my brown spots. Knowing that you are not the only one suffering from this skin disorder somehow made me more hopeful than discourage. I've wanted to write and share something since May, but I waited until there was a visible sign of change on my face. This is the account of my 3 months self-therapy:
Every night (as always), I sleep with a clean face. Since May, I have tried using Organic ACV (with Mother) on my face as my toner. On the first month, I diluted ACV with water and apply the mixture on my face using cotton. During the 1st month, my skin peeled off. For few weeks, my facial skin was so tender because of ACV, that it became a mild sore. To my amazement, the portions of skin that were peeled off remained my true skin color without the brown spot after it got healed (from being tender). When my face got used to the ACV, I stopped diluting it. Every night, I still apply undiluted ACV on my face. My friends who didn't see me for at least 3 months noticed that the brown spots were lighter. I also tried making my own moisturizer using Organic at least 98% Organic Aloe Vera, Vit. E, and few drops of Organic Tea Tree Oil, and Lavander Oil. From time to time, I replace the oils with Jojoba. Orally, I am taking Glutatione which is according to my research is considered the best, and mother of all anti-oxidants. I eat as much as possible organic food, and drink ACV tonic regularly 3x a Day (I use the brand _____). If I could, I avoid eating pork, junk food, and too much processed food. I rather eat room temperature food than have it warmed in microwave.
I am also using Juice Beauty moisturizer with SPF 20 during day time. So far, this is one of the best products I have tried with more than 90% organic ingredients. Sometimes, labels say organic, but the percentage is another thing. (This also applies when I am looking for food label. So, be careful). I put on Bare Escentuals Mineral Foundation/Powder to matte my oily skin. Some researches mentioned that whatever we put or apply on our body, about 60% or more is absorbed by our skin - meaning that's what comes in our body.
For the last three months, my skin and health has improved a lot. I cannot ascribe the improvement to ONLY one thing. I guess it is a combination of all of the above. I am happier with what I see, and feel. I guess there is no short cut to everything good. We just have to be patient. Most of all, we have to have a positive and good mental attitude. The spiritual side of my life helps me a lot in achieving a positive and healthy attitude in life. Remember, what we see on the mirror is just skin deep. The true beauty lies inside us - our soul and spirit.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Good luck in your new home search. May it bring you all you wish and desire :)
Grapefruit Seed Extract
I have had melasma all over my face for about 5 years. I have tried all of the expensive topical treatments and peels with only temporary success. I discovered this website back in May and have since tried many of the remedies recommended here. I have also started seeing a Naturopathic Doctor, which has been very helpful (although quite pricey$$). She discovered I have a hormone inbalance and she thinks this is the reason I have the melasma (as well as some pretty bad PMS symptoms). I am taking vitex along with other supplements to correct my hormone inbalance (I am estrogen dominant). I am also taking Vitamin C, MSM, a multi-vitamin, Pycnogenol, Zinc, Copper, Probiotics, Fish Oil, and using ACV topically. I have tried the GSE, horseradish, hydrogen peroxide masks and Kefir, but that didn't do anything for me.
For me the fish oil and probiotics have been key to helping my skin. My melasma has lightened quite a bit, but I think this is also due to shifting my diet. I did a 2 week liver detox and have tried to stay away from sugar, wheat, dairy, red meats, alcohol and caffeine since then. I know that sounds like a lot and no fun, but it has made me feel a whole lot better and I think my skin is getting better. I have been eating mostly veggies, beans, fruits, grains and beans. I am not completely strict on this, and I still like to go out and have pizza and beer on the weekends, but I do notice that my brown spots look darker the next day when I do.
Another thing I have done is to shift my beuty products to all natural ones -ACV, coconut oil and natural makeups and SPF (look up EWG.org to find out if your products have irritating chemicals in them). I recently heard about topical niacinamide (vitamin B3), which is supposed to act much in the same way as Retin A by curing acne, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, but it is completely natural and is very inexpensive. Just google the natural spray form. I am definitely going to give it a try and I will report on my progress. Good luck to everyone else -this is a difficult battle! (I do have to put things in perspective sometimes and think -things could be a lot worse ;)
MSM, Vitamin C
Hi.. don't give up hope.. I got rid of melasma on bridge of my nose.. I would soak the apple cidar vinegar in cotton ball and apply .. then I would apply hydrogen peroxide on and off for days and days.. sometimes I taped the cotton ball to my nose soaked in ACV.. well it did take awhile. Maybe a few months but finally the skin started to peel and peel off into new skin.. most of it is gone but now I have a freckle there but the peeled skin came off and now the melisma is gone.
The Copper Link
Gave me some insight and understanding about myself and cleared up lots of "unexplained and unsolved mysteries" about my personality.
Thank you so much for the time, energy and detail you expended to create it.
God Bless You.
Kapalbhati Pranayam
04/08/2008: Lisa from Santa Fe, New Mexico writes: "I've read all your suggestions and thoughts about melasma. I must admit, this is the most feedback I've seen thus far! I too suffer from this disgusting patchy face look. I have it on my cheeks, forehead and upperlip just like most of you. I've tried creams, OTC and prescription, the only thing that faded was my money! I've tried Apple cider vinegar and currently trying a cream with "tepezcohuite" a mexican remedy. So far its been 3 days and I know I must give it some time, I wanted to wake up and see instant results but thats dreaming. I plan to give it 4-6 months of fair trying. I'll keep you posted on how its working for me. if all else fails, I'm interested in the hydrogen peroxide remedy. Has anybody heard about laser tx? I'm getting desperate that I'm thinking about that route. I'm at my wits end with melasma. I feel people are concentrating on my melasma rather than me"
My aunt had melasma. She started doing Kapalbhati pranayam and the melasma reduced within a few weeks and went away completely in a couple of months. In India, yoga master Ramdev Baba's style of doing kapalbhati Pranayam is the most popular. Here is the link to see how it is done:
http://knowyoga.org/tiki-index.php?page=Kapal Bhati Pranayam
If you do it, do write back in a month to let us all know if your melasma has faded. Good wishes! (I do kapalbhati everyday for other health benefits and like Ramdev Baba says, it seems to cure all problems.)
First of all, I'd like you to know, that I understand how you feel. For me, melasma on my face, makes me feel very unattractive and very insecure. I got to a point where nothing was working for me so I started researching it on my own. By all means, my knowledge on melasma is limited and I researched and read quite a bit before I started taking MSM.
MSM is available in capsule, powder or crystal form. Make sure it's a pure brand. I myself take the capsule form. I take 3 capsules of MSM (1000 mg) everyday. When you take the MSM, take it after you have eaten and don't take all 3 at once. Take them throughout the day. Make sure you consult your GP before taking the MSM, especially if you are on any prescribed medication. Be cautious and don't mix without consulting a doctor first. You do not want it to interfere with other medications, like aspirin or blood pressure meds.
I also take 1 to 2 chewable vitamin C tablets (500 mg) a day.
As for the apple cider vinegar, I apply it once a week (if that). Once you wash it off, your face feels very soft. I don't use it that often any more. I've also increased my antioxidant intake. I eat everything from blueberries, kale (green veggies), and green tea, pomegranate (my favourite), red wine, etc... Since MSM (Methyl-Sulphonyl-Methane) is a powerful antioxidant, I thought I'd start eating a lot more antioxidant foods. All in all, my face is looking better and better. I honestly can't believe it. Maybe this is a result of everything combined; I really don't know. What I do know is that adding more antioxidants to my diet, can only help me in the long run. As for the MSM, it appears to be safe and non-toxic. MSM is also a very good mineral for healthy hair, skin, nails and joints. Good luck and don't give up. I started all this on December 3rd /07 and 2 months later my melasma has slowly disappeared. I'm feeling and looking happier everyday. Just remember, for some of us it may take longer; don't give up.
I do hope I've answered some of your questions.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Melasma Creams That Don't Work
MSM, Vitamin C
Prior to this I tried many over the counter remedies with no or little results.
I would recommend this method if you want fast results:
1. 1 X 1000 mg capsule/tablet or 1/4 level teaspoon powder/crystals for 5 days with breakfast
2. 2 X 1000 mg capsule/tablet or 1/2 level teaspoon powder/crystals for 5 days with breakfast
3. 3 X 1000 mg capsule/tablet or 1 level teaspoon powder/crystals for 5 days with breakfast
But its best to start slow and work up to a steady dose and you can go up to 5 x 1000mg.
Some friends found that they were more comfortable increasing their dose at a much more steady rate than that outlined above and they may have taken a few months to reach their optimal dose. It is wise to not rush in order to allow the body to adjust properly.
Hope this helps someone!
Treat for Fungal Infection
Treat for Fungal Infection
Melasma Creams That Don't Work
Again thank you so much!
Melasma Creams That Don't Work
Rosehip Seed Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cod Liver Oil
I used to take green pasture fclo years ago, but not for any specific condition. The melasma started after a bad episode on BC pills, so it is hormonal for me.....above my lip. :( It comes and goes over the past 3 years but never really fully gone.
Eliminating Wheat
MSM, Vitamin C, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Apple Cider Vinegar

Skin Lightening Remedies
Glycolic Acid
Multiple Remedies
Dermal Melasma
I also have it on the entire center of my forehead which goes down in between my eyebrows. That's where it started about 6 1/2 yrs ago, my youngest were 8 yrs old, so not pregnancy and haven't been on pill since before they were conceived, I was 38, so not postmenopausal. It began as a small diamond shape between brows and then grew! I used to think that was unattractive, but once it appeared on my upper lip, I realized how much worse it was to have it there! I've read that it is a different hyperpigmentation above the lip, apparently the skin is different, anyway it's the hardest to treat, of course, the most embarassing place to have it is the hardest to get rid of.
The only thing I've read about that works sometimes is MSM. I tried triluma a few years ago, but it did nothing, also recently a new dermatologist put me on tretinoin & a 4% hydriquinone, but I stopped using it as summer began, I was told by a makeup artist that it's not a good idea to use the bleaching during the more intense sun. In addition, the hydriquinone is known to be unsafe as well as many online have said that it makes the patches darker, as well as laser. So, I'm not sure that I will continue with it even after summer.
I'm also afraid of the tretinoin as the dermatologist said that skin is more sensitive to the sun while using it, it's crazy so many of the treatments make even "regular skin" more sun sensitive, so why would we want to put our melasma that's already sensitive to the sun, at risk for becoming even darker!!
I figured I'd save up for laser, but after everything I've read, it doesn't sound worth the money I don't have, it either doesn't have an effect or makes it worse. I believe that it is definitely a (hormonal) internal problem, so it should be treated internally. Most seem to have luck with the MSM, so I think I will try that, I'm just trying figure the right combo of supplements, the most popular seem to take it with gse, but many use other supplements with it as well. It's all so overwhelming. I would really love all suggestions and any information that any of you have to offer.
Overall, I know that I'm very fortunate that this is only cosmetic, in fact I feel shallow thinking about it too much, when there are so many others that have problems much worse than this. I try to keep things in perspective, thinking of others and remembering how lucky I am, really does give you a better attitude about dealing with melasma. Luckily, I have great friends, that helps too, and a wonderful family that I am so grateful for, they also keep me busy not giving me too much time to worry:)
I'm so happy to finally have people to talk to about this! Looking forward to hearing from all of you!! Khava
Dermal Melasma
Researching MSM, a lot of people had limited success according to a thread by author Vanessa Wild, who wrote a book on msm for melasma. I am still hopeful. Msm has helped me the most because my skin is sensative so i'm staying away from acids. It has helped my melasma quite a bit and I still have more to go. I still see improvement and as long as thats the case, you never know!!!! I did email with one person who has had full success with MSM and dermal mustache. I used to use msm internally but I took a break as it is recommended for your body and still see improvements so i'll wait a little while before going back on because I was on a high dose, like 10,000 mg. I use msm topically. First, I wash my face and dry it really good. Then I just mix it with some water, put it on a tissue and lay it on top of 'mel' for a minute.
Also, i'm on a cleanse, cutting out a lot of sugar for my candida, especially processed. Candida is linked to melasma. Depending on what website you look at some people recommend cleansing and then adding some low-sugar fruit on an empty stomach to your diet so it's your call. Also, antifungals and probiotics. Also linked to melasma is high copper in the body. Hormone levels. Sun. I think it is important to rebalance your body and it helps to fight the melasma, otherwise the melasma will keep coming back.
Anyhooie. Blessings and prayers. Will check back. It's good to have some persons respond who are on the current journey/struggle. Let's help one another. Believe you me, I am praying for us.