Posted by Lily (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 04/13/2012

Hi, I used to have beautiful olive skin, until I moved to Hawaii and started to breakout with acne. I went to a dermatologist who prescribed an acne medication that could produce sunspots as a side effect. I didn't think much about it until I developed two tiny sunspots on my cheeks. I tried everything to get rid of them, goji berry extract, retionol products, expensive photofacials. Nothing worked omly seemed to make them worse. Over the next two years theygradually grew to about the size of a quarter but not very dark and could be covered with makeup. My father in law mentioned oregano oil. So I decided to use it. I put it on my entire face, it burned really bad but I was determined to get the two sunspots off. This was one of the worst decisions I have ever made in my life. About three days afterwards I developed a horrible case of Melasma. I have huge dark brown spots on my upper lip, cheeks, forehead and nose. It has made me look 10-15 years older and my confidence has effected my social life. I went to the doc and she said that the heat from the oregano oil onsetted Melasma and there is no cure for it. The best thing to do for it is sunscreen, hats everyday and stay out of the sun. DO NOT USE OREGANO OIL it has ruined my face.