Apple Cider Vinegar
Thank you EC and everyone.........
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar

(New York, Ny)
Melasma: ACV is good to balance your skin's pH & to give it a nice fresh glow but I don't know about getting rid of darkness? You should go internal by taking Pycnogenol which has like 30 years of reasearch to back up its efficacy on many conditions, including melasma. It's expenisive but worth it because it minimizes the darkness and keeps it at bay. Pycnogenol makes a great internal sun blocker but still put sunblock on your face all the time.
There is also MSM which is great for many things, everyone should be taking that. Also, B3 which can be taken orally and applied topically. Pond's cream has a B3 cream that is affordable and works better than any department store product. Easy to find online, it's in a pink container, plus it doesn't stink that bad. There is also some stinky stuff for a couple of dollars that defiantly works wonders but it stinks and you must stay out of the sun, it's called La Campana (The Bell) you can buy it online, as well.
Vitamin A or Retinol/Retin-A works wonders, too, but must be bought from a doctor's prescription and it's around $70 bucks for a little tube but you only use a pea-size. You must use sunblock and stay out of the sun, as well, like the bell cream. It may have little effect on the dark stuff but it makes your skin look so fresh and glowy, like getting a microderm or other facial treatment without the astronomical costs associated with it.
Maintaining beauty does not have to cost a fortune. Actually, the best treatments for the skin are usually the cheaper ones, like ACV. I hope this helped out.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Well my melasma is just a year old and its not very dark also but I dont see it going away. I will be continuing this mixture and lets hope for the best... Can anyone help me.... can I use Apple Cider Vinegar mixture during daytime? and what else can I do to treat my melasma asap.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have melasma since 3 months ago, 3 WEEKS ago I across this site and started using Apple Cider Vinegar and taking antioxidant and MSM, and using cream called ''skin success fade cream''.. I see the difference now, it's faded. I'll post it again soon when they gone completely. Thanks a lot.
Apple Cider Vinegar
My melasma is fading fast. I make sure to put sunscreen on every morning before going outside so I do not lose any of my progress. I am also planning on buying vitamins to fix it from the inside out. I will report back if it completely disappears. I want to add that I truly hope anyone who suffers with melasma tries apple cider vinegar and water. The Apple Cider Vinegar costs less than three dollars at your local grocery store, and is well worth it. Compared to the prescription creams and doctors visits it pales in comparison. Also, if it doesn't work on your melasma it can be used for other cures or you can eat it with salads etc. So it would not be a waste of money. :) Good luck to all.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
An update to my previous posts on my melasma condition. I was and still am using a product ____24. In addition I am still taking vitamins on a daily basis. Just recently my melasma came back with a vengeance. . . All my fault. I went on vacation to the beach and layed in the sun with sunscreen every day. I wanted a nice tan so badly. Well needless to say my melasma kicked in full gear. I came back to Earth Clinic for help. I tried the acv on my face in the evening before bedtime. This is only my second day and the spots are all fading! After I wash my face, I dip a cotton ball in water acv and put it all over my face. I cannot believe the improvement in just two days! Thanks Earth Clinic contributors! I will keep everyone posted on my progress.
(New Castle, Pa, Usa)
This is in follow up to my post dated 7/21/10. Well I am happy to report that my melasma is gone. I also got rid of a little mole on my cheek. It only took 4 weeks to get rid of the melasma and only 1 week to get rid of the mole by using Apple Cider Vinegar on my face every evening before I went to bed. I still use the __ __ 24 cream during the day on my face as I am a big fan of this product. I also still take selenium, zinc and other vitamins that support thyroid function and hormonal imbalance since I believe this is why I ended up with melasma in the first place. My skin looks so nice now. Friends and relatives have noticed a huge difference and say I look younger and my skin looks radiant. I wish I would've know about the ACV 2 years ago when I went on my mission to get rid of this dreaded skin condition. I could've saved myself hundreds of dollars! The combination of the ACV daily wash and taking vitamins (healing from the inside out) that support healthy skin such as C and E are key. Best of luck to everyone!
(Trenton, Ontario)
Wow! I must say, I've tried and tried everything to get rid of my melasma. ($$$) I'm so excited to go home and try ACV. And vitamins to fix me from the inside out. It starts out small then spreads no matter what you do. I feel positive that this may work. Will take pictures and will repost. PROMISE!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Cod Liver Oil, Alpha Lipoic Acid
Thank you so much for this site, I'll definitely be back regularly in the future!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice
Hi, I read some useful information about melasma on your website. There is a list of things to use such as ACV, cilantro, lemon juice, etc but it does not exactly specify how to use it. Drink or put on the skin. I have melasma from about a year which is rapidly increasing from last 4 months. please help me do the right thing. Saadia
(Tennessee, Usa)
Dear Saadia,
The Apple Cider Vinegar can be used externally and internally. Use raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar from the health food store. (Some larger grocery stores may have it also.) Mix 1/2 vinegar with 1/2 water in a jar and apply with a cottonball a couple of times a day. If it irritates your skin, dilute it with more water.
Start with 1 teaspoon of the apple cider vinegar in an 8 ounce glass of water once a day. If that agrees with you, you can increase to 2 teaspoons and then to 3 teaspoons. You can drink this twice a day even, if you like. I prefer my vinegar water to plain water after using it a lot.
Birth control pills (and probably other hormonal birth control methods) can cause this or aggravate this condition.
Please keep us posted. If this doesn't work, there are other things you can try.
~Mama to Many~
Apple Cider Vinegar, Onion Juice
I have finally found something that works: A one part to one part solution of onion juice and ACV. I found the recipe on the internet: just put some onion in the blender (I used a garlic press) to get some juice going. Add an equal amount of ACV to the onion juice.
Every evening, I've been pouring about 1 - 2 teaspoons into a little dish and applied it to affected areas with a cotton swab repeatedly until the juice is used up. This takes 10 - 20 minutes. After several days, I used the vinegary onion pulp as a facial mask - left it on for about 20 minutes.
It's been maybe 4 weeks and most stubborn brown spots have faded really nicely. The onion juice apparently helps lift the darkened areas off - and it has vitamin C in it - which seems like an overall healthy thing to be putting on your skin. I bought my second onion a couple of days ago and am looking forward to even an even clearer complexion!